Spirits (dNetHack)

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Spirits are a mechanic specific to dNethack, and a core component of the Binder role, though other roles can often partially interact with them, allowing for additional flexibility and utility outside of the ordinary for that role.

A Spirit typically consists of the following:

  • An engraved seal, used to bind the Spirit, and an associated binding ritual, which requires the player fulfill certain criteria to bind to a given Spirit.
  • A taboo, a condition that must be true in order for the spirit to stay bound. Violating a taboo causes the associated Spirit to unbind and drain a level from the player, ignoring drain resistance.
  • Zero or more skills (typically at least one), which are permanently unrestricted and which may be advanced further while the spirit is bound.
  • Zero or more active powers (typically at least one), which may be used up to once every 25 turns by means of the command ^F or #power.
  • Zero or more passive powers (typically at least one), which are used automatically.
  • A mark which, if not concealed, will cause priests and shopkeepers to ban you from their establishments at minimum. A higher number of visible binding marks will cause shopkeepers to call the Keter Sephiroth, while priests may summon a number of servants from their deity to strike you down.

Almost all bindings expire after 5000 turns, requiring them to be bound again.

Most roles only have a single slot to bind a Spirit too, while Binders gain many more as they level up, and also possess several special slots to hold unique Spirits in.

Many active powers use a spirit die to determine the potency of their effects. Binders increase their spirit die as they level, while other roles ???.


Spirits of the Near Void

The 31 Spirits of the Near Void are the most basic and common of the Spirits in dNethack. Binders passively learn all 31 seals as they level up (learning them all by level 13), while other roles can learn them from finding the seal on the ground, such as in a bones file, or by using artifacts such as The Book of Lost Names or the Necronomicon.

Ahazu, the Seizer

All shall feed the Shattered Night.

Ahazu exists within a starry void known as Shattered Night. He seeks to draw as many creatures as possible into the night with him.

Binding Ritual

Ahazu's seal must be drawn in a square containing a pit trap.


You must not become weak with hunger while bound to Ahazu.


There is a starry void in the back of your throat.

This mark won't be detected from a distance, and can be hidden by wearing a mask.


You are immune to engulfing attacks.


Flails, including iron balls.

Active Powers

  • Abduction: Attempt to remove single adjacent monster from the game. You must have injured the monster with a melee attack or a thrown or fired projectile. You do not receive XP for the monster, and most of their inventory vanishes with them. However, your prayer timeout or god's anger is decreased as though you had sacrificed the victim, and you gain any beneficial effects that you would have gained from eating their corpse, while avoiding any harmful effects. You do not gain any nutrition from abducted creatures, though.

Passive Powers

  • Engulf: Creatures you attack in melee will be abducted at 10% hp or less. This is meant to be as much a hindrance as a help.
  • Shadow Well: Creatures you attack in melee have a 20% chance of losing their next move.
  • Swallow: You can eat any meal in 1 turn. You still suffer any negative effects of the food (acidic, poisonous, etc.) unlike abduction.
  • Hunger: You lose nutrition at an increased rate (1 extra point per 10 turns).

Amon, the Shadow Before the Altar

"You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,

but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

[ Deuteronomy 5:6-21 ]

Binding Ritual

Amon can be contacted from anywhere; however, if there is an altar on the level the contract is immediately broken, draining a level and setting the spirit timeout.


You must not pray or donate to priests.


You grow a large pair of horns.

The horns can easily be seen from a distance, but will merge with any metal helm to become disguised.


You are immune to cold damage.


Amon grants skill in Clerical spellcasting.

Active Powers

  • Fire Breath: Breathe a ray of fire, much like a red dragon. The ray deals 5 dice of fire damage to all creatures it hits, but requires to-hit rolls.

Passive Powers

  • Horns: Your horns grant you an extra melee attack.
  • See in Darkness: You can see perfectly in darkness (Reversed for drows who can see perfect in light instead).

Andrealphus, Marquis of Angles

"Angles and curves multiply about me. I perceive great segments of time through curves. There is curved time, and angular time. The beings that exist in angular time cannot enter curved time. It is very strange."

His voice had risen to a scream. "Frank, Frank, a terrible and unspeakable deed was done in the beginning. Before time, the deed, and from the deed—"

He had risen and was hysterically pacing the room. "The seeds of the deed move through angles in dim recesses of time. They are hungry and athirst!"

