Beyond The Realms of Moral Possibility

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Ripe from the cages of VoR's Hallucinatory Bestiary, we bring you the Chromatic Unicorns and the Morality Monsters.

Rarer than their monochrome cousins, chromatic unicorns are sought out by intrinsic gourmets, but can be strangely spicy. The chromatic unicorns do not have an alignment as we know it, but follow their own rules. These are opaque to most mortals apart from those granted hallucinatory visions. For sacrifice on all altars in the Dungeons of Doom, they count as cross-aligned.

Smiting things in Nethack is generally good, but whacking Morality Monsters can get the injudicious adventurer into precarious trouble. Unfortunately the whacking can be hard to avoid, as Morality Monsters are hard to eliminate without whacking, tend to increase on contact with cold iron, and can get in the way.

Chromatic Unicorns

Template: Unicorn

Source: TV Tropes Blue and Orange Morality [1]

To say that questions of morality are thorny and filled with gray when they aren't being hammered between stark absolutes is putting it mildly. Because of this there can be great drama when characters who represent a wide range of moral viewpoints come together or into conflict.

The strangest of these characters are those who espouse Blue and Orange Morality. These characters have a moral framework that is so utterly alien and foreign to human experience that we can't peg them as "good" or "evil". They aren't a Chaotic Neutral Unfettered, though they may seem to act terrifyingly randomly; nor are they necessarily a Lawful Neutral Fettered, because our and their understanding of "law" as a concept may not even be equivalent.
[Editor Anonymous, T.V. Tropes ]

Orange Unicorn

Orange Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Sleep), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison, Sleep
Intrinsics conveyed Sleep Resistance (95%), otherwise Aggravate Monster

This shy beast is weirdly associated with neckties. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, is proof against all types of drowsiness.

Blue Unicorn

Blue Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (+1d12 Shock), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison, Shock
Intrinsics conveyed Shock Resistance (95%), otherwise Aggravate Monster

This timid ungulate is strangely associated with electric bacon. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, will stop all sorts of spark.

Brown Unicorn

Brown Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Blinding), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison, Shock, Sleep
Intrinsics conveyed Conflict (70%), otherwise Aggravate Monster

This hesitant quadruped inhabits the mystical nexus of neckties and bacon. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, creates a conflicting aggravation.

Rainbow Unicorn

Rainbow Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Polymorph), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed Polymorphitis (70%), otherwise Poison Resistance

This aloof clip-clopper lays claim to being the One True Unicorn. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, facilitates uncertainty as to personal identity.

Ultraviolet Unicorn

Ultraviolet Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Blinding), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed See Invisible (95%), otherwise Aggravate Monster

This ambivalent equine fair glows in the dark. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, is revealing of things obscured.

Xray Unicorn

X-ray Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Drain life), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed Warning (80%), otherwise Polymorphitis

This dubious four-footer is not good to be around. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, is revealing of things best avoided.

Yellow Unicorn

Yellow Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (+ 1d12 Acid), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison, Stoning
Intrinsics conveyed Acid resistance (80%), otherwise Hunger

This skittish hoof-hoister can dissolve body parts. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, facilitates protonic integrity.

Pink Unicorn

Pink Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Teleport), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed Regeneration (60%), otherwise Teleportitis

This recoiling nag radiates vitality. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, repeatedly rejuvenates.

Spotted Unicorn

Spotted Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (Sickness), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed Sickness Resistance (70%), otherwise Hunger

This avoidant dobbin parades a polka pattern. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, facilitates consumption of any old meal.

Lesser Spotted Unicorn

Lesser Spotted Unicorn u
Attacks Headbutt 1d12 (-40 Nutrition), Kick 1d6
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Resistances Poison
Intrinsics conveyed Food Appraisal (70%), otherwise Hunger

This precarious pointy palfrey is not as spotty as its relative. It is said that its vital essence, when correctly prepared, facilitates gastronomical opinion.

Morality Monsters

Template: Black pudding, but slower (speed 1)

Moral Hazard

A nuisance that assembles in large numbers and is obstructive to the hitherto non-slimy.

In economics, moral hazard occurs when someone increases their exposure to risk when insured, especially when a person takes more risks because someone else bears the cost of those risks. A moral hazard may occur where the actions of one party may change to the detriment of another after a financial transaction has taken place.
[Editor Anonymous, Wikipedia]

Moral Hazard P
Attacks Passive sliming
Speed 1
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Base MR 100
Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Poison, Shock, Stoning
Intrinsics conveyed Conflict (30%), otherwise Aggravate Monster
A moral hazard is normally generated peaceful, occurs in large groups

Moral Event Horizon

A nastier proposition with a corrosive effect on the pugilistic, who may find parts of themself disappearing over the horizon.

Tarkin, if ever there was a shred of humanity in you or these twisted creatures of yours, it's dead now. You're at war with life itself.

[Princess Leia Organa (after Grand Moff Tarkin wipes out Alderaan), Star Wars Radio Dramas; via T.V. Tropes]

Moral Event Horizon P
Attacks Bite 3d8 corrosion, Passive corrosion, Passive intrinsic stealing
Speed 1
Alignment 14 (lawful)
Frequency 0 (Not randomly generated)
Base MR 100
Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Poison, Shock, Stoning
Intrinsics conveyed Conflict (30%), otherwise Aggravate Monster
A moral event horizon is normally generated peaceful, is solitary