Elf quest

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The Elf quest saw you fighting the Goblin King for The Palantir of Westernesse. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level The Great Circle of Earendil/Elwing
Locate level The Goblins' Cave
Goal level The Castle of the Goblin King
Leader Earendil if the PC is male, Elwing if the PC is female
Guardians High-elves
Nemesis Goblin King
Quest Artifact The Palantir of Westernesse


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96/175 (55%) Uruk-hai
  • 24/175 (14%) random o
  • 24/175 (14%) ogre
  • 6/175 (3%) random O
  • 1/7 (14%) normal random monster

The great Circle of Earendil/Elwing

..............^..................... . .....................................
................................... ... ....................................
.................................... . .....................................
................................... ooo ....................................
...................................o . o....................................
.................... . . . }|-...............-|} . . . .....................
................... . . . o}|.......@@@.......|}o . . . ....................
................... . . . o}|.......@@@.......|}o . . . ....................
.................... . . . }|-...............-|} . . . .....................
...................................o . o....................................
................................... ooo ....................................
.................................... . .....................................
................................... ... ....................................

The magic portal is at the marked point. Earendil/Elwing is at the point marked @, where there is also a chest and a chaotic^  altar , surrounded by eight High-elves. The circle is under siege by six Uruk-hai and ten goblins. There is a pit at each entrance to the circle, and there are also two random traps on the level.

The entire level is no-teleport, and has undiggable walls.

Upper filler level

This is a cavernous level, with four goblins, an Uruk-hai, an ogre, a random o; seven random objects; and four random traps.

The Goblins' Cave

 <.       ....            ......            .>.        .......         ..   
  ..     ......S...     ..........         .....       ........       ....  
   ..    .. ...   .    ......... ..          ^           .....       ....   
    ..  ..        .      .....    ..         .             ..       .....   
     ....         .         ..     ..        S               ..        ..   
    ....          S        ..       ..      ....               ..      ..   
    .....        ...      ..         ..    ........              ..    ..   
   ......      ......   ...           ..  ............           ...  ...   
    ....      .. ....   ....       ........................S^...S......     
       ..    ^.   ..     ...     .......oooooo...........         ..        
        ..  ..          ..       .......oooooo...........          ..       
  ....   ....          ..         .......oooo.............         ..       
 ......   ..          ..    ...    .......OOO..........           ..        
  ....   ....        ..    .....    ............                 ..         
   ..   ..  ..      ..       ...  .S    ............          ....     ...  
   .. ..     ..............    ....      ^...........      ....  ..   ..... 
    ...                   ..            ..     ....    .....      ..   .... 
                           ..............         ......           .....    

The stairs are at the marked positions. The central room contains four Uruk-hai, twelve goblins, and three ogres, and the marked traps are a pit, a spiked pit, a squeaky board, and a magic trap; the level also has a goblin, an ogre, a random o, a random O, two random traps, and fifteen random items. The entire level has undiggable walls and floor. Teleportation is permitted. Note that due to the lack of actual walls, magic mapping the level will only show you the location of the down stairs.

Lower filler level(s)

These are cavern levels, with three Uruk-hai, a goblin, two ogres, and one random o; eleven random objects; and four random traps.

The Castle of the Goblin King

  ...                                                                  ...  
  ...                                +                                 ...  
   .     ............     .......    .                   .......        .   
   .  .............................  .       ........   .........S..    .   
   .   ............    .  ......     .       .      .    .......   ..   .   
   .     .........     .   ....      +       . ...  .               ..  .   
   .        S          .         .........   .S.    .S...............   .   
   .  ...   .     ...  .         O..ooo...          .                   .   
   . ........    .....S.+.......+...o\o..O+........+.                   .   
   .  ...         ...    S       ...ooo...           ..      .....      .   
   .                    ..       .........            ..      ......    .   
   .      .......     ...            +       ....    ....    .......... .   
   . ..............  ..              .      ......  ..  .............   .   
   .     .............               .     ..........          ......   .   
  o..                                +                                 o..  
  ...                                                                  ...  

