Beholder (dNetHack)

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A beholder, e, is a type of monster that appears in dNetHack and notdNetHack. The beholder is an eye creature that is amphibious, capable of flight, has infravision, and can be seen via infravision.

A beholder has two active gaze attacks that use random damage types, up to and including the various elements, death magic, and stoning, as well as a passive gaze attack that paralyzes the attacker.

Beholders are poisonous to eat, but eating a beholder's corpse or tin has a 15 chance of granting clairvoyance for 500–999 turns.


Randomly generated beholders are always created hostile, and are only randomly generated in Gehennom. They are not a valid form for polymorph.

Beholders may be generated as minions of Ver'tas.


The beholder is a well-known creature from Dungeons & Dragons, and is one of the franchise's most iconic original creations. Beholders have spherical bodies with a single large eye, ten smaller eyes on stalks above it, and a mouth full of teeth. The smaller eyes are used for offense or defense; each one has a different magical ability. Beholders are typically hostile to other creatures, and often hostile to one another.

The quote in the encyclopedia entry is likely the genesis of the aphorism, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Encyclopedia entry

"Beauty in things exists merely
in the mind which contemplates them."

[ Moral and Political,
by David Hume ]
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