The Hounds of Tindalos, Frank Belknap Long 1929

Binding Ritual

Andrealphus exists in corners. His seal must be drawn in the corner of a room, and you must #chat to the seal such that the corner is across from you.


You must not dig through walls. It is permissible to dig through rough stone.


Your shadow takes on the semblance of depth.

From a distance, the strangeness of your shadow can't be seen, and it can be hidden by standing in a dark square.


You gain teleport control.


Andrealphus grants skill in Escape spells.

Active Powers

  • Transdimensional Ray: Fire an invisible beam that passes through walls, teleports struck monsters, and deals 1d5 dice of damage to them.
  • Teleport: Hungerless teleport.

Passive Powers

  • Angle-fighter: Your AC increases when you stand in a corner.
  • Strange angles: You can always fit through narrow openings.

Andromalius, the Repentant Rogue

There is a legend.

Once, there was a rogue, the favorite servant of the Thief God. With his dying breath, the rogue renounced theft, thereby stealing his soul from the God.

Binding Ritual

Andromalius's seal must contain any two of the following: a sack, a silver key, a golden ring, a coin, a dagger, an apple, a scroll, a tin whistle, a mirror, an egg, a potion, a dead cave spider, a dead member of your own race, a dead elf/dwarf/gnome/orc/hobbit/human/or primate, a spellbook, a bell, a set of lockpicks, and a live sewer rat.

The chosen objects are removed from the game. In their place, Andromalius gives you a third item drawn from the list. You may receive a tame sewer rat as your third item.


You must not make use of any item that was stolen from a shopkeeper, nor directly steal from a shop. Warning: the binder's starting food and weapons are stolen, so (for example) eating the starting food will immediately unbind Andromalius.


Your facial features take on the rigidity of a bad disguise.

Your odd face will not be noticed from a distance. You can also wear a mask or stay out of the light to disguise it.


You are immune to theft.


Andromalius grants skill in daggers.

Active Powers

  • Jester's Mirth: Immobilize a single adjacent monster with laughter for 1d5 + ( 1/10th of your level) turns. They will be vulnerable to sneak attacks while immobilized.
  • Thief's Instincts: Detect hidden doors and traps.

Passive Powers

  • Detect Thieves: You gain warning against all monsters with a theft attack. Which may be less useful than it sounds, given that they can't steal from you.
  • Sneak attack: Sneak attack as a Rogue.
  • Know Stolen: Can tell whether or not an item is stolen.

Astaroth, the Broken Clockmaker

He is very old. He is hurting very badly. He is underwater, in space, and everywhere else. He cannot get off his chair. He is stuck there forever because he is so badly hurt.

[ SCP-1348, SCP Foundation ]

…not afraid of The Lord, for He is as we are, broken and scattered. As we restore the body of God, so we restore ourselves. To join with the Lord is good. As we give honor and worship to the Lord, so does He honor us. To serve the Lord is good. As we guard the Lord from harm, so does He…

[ Church of the Broken God Bible Fragments, SCP Foundation ]

Binding Ritual

An eroded item (rusty, corroded, rotted, or burnt) item must be placed in the seal. The item is repaired as part of the ritual. Negative enchantment is also fixed, but a negatively enchanted item is not sufficient for the ritual to proceed, the item must be either rusty, corroded, rotted, or burnt.

Astaroth's ritual is different when binding him into the Pen of the Void. In the Pen's ritual, the Pen itself must be rusty or corroded.


You must not deliberately break inventory items. Breaking non-inventory items such as doors and iron bars is permissible.


You weep tears of black oil.

Your tears can be easily seen from a distance, so you must wear a blindfold, towel, or a mask to keep them hidden.


While Astaroth is bound to you:


Astaroth grants skill in Crossbow and Shuriken.

Active Powers

  • Astaroth's Assembly: Projects an invisible beam up to 5 spaces in the chosen direction. A electrical explosion centers on the first target struck. This explosion looses 1 die of damage per square traveled, causing a maximum of 5 dice of damage when centered in an adjacent square, and a minimum of 1 die of damage when centered in a square 5 spaces away. You gain 1 point of protection as per the spell for each square that the beam travels without exploding, to a maximum of 5 points. 1 point of this protection wears off every 5 turns.
  • Astaroth's Shards: Fires a barrage of shuriken along random ranks. The barrage consists of shuriken equal to your die size + your level/10 + 1. You take damage equal to your die size. The barrage may be concentrated by activating it while standing in a corridor or other narrow space.

