Master Kaen

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Master Kaen, @, is the Monk quest nemesis.

He is extremely difficult: hits hard and often, casts spells, and ignores Elbereth.


Kaen is incredibly ferocious in a straight-up fight. Fortunately, he has weaknesses, and a wise Monk will exploit them--in the word of Sun Tsu, "You may advance and be absolutely irresistible, if you make for the enemy's weak points." Kaen's weaknesses include his predictable behavior (teleporting to the upstair to heal), and his lack of key resistances (sleep and disintegration). The strategies listed below generally strive to play upon these weaknesses.

Even with a good game plan, you may find Kaen a deadly opponent. You will want a very low AC to degrade his attacks (-20 is comfortable; you may get by with less), enough HP to survive multiple rounds of combat against him (200+), and a very high Luck to ensure that you are able to hit him. All of this--and the strength of the other enemies you face on the Quest--indicates postponing this battle until you have had enough time to prepare for it. Generally, you will be strong enough after you have finished the Castle and retrieved the luckstone from Mine's End.

Paralysis or sleep

Wield or throw a potion of paralysis while wearing a ring of free action or zap him with the sleep spell or wand. Make sure you can use this method multiple times to ensure his immobility--you may miss, or he may wake up before you finish killing him.

Sleep is a keyword to defeat him even at Lvl 14--it is difficult to overstate the power of this lowly spell against Kaen. After rendering him helpless, be sure to hit him hard. Mjollnir is an excellent choice if you have it, as are the martial arts at Grand Master skill level. But one or two of the stronger attack wands, such as Lightning, Fire or Cold will work nicely as well. Six to 12 shots should do nicely, again assuming your luck is sufficiently high.

Boulder fort

After Kaen ports to the upstairs, go up and read a scroll of earth and use ranged attacks such as spells or wands. You can also try this on the upstair to prevent him from porting away.

Drain life

Use the drain life spell until he croaks. It is a good idea to do this on the level above and when he teleports away (to heal the modest HP damage that drain life does on top of the draining effect), go downstairs to heal yourself, preferably on a burned Elbereth. Eidolos uses this method for his instructional ttyrec posted on RGRN.


Use fireproof water walking boots while fire resistant or levitate over the lava and use ranged attacks. At a distance, Kaen only casts the heal self and create insects spells. Beware of losing your ability to levitate--as from lightning destroying your ring!


Although Master Kaen gains magic resistance from the quest artifact, he is NOT immune to disintegration. Polymorphing into a Black Dragon and using #Monster will allow you to kill him VERY easily. One thing to note is his low AC causes the beam to miss him occasionally. To be extra safe, polymorphing can be combined with the boulder fort or levitation strategies mentioned above (Levitating over lava can be risky as if the polymorph wears off, you'll lose the dragon's flying ability and die in the lava. However if the levitation or polymorph comes from a ring, you can remain over lava safely).


Fight Kaen mano-a-mano. Not recommended. Master Kaen has a higher base damage than any other monster, resulting in very stable and impressive damage, counterintuitive to the monk's low AC. You are therefore opposing his strengths with your weaknesses. Sufficiently advanced players have managed to do this, however.

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