The Goblin King, with the Bell of Opening and the Palantir of Westernesse, occupies the throne, where there is also a chest; surrounding him are six Uruk-hai and two goblins; there are also two ogres in the room. In each of the corner chambers is a goblin and an ogre; there are an additional two Uruk-hai, two goblins, two ogres, two random o and one random O placed around the level. Each of the Uruk-hai and goblins in the Goblin King's room is standing on a random object; there are five further random objects located randomly around the level, as well as six traps.

The entire level has undiggable walls. Teleportation is permitted.



First time:

You arrive in familiar surroundings.  In the distance, you <see|sense> the
great stone Circle, the place of worship to Erevan Ilesere.^ 
Something is wrong, though.  Surrounding the circle are orcs!
And they've noticed you!

Next time:

Once again, you stand before the great Circle of <Earendil|Elwing>.

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

You have the oddest feeling that this may be the last time you
are to enter the great Circle of <Earendil|Elwing>.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"<playername>!  I have not seen you in many cycles.  How do you fare?"
"The Goblin King continues to threaten the circle.  But we hold fast."
"<Earendil|Elwing> is growing weak.  The magic required to defend the circle drains us."
"Remember the Goblins' Cave is hard to enter.  Seek the secret passageways."
"We must regain the Palantir of Westernesse.  Without it we will be overrun."

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

"<playername>!  You have returned!  Thank Erevan Ilesere^ .
"We have great need of you.  But first, I must see if you have the
required abilities to take on this responsibility."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"Once again, <playername>, you stand in our midst.  Are you ready now?"

This message is not currently used:

"Ah, you are here again, <playername>.  Allow me to determine your readiness..."

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"<playername>!  You have doomed us all.  You fairly radiate lawful influences
and weaken the power we have raised in this circle as a result!
"Begone!  We renounce your <brother|sister>hood with us!  You are an outcast now!"

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"<playername>, you are yet too inexperienced to withstand the demands of that
which we need you to do.  An <Arandur|Aranduriel> might just be able to do this thing.
"Return to us when you have learned more, my <son|daughter>."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"You have strayed, <playername>!  You know that Erevan Ilesere^  requires that
we maintain a pure devotion to things chaotic^ !
"You must go from us.  Return when you have purified yourself."

When finally assigned the quest:

"You are indeed ready, <playername>.  I shall tell you what has transpired,
and why we so desperately need your help:
"A short time ago, the Uruk-Hai tribes of the mountains to the east invaded
and enslaved the goblin tribes in this area.  The local
Goblin King is now only a figurehead, and serves the Uruk-hai Overlord. 
"During our last gathering of worship here, we were beset by hordes of
orcs and goblins, as you witnessed.  In the first onslaught a group,
headed by the Goblin King himself, managed to breach the circle and
steal the Palantir of Westernesse.
"Since then, we have been besieged.  We do not know how much longer
we will be able to maintain our magical barriers.
"If we are to survive, you, <playername>, must infiltrate
the Goblins' Cave.  There, you will find a pathway down, to the
underground castle of the Goblin King.  He has always coveted
the Palantir of Westernesse, and will surely keep it on his person,
until he delivers it to the Uruk-hai Overlord.
"Recover the Palantir of Westernesse for us, <playername>!  Only then will 
the circle of Erevan Ilesere^  be safe."


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"It is rumored that the Uruk-hai have a pact with the Hill Ogres."
"The Goblin King is strong, but not very smart."
"Use the Palantir of Westernesse, when you find it.  It will help you survive to reach us."
"Remember, let Erevan Ilesere^  be your guide."
"Call upon Erevan Ilesere^  when you face the Goblin King. The very act of doing so will infuriate him, and give you advantage."
"Though the Goblin King is as chaotic as we, he and kis kind have always hated us."
"We cannot hold the circle much longer, <playername>.  Hurry!"
"To infiltrate the Goblins' Cave, you must be very stealthy."
"Remember that the Goblin King is a braggart.  Trust not what he says."
"You can triumph, <playername>, if you trust in Erevan Ilesere^ ."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

You descend into the outer regions of the Goblins' Cave.  You can hear
scuffling sounds in the corridors, and vague mumblings in the distance.
You remember that a High-elf once told you that there were many secret
passageways in this complex.