Passive Powers

  • Rusting: You take 1 damage per turn from being underwater.

Balam, the Last Sacrifice

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?

[Psalm 22]

Binding Ritual

Balam's seal must be drawn on an icy square. You must wield a weapon when addressing Balam.


You must not sacrifice intelligent creatures.


Freezing water leaks from deep wounds in your wrists, ankles, and neck.

Balam's mark can be seen at a distance, and is harder to disguise up close. A cloak or torso armor is sufficient at a distance, but up close you will also require gloves and boots to disguise it.


You gain half spell damage.


Balam grants skill in whips.

Active Powers

  • Icy Glare: Deals 5 dice of ice damage to the first target in the indicated direction, and half damage to all targets in a ~90 degree wedge centered on the chosen direction. Blinds you for 5 turns. Also freezes water in the wedge. This power's range is 1 square/2 levels.
  • Balam's Anointing: Makes a touch attack (requiring a to-hit roll) against a single adjacent creature. Target takes 5 dice of cold damage. A target with a head and without thick skin may be killed outright (10% chance). A target with a head, eyes, and thick skin instead takes double damage and is blinded. Otherwise, this power has no extra effect.

Passive Powers

  • Balam's Martyrdom: When you have DR above 10, you roll twice for DR when hit.

Berith, the Red Horseman

From Baal: God, and Berith: Covenant. The name of a deity worshiped in ancient Canaan, reviled as a demon by the early Israelites, and later the Christians.

Binding Ritual

Berith requires that his seal be drawn around a set of riding gloves, riding boots, a saddle, a saber, a longsword, a bow, or a lance.

Alternatively, the binder must wear a blessed silver ring on their left finger while chatting to the seal.


You must not kill a pet or former pet.

Mark You appear drenched in blood, as does your mount (if any).

The blood can be easily seen from a distance. If you wear torso armor, gloves, boots, and a helm the red color will take the form of enamel, rather than blood. You must dismount from your steed, however.


Your mount (if any) benefits from your resistances.


Berith grants skill in Lance, Sabers, and Riding, and increases your BAB to full (i.e. +1 to-hit per level).

Active Powers

  • Blood Mercenary: Fires an invisible beam dealing 5 dice of damage in a chosen direction. Damage is non-elemental, but must be financed by your visible gold, ie, you loose gold equal to the total damage dealt by this attack.
  • Sow Discord: Monsters on the level attack each other for 5 turns + your die size.

Passive Powers

  • Blood-price: monsters may drop gold instead of corpses

Buer, who walks all places

Who are you, and where are you going?

Binding Ritual

There are no restrictions or requirements to bind Buer.


You must not use death magic (wands of death and finger of death)


Your legs bifurcate into four cloven hooved feet.

Your strange feet can be seen from a distance, but they can be hidden by wearing boots.


You gain hungerless regeneration.


Buer grants skill in Healing spells.

Buer grants skill in Martial arts.

Buer permanently teaches you martial arts.

Active Powers

  • Gift of Healing: Heal single adjacent target of 5 dice of damage. May also be used to heal yourself. Is perhaps best used to keep your pets alive, as monster healing is MUCH slower than PC healing (1 hp per 20 turns).
  • Gift of Health: Clear most status ailments from single adjacent target. May also be used to remove status ailments from yourself. Clears "leg injuries" also.

Passive Powers

Chupoclops the Hope-trapper

“The Eldar knew not whence she came; but some have said that in ages long before she descended from the darkness that lies about Arda, when Melkor first looked down in envy upon the Kingdom of Manwë, and that in the beginning she was one of those that he corrupted to his service. But she had disowned her Master, desiring to be mistress of her own lust, taking all things to herself to feed her emptiness”

[ The Silmarillion, Of the Darkening of Valinor ]

“Of the fate of Ungoliant no tale tells. Yet some have said that she ended long ago, when in her uttermost famine she devoured herself at last.”

[ The Silmarillion, Of the Flight of the Noldor ]

Binding Ritual

Chupoclops requires that her seal be drawn around a corpse of your race, or a grave.


You must not engrave wards.


You grow a pair of chelicerae in your mouth.

