User:Chris/dNetHack/YANIs/Hallucinatory Engravings

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This page is meant to be an open continuation of a discussion on rec.roguelike.nethack.

Suggestions for Hallucinatory Engravings

Suggestions for Hallucinatory Wards

Suggestions for Hallucinatory Gods

Suggestions for Hallucinatory Alignments

Suggestions for Random Engravings

Current Hallucinatory Engravings

/* contributed by members of the Nethack Usenet group, */
	"Which way did he go, George, which way did he go?",
	"Until you stalk and overrun, you can't devour anyone.",
	"Fee.  Fie.  Foe.  Foo.",
	"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.",
	"Be vewy vewy quiet.  I'm hunting wabbits.",
	"Eh, what's up, doc?",
	"We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job.",
	"You're weird, sir.",
	"I do not know for what reason the enemy is pursuing you, but I perceive that he is, strange indeed though that seems to me.",
	"When it is falling on your head, then you are knowing it is a rock.",
	"The very best mail is made from corbomite.",
	"Woah, duude, look at all the colors.",
	"I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee.",
	"Now, if you'll permit me, I'll continue my character assassination unimpeded.",
	"Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.",
	"Virtue needs some cheaper thrills.",
	"I just saw Absolom hanging in an oak tree!",
	"And I may do anything I wish as long as I squeeze?",
	"Marsey Dotesin Dosey Dotesin Diddley Damsey Divey.",
	"I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.",
	"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways.",
	"You may have already won ten million zorkmids.",
	"They say the satisfaction of teaching makes up for the lousy pay.",
	"Tharr she blows!",
	"Perhaps today is a good day to die.",
	"Sufferin' succotash.",
	"To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well.",
	"I love it when a plan comes together.",
	"Very fond of rumpots, crackpots, and how are you Mr. Wilson?",
	"No matter how valuable it might be, any man's life is still worth more than any animal's.",
	"No clock for this.  Flyin' now.",
	"Of course, you realize, this means war.",
	"She's fast enough for you, old man. What's the cargo?",
	"There're few who haven't heard the name of Gurney Halleck.",
	"Do you like mayonnaise and corn on your pizza?",
	"I am that merry wanderer of the night.",
	"Don't try any games.  Remember I can see your face if you can't see mine.",
	"Ah hates rabbits.",
	"Captain, there be whales here!",
	"Mimesis is a plant.  Go Bucks!",
	"That's all we live for, isn't it?  For pleasure, for titillation?",
	"The only brew for the brave and true comes from the Green Dragon.",
	"There is an old Vulcan proverb: only Nixon could go to China.",
	"Yo, put me in a trebuchet and launch me to the stratosphere.",
	"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
	"Sola lingua bona lingua mortua est.",
	"Mairzy Doats And Dozy Doats And Liddle Lamzy Divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?",
	"Madam, I may be drunk, but you are ugly, and in the morning I shall be sober.",
	"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.",
	"Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." ,
	"You are superior in only one aspect. You are better at dying.",
	"No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!",
	"You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?",
	"In this pearl it is hard to see a Strange Loop.",
	"That is because the Strange Loop is buried in the oyster -- the proof.",
	"I love the smell of napalm in the morning.",
	"Et tu, Brute?",
	"The conditions were difficult. Several contestants were maimed, but... I was triumphant. I won Champion Standing.",
	"We're not gonna take it. No, we ain't gonna take it. We're not gonna take it anymore.",
	"Absurd!  Your 'MU' is as silly as a cow's moo.",
	"Hasta la vista, baby.",
	"I see...  I see...  I see a lavender man...  bearing tidings.",
	"It is a sign of creative genius to reconcile the seemingly disparate.",
	"It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.",
	"Bother. I've left my new torch in Narnia",
	"If you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?",
	"I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.",
	"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously",
	"We fear a few dwarf watercraft stewardesses were regarded as desegregated after a great Texas tweezer war.",
	"I'll kill him in Honolulu, you unhook my pink kimono.",
	"The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has got to go.",
	"All roads lead to Trantor, and that is where all stars end.",
	"It is a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known.",
	"Yes, this is Network 23. The net-net-net-net-network that puts it right... where they want you to be!",
	"You're listening to the E.I.B Radio Network.",
	"We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.",
	"How about a little fire, scarecrow?",
	"And if you're the kind of person who parties with a bathtub full of pasta, I suspect you don't care much about cholesterol anyway.",
	"Bad Wolf", /* Dr. Who */
	"It's only the end if you want it to be.", /*Batgirl*/
	"Mistakes were made.",
	"But at what cost?",
	"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers.", /* Ephesians 6:12 */
	"Life is truth, and never a dream...", /* Persona 4 */
	"fire, walk with me.", /*Twin Peaks*/
	"redefine happiness", /* Blue Oyster Cult */
	"no more sadness, no more anger, no more envy...", /*Halo*/
	"Even false things are true",	"FIVE TONS OF FLAX!",	"Fnord", /*Discordianism*/
	"Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul", /*the Lord of the Rings*/
	"No Fate", /*Terminator*/
	"This world can have but one Emperor.", /*FF II*/
	"We shall devour your light, and use it to return this world to the Void!", /*FFIII*/
	"My hatred will not be stanched until it has consumed all else!", /*FFV*/
	"Life... dreams... hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...?", /*FFVI*/
	"I will NEVER be a memory.", /*FFVII Advent Children*/
	"All the world will be your enemy, Prince With A Thousand Enemies...", /*Watership Down*/
		"...and when they catch you they will kill you... but first they must catch you.",
	"This statement is false.", /*Logical contradiction*/
	"Quod Erat Demonstrandum",	"anno Domini",	"per centum", /* QED, AD, percent */
	"I was so surprised, I CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, I really did!", /*Haruhi Suzumiya*/
	"[REDACTED]",	"[DATA EXPUNGED]",	"[DATA PLUNGED]",	"[DATA EXPANDED]",	"I am a toaster!", /* SCP Foundation */
	"I prepared Explosive Runes this morning.", /*Order of the Stick*/
		"In any battle, there's always a level of force against which no tactics can succeed.",
	"1002: He is Not that Which He Says He Is.", /*Good Omens*/
		"3001: Behinde the Eagle's Neste a grate Ash hath fellen.",
	"VI. You Shall Not Subject Your God To Market Forces!",	/*Discworld*/
		"Nae quin! Nae laird! Nae master! We willna be fooled again!"
		"Morituri Nolumus Mori"
		"End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH"
		"Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life."
		"Do not, under any circumstances, open this door"
		"Slab: Jus' say \"AarrghaarrghpleeassennononoUGH\""
		"Ahahahahaha! Ahahahaha! Aahahaha!\nBEWARE!!!!!\nYrs sincerely\nThe Opera Ghost"
		"Bee There Orr Bee A Rectangular Thyng"
	"NOT A Secret Base", /*Gunnerkrigg Court*/
	"Short to long term memory impaired. Go to Robotics Building. Explain about Bowman's architecture. Write down everything.", /*Freefall*/
	"I SAW THE EYE. Over the horizon, like a rising sun!", /* Dresden Codak */
		"That's Science, isn't it? The perpetual horizon.\nBut we found a way, haha, we found a way around that!",
		"What would YOU give up to... to see it through?",
	"Don't trust the skull.", /* Cynarfpncr: Gbezrag (mild spoiler) */
	"We do not threaten or warn or advise. We tell the truth.", /* The Mansion of E */
		"What you stole is even more dangerous and precious than you know.",
		"In the end, you will fly away and live forever, and you will leave the world shattered in your wake.",
		"You will return to where you started, and you will become what you hate.",
		"And in doing so, you will restore the world to what it was.",
	"Fall in a more hardboiled manner.", /* MS Paint Adventures */
		"Since you are reading this, chances are you have already installed this game on your computer.\nIf this is true, you have just participated in bringing about the end of the world.\nBut don't beat yourself up about it.",
		"It begins to dawn on you that everything you just did may have been a colossal waste of time.",
	"We will BUILD heroes!", /* THE PROTOMEN */
		"If you replace the working parts, you get a different machine.",
		"If you destroy the working parts, what you get is a broken machine.",
	"Never tell me the odds!" /* Starwars */

