Malcanthet's Lair

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Malcanthet's Lair (also known as the Foocubi level or the foogardens) is a special level in SpliceHack. It appears between level 2 and 7 of Gehennom.[1]


Malcanthet's Lair
Location Level 2–7 of
Bones Yes
Mappable No
Teleportable Yes
Diggable floor Yes
Diggable walls No

Malcanthet & stands on the downstair, guarded by a succubus named Touch, a succubus named Breath and an incubus named Taste. The building has some random n and & inside. There are also some random ; in the moat and under one of the drawbridges.

Additionally, scattered across the level are a succubus, an incubus, five random n, a baobhan-sith, a wood nymph, two vampire mages, two random monsters, nine random objects and eight random traps.

Outside of the building, floor tiles have a 20% chance of being replaced with a tree, otherwise they are replaced with grass.[2]

The building is unlit, however the rest of the level is lit.


It is likely that the vampire mages will summon monsters around you soon after you arrive. Be prepared to fight a crowd: a ring of conflict may be helpful.

Ranged weapons and spells will probably help you fight the vampire mages, nymphs and foocubi.

The moat is slightly too wide to cross using jumping boots. If a giant is generated, it might have a boulder that you can push into the moat. If not, you will need some other way of crossing the water.

See also