The chelicerae can't be seen from a distance, and may by hidden up close by wearing a mask to hide your mouth.


You are immune to sleep.


Chupoclops grants skill in knives.

Active Powers

  • Throw Webbing: Throw a ball of webbing in a chosen direction.

Passive Powers

  • Poisonous Bite: You gain a poisonous bite as an extra attack.
  • Grave Eater: You can eat tainted corpses safely.
  • Aura of Despair: Monsters move somewhat slower near you.
  • Ethereal Strike: When attacking, your hits ignore armor and can always hit intangible foes (shades, sharab kamerel, etc.)

Dantalion, Star Emperor

The Seventy-first Spirit is Dantalion. He is a Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man with many Countenances, all Men's and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will.

[ The Lesser Key of Solomon ]

Binding Ritual

Dantalion's seal must be drawn around a throne.


You must not destroy thrones (including by having them "disappear in a puff of logic" after sitting on them).


You grow extra faces on your chest.

The faces can be seen from a distance, so you must wear a shirt, torso armor, or a cloak (note: Crystal plate mail is transparent and does not help).


As long as your extra faces are uncovered, you are immune to blindness.


Dantalion grants skill in Two-Handed Swords, Broad Swords, and Scimitars.

Active Powers

  • Thought Travel: Teleport to chosen creature you can sense telepathically. Works like covetous warping, e.g. warps next to chosen creature, bypassing noteleport. This power is blocked in Astral Plane and cannot be used to get outside Wizard's Tower from inside or vice versa.
  • Dread of Dantalion: Cause all monsters in line-of-sight to flee from you.

Passive Powers

  • Read Thoughts: Gain a to-hit bonus against creatures you can sense telepathically.
  • Telepathy: You benefit from extrinsic telepathy (similar to a helm of telepathy).
  • Perfect Strikes: You add your Intelligence bonus to attacks along with Strength or Dexterity.

Echidna, Mother of Monsters

The goddess fierce Echidna who is half a nymph with glancing eyes and fair cheeks, and half again a huge snake,[1] great and awful, with speckled skin, eating raw flesh beneath the secret parts of the holy earth. And there she has a cave deep down under a hollow rock far from the deathless gods and mortal men. There, then, did the gods appoint her a glorious house to dwell in: and she keeps guard in Arima beneath the earth, grim Echidna, a nymph who dies not nor grows old all her days.

[ Theogony, by Hesiod]

Binding Ritual

Echidna can only be contacted in the Gnomish Mines.


You must not throw or eat eggs.


Your legs become serpents' tails.

Your odd legs can be seen from a distance, so you must wear boots and a cloak or torso armor to disguise them.


You are immune to acid. In addition, you gain the thick-skinned attribute.


Echidna grants skill with Unicorn horns

Active Powers

  • Echidna's Venom: Spit acid in the chosen direction. The glob of acid deals 5 dice of damage to the struck target, and requires a to-hit roll.
  • Lullaby: Attempt to tame chosen adjacent monster. Monsters must not be mindless and must be an animal or monstrous (snake-like or have no hands).

Passive Powers

  • Squamous: Your AC is modified by your Constitution.
  • Acid Blood: Monsters that attack you in melee take acid damage.
  • Mother of Monsters: Pets follow more closely.

Eden, the First Garden

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Binding Ritual

Eden's seal must be drawn in a square with a fountain.


You must not destroy trees or fountains.


A dome of cerulean crystal is embedded in the crown of your head. A garden can be seen through the crystal.

The dome can be seen from a distance if you are tiny or smaller. It can be seen up close unless you are large or larger. However, any hat or helm can be used to cover the dome.


You gain reflection.


Eden grants skill in long swords.

Active Powers

  • Purifying Blast: Powerful multi-hit attack. Deals 10d damage with a 25 square knockback, followed by a 10d fireball fired along the same line. The blast must charge for 5 turns after the direction is specified, during which the character is immobile. While the character is immobile, their AC is improved by 7 points.
  • Recall to Eden: Attempts to remove 1 adjacent target from the game. Probability of success is based on your relative HP totals. You will recover some HP if the attack succeeds, but you will not gain XP for the kill, and much of the monster's inventory will disappear with it.
  • Stargate: Branchport. Drains your energy. This must charge for 5 turns, during which the character is immobile. While the character is immobile, their AC is improved by 7 points.

