Spellbook of healing

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Revision as of 14:16, 1 December 2011 by Ais523 (talk | contribs) (expand on strategy; HP typically regenerates faster than the matching Pw, even with the Eye, so this spell's mostly for combat use only)
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spellbook of
+   healing   Light green spellbook.png
Appearance random
Abundance 4.07%
Base price 100 zm
Weight 50
Turns to read 2
Ink to write 5–9
Spell type healing
Level 1
Power cost 5 Pw
Direction beam
Equivalent potion of healing

Allows you to learn the healing spell, a directional spell that heals 6d4 HP and, unless directed at yourself[1], cures blindness. This will awaken a sleeping monster without angering it. The effect is just like an uncursed potion of healing, except that the spell cannot increase maximum HP and only cures blindness in monsters.

This is an emergency spell.

Casting this spell at a tame or peaceful monster will yield an alignment bonus for each monster affected, even if it was already at maximum HP. Lawfuls and healers gain one alignment point, while chaotics besides healers lose one point. Healers start with a blessed spellbook of healing.


Healing is the easiest spell in the healing spell branch, and is thus a good spell to use to train that skill. It is also a useful utility spell in general, especially for non-spellcaster classes; being level 1, it is easy to cast, non-spellcasters will probably not be using their power pool for anything else, and being able to heal oneself is universally beneficial. Once you learn extra healing, however, this spell is useful only when very short on Pw, as it is otherwise inferior to the higher-level version.

Although casting this spell at yourself is the most common use, remember that it is directional; aiming it at a pet can be a viable strategy, especially in the early-game or for pacifist players.

Outside combat, it is generally unwise to heal yourself via spell unless you expect monsters to arrive in the imminent future, because the HP gained would typically regenerate faster than the Pw required to cast the spell. The main reason for doing so would be when under time pressure, such as during the ascension run, or when planning to use a confused scroll of charging to recharge Pw all at once.

Pestilence will actually receive damage of 3d4 from the spell, halved by resisting.


<Monster> looks better.

See also


Source:NetHack 3.4.3/src/zap.c