When returning:

Once again, you descend into the Goblins' Cave.

When first entering the goal level:

You descend into a weird place, in which roughly cut cave-like walls
join with smooth, finished ones, as if someone was in the midst of
finishing off the construction of a subterranean complex.
Off in the distance, you hear a sounds of a large, raucous gathering.

When returning:

Once again, you enter the distorted castle of the Goblin King.

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"So, Elf.  <Earendil|Elwing> has sent you to recover the Palantir of Westernesse.
"Well, I shall keep that bauble.  It pleases me.  You, Elf, shall die."

Upon further meetings:

"Back again, eh?  Well, a mere <currentrank> is no threat to me!  Die, Elf!"

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"You haven't learned your lesson, Elf.  You can't kill me!  You shall die now."

When you have the Palantir of Westernesse, but the Goblin King is still alive:

"I shall have the Palantir of Westernesse from you, <currentrank>.  Then I shall
kill you."


The Goblin King will occasionally utter maledictions:

"Your Erevan Ilesere^  is nothing, Elf.  You are mine now!"
"Run away little Elf!  You can never hope to defeat the Goblin King!"
"My servants will rip you to shreds!"
"I shall display your head as a trophy.  What do you think about that wall?"
"I shall break your <Earendil|Elwing>'s circle, and destroy all the High-elves!"
"Erevan Ilesere^  has abandoned you, Elf.  You are doomed."
"A <currentrank>?  <Earendil|Elwing> sends a mere <currentrank> against me?  Hah!"
"<Earendil|Elwing> has failed, Elf.  The Palantir of Westernesse will never leave here."
"You really think you can defeat me, eh Elf?  You are wrong!"
"You weaken, Elf.  I shall kill you now."


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you pick up the Palantir of Westernesse, it seems to glow, and a warmth
fills you completely.  You realize that its power is what has protected
your <brothers|sisters> against their enemies for so long.
You must now return it to <Earendil|Elwing> without delay -- their lives depend
on your speed.

When killing the nemesis:

The Goblin King collapses to the ground, cursing you and <Earendil|Elwing>, then says:
   You have defeated me, <currentrank>!  But I curse you one final time, with my
   dying breath!  You shall die before you leave my castle!

When returning to your quest leader:

"<playername>!  You have succeeded!  I feared it was not possible!
"Your aura proclaims that you possess the Palantir of Westernesse!
"I fear, now, that the Uruk-hai will select yet another Goblin King.
This will take some time, but if you can recover the Amulet of Yendor
for Erevan Ilesere^  before that happens, we will be eternally safe.
"Take the Palantir of Westernesse with you.  It will aid in your quest for
the Amulet."

When subsequently throwing the Palantir of Westernesse to Earendil/Elwing:

"Careful, <playername>!  The Palantir of Westernesse might break, and that would be
a tragic loss.  You are its keeper now, and the time has come to
resume your search for the Amulet.  The Dungeons of Doom await your
return through the magic portal that brought you here."


When talking to Earendil/Elwing after the quest:

"Welcome, <playername>.  How have you fared on your quest for the Amulet
of Yendor?"

When talking to Earendil/Elwing after getting the Amulet:

"Utuelyes!  You have recovered the Amulet of Yendor!
Now attend to me, <playername>, and I will tell you what must be done:
"The Amulet has within it magic, the capability to transport you to
the Astral Plane, where the primary circle of Erevan Ilesere^  resides.
"To activate this magic, you must travel upwards as far as you can.
When you reach the temple, sacrifice the Amulet to Erevan Ilesere^ .
"Thus will you fulfill your destiny."
[1] Lawful in SLASH'EM.
[2] <Solonor Thelandira|Aerdrie Faenya> in SLASH'EM
[3] <lawful|neutral> in SLASH'EM