Passive Powers

  • Silver Hull: Your body sears silver-hating creatures that attack you in melee.

Enki, God of the First City

The main temple to Enki is called E-abzu, meaning "abzu temple" (also E-en-gur-a, meaning "house of the subterranean waters"), a ziggurat temple surrounded by Euphratean marshlands near the ancient Persian Gulf coastline at Eridu. He was the keeper of the divine powers called Me, the gifts of civilization. His image is a double-helix snake, or the Caduceus, very similar to the Rod of Asclepius used to symbolize medicine. He is often shown with the horned crown of divinity dressed in the skin of a carp.

Considered the master shaper of the world, god of wisdom and of all magic, Enki was characterized as the lord of the Abzu (Apsu in Akkadian), the freshwater sea or groundwater located within the earth. In the later Babylonian epic Enûma Eliš, Abzu, the "begetter of the gods", is inert and sleepy but finds his peace disturbed by the younger gods, so sets out to destroy them. His grandson Enki, chosen to represent the younger gods, puts a spell on Abzu "casting him into a deep sleep", thereby confining him deep underground. Enki subsequently sets up his home "in the depths of the Abzu." Enki thus takes on all of the functions of the Abzu, including his fertilising powers as lord of the waters and lord of semen.

[ Wikipedia ]

Binding Ritual

Enki's seal must be drawn in the center of at least a 5x5 open space.


You must not refuse to dance with foocubi (though you can use an engagement ring to ward them off).


Water runs off your body in steady rivulets.

The water can be seen from a distance, so wear either a cloak or torso armor to disguise it.


Enki protects your inventory from water damage.


Enki grants skill in short swords, hammers, sling, dart, and boomerang.

Active Powers

  • Walker of Thresholds: Teleport to a chosen doorway.

Passive Powers

  • City-Dweller: +2 speed when at least 4 monsters nearby +4 speed when at least 8 monsters are nearby.
  • Alley-Fighter: +1 AC per adjacent wall
  • Fruits of Civilization: eating non-corpse prepared food (fruits don't count, but rations do) heals you by the amount of nutrition gained, drinking booze heals you by your level*10.
  • Swimming: You permanently learn how to swim after binding Enki once.

Eurynome, the Lonely Dancer

In the beginning, Eurynome,
The Goddess of All Things,
Rose naked from Chaos.

She found nothing upon
Which to rest her feet, and thus,
She divided the sea from the sky.

She danced lonely upon
The waves of the sea.

She danced towards the South, and
The Wind set in motion behind her
Seemed something new and strange
With which to begin a work of creation.

Wheeling about, she caught hold of
This North wind, rubbed it between
Her hands, and behold!
The great serpent Ophion.


Eurynome and Ophion made their home upon
Mount Olympus where he vexed her by
Claiming to be the author of the Universe.

Forthwith, she bruised his head with her heel,
Kicked out his teeth, and banished him to the
Dark caves below the Earth


She took joy in her creation, but soon found
Herself alone desiering the face, voice,
Ear and warmth of another of her own.

Eurynome stood up and once again
Began to dance alone upon the waves.

[ The Pelasgian Creation Myth by Dr. James Luchte,
  Adapted from Roberts Graves's The Greek Myths ]

Binding Ritual

Eurynome's seal must be drawn next to a pool of water or a moat. When you #chat to the seal you must face the water square across the seal.


You must not skip a turn with '.' Clockwork automatons are permitted to repair themselves with '.', but must be careful.


Your shadow becomes that of a dancing nymph.

Your dancing shadow can be seen from a distance, but is not visible in illuminated squares.


You gain free action


Eurynome grants skill in unarmed combat.

Active Powers

  • Vengeance: Damage all adjacent creatures that have damaged you with their attacks.
  • Shape the Wind: Creates a number of temporary pets. These pets vanish after five turns.

Passive Powers

  • Retaliation: Creatures that attack you may provoke a full attack routine from you.
  • Water Dancer: Water walking, plus increased speed while on water.
  • Form Dancer: Your unarmed attacks use randomly sized, exploding dice.

Eve, the First Sinner

And Eve lived to be older than any woman;
who, in the end, did not die, but who
retreated to her cave. Blamed for Sin.
For Misery. For the Fall.

[“The Parliament Of Rooks”, Neil Gaiman]

Binding Ritual

Eve's seal must be drawn next to a tree, which the binder must face during the ritual.


You must not eat fruit while bound to Eve.


You bear bloody wounds on your feet and stomach.

The wounds can be seen from a distance, and can be hidden with boots and a cloak.


You take half physical damage.


Eve grants skill in scythes, sickles, and bows.

Active Powers

  • Barrage: Fire a large number of projectiles. The barrage consists of the maximum number of projectiles you could multishoot, plus 1/10 your level.
  • Thorns and Stones: You create a small stack (1 die + 1d5) of ammunition for your currently wielded ranged weapon. You take damage equal to your die size.

Passive Powers

  • Harvester: Your attacks deal double damage to plants.
  • Hunter-gatherer: Creatures are more likely to leave corpses (roll the corpse-chance twice), kicked trees yield half again more fruit.

Fafnir, Jotunn Dragon

Binding Ritual

Fafnir's binding ritual must be performed in a vault, or his seal must contain 1000 gold pieces per level.


You must have at least 1 gold in your open inventory at all times (including immediately after the binding ritual, so don't drop ALL your gold on his seal!). Note: this means you must be able to dig or teleport out of the vault. The guard will otherwise demand all the money in your open inventory, and you will be forced to drop it (breaking the seal).


There is a ring-shaped burn scar on your right ring-finger.

The burn can only be seen close up, and can be covered by wearing gloves or a ring on your right finger.


Fafnir confers fire resistance.


Fafnir grants skill with pick-axes.

Active Powers

  • Breath Poison: Creates a stinking cloud centered at the chosen location
  • Ruinous Strike: Digs out and untraps target adjacent square, or moderately damages target adjacent nonliving creature, or destroys target adjacent golem.

Passive Powers

  • Flame Aura: Inflicts fire damage on creatures that strike you in melee combat.
  • Infravision: You gain infravision.
  • Additional Carrying capacity.

Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory

In the High Hall of Gladsheim the Lord of the Aesir sits and waits for thought and memory to return to him. At his feet two wolves attend him. Lacking thought and memory, he could not even name them. The floor of the high hall is mud, scattered with rushes. He sits and waits, the gallows-god, the one-eyed king of Asgard.

There is a fluttering of wings. The ghost-birds return to his shoulder. And instantly he knows; he knows all they've seen. Huginn and Muninn: thought and memory. And he smiles, the lord of the gallows.

[ Sandman, by Neil Gaiman ]

Binding Ritual

Huginn and Muninn's seal may be drawn anywhere. The binding ritual reduces the binder's Int and Wis by one (though not below 3).


Do not fall asleep or be subject to an amnesia attack.


You have a raven nesting in each ear.

The ravens can only be seen from close up, and wearing a helmet will cover them.


Huginn and Muninn grant immunity to hallucination. They also grant immunity to one instance of sleep or amnesia (breaks taboo).


Huginn and Muninn grant skill with spears.

Active Powers

  • Ravens' Talons: Permanently blinds single adjacent target, while dealing 1d5+5 dice of damage. Deals only 1d5 dice of damage against a blind or sightless target.

Passive Powers

  • Grants warning.
  • Grants 25 int and wis for the duration of the binding.

Iris, Friend from Afar

"Where is everybody?"

Binding Ritual

The spirit's seal must be in a stinking cloud (it is not necessary for the cloud to be present while drawing the seal, nor for the binder to also be in the cloud).


You must not look in a mirror.


The veins on your arms bulge and shine with rainbow iridescence. When you attack in melee, the flesh on your arms opens, and the rainbows form tentacles that lash your foe.

The veins and tentacles can be seen from a distance. As long as at least 5 turns have passed since you last attacked in melee, you need only torso armor or a cloak to hide the veins. If at least one turn has passed, you need a cloak to hide the tentacles. The tentacles can't be hidden in the first turn an attack is made.


Iris grants resistance to disease.


Iris grants skill with morning stars.

Active Powers

  • Horrid Wilting: You suck moisture out of a single adjacent target, healing yourself for a like amount. Nonliving and anhydrous creatures are immune to this attack.
  • Horrid Rainbow: You turn animals, humanoids, and humans near you (as turn undead).

Passive Powers

  • Wilting Tentacles: You gain a tentacle attack. Struck creatures may be affected by Horrid Wilting (5% chance per hit).