Current Hallucinatory Wards

	"a series of disconected lines", /* nondescript*/

	"a cerulean weeping-willow", /* it's magic. Unlike the others, this one works. Keep in sync with engrave.h!*/
	/*Special behavior, these move across the floor, keep in sync with allmain.c*/
	"a north-east facing glider",
	"a north-west facing glider",
	"a south-west facing glider",
	"a south-east facing glider",
	"a square"
	/* books */
	"a set of holy horns",	"a Summoning Dark mine-sign",	"a Long Dark mine-sign",
	"a Following Dark mine-sign",	"a Closing Dark mine-sign",	"an Opening Dark mine-sign",
	"a Breathing Dark mine-sign",	"a Speaking Dark mine-sign",	"a Catching Dark mine-sign",
	"a Secret Dark mine-sign",	"a Calling Dark mine-sign",	"a Waiting Dark mine-sign",
	"a florid crest dominated by a double-headed bat",
	"a Guarding Dark mine-sign",	"the mark of the Caller of Eight", /* Discworld */
	"a lidless eye", /* Lord of the Rings */
	"a white tree", /* Gondor, Lord of the Rings */
	"a triangle enclosing a circle and bisected by a line", /* Harry Potter */
	"a set of three trefoils, the lower most inverted", /* describes the three of clubs. Too Many Magicians*/
	"a Trump of Doom",	"a Sign of Chaos",	"a Pattern of Amber",	"a Ghostwheel",
	"a Court symbol",	"a Forest symbol",	"the sign of the Wandering Eye", /* Gunnerkrigg Court */

	/* Not quite */
	"a heptagenarian",
	"an octogram",
	"a pentagrain",
	"a circle of da Vinci",
	"a hand making a rude gesture",
	"a junior sign",
	"a childish compound eye",
	"a Sign of an Illegitimate Step-daughter",
	"a cenotaph of a catgirl",
	"a groovy rendition of the wings of Gargula",
	"a Robotech Defense Force insignia", /*...Robotech*/
	"a Black Knights insignia", /* Code Geass */
	"an inverted triangle flanked by seven eyes", /* NGE */
	"a laughing man", /* Ghost in the Shell */
	"an alchemic array",	"a human transmutation circle", /* Fullmetal Alchemist */
	"a triangle composed of three smaller triangles",	"an eye and single tear", 
	"a circle enclosing four swirling lines",	"a flame inside a circle",
	"a snowflake within a circle",	"an inverted triangle with a dot above each face, enclosed by a circle",
	"a sign resembling an eyeless yin-yang", 
	"a circle surrounding a triangle of dots and another of triangels",/*Zelda*/
	"a setting (rising?) sun", /* Dresden Codak */
	"an asymmetric, stylized arrowhead, point upwards", /* Star Trek*/
	"a set of three blades, the top blade straight, the dexter curved down, the sinister curved up",
	"a Sharuan Mindharp", /* Star Wars expanded universe */
	"a winged blade of light", /* Jedi Order symbol */
	"an angular S before a segmented circle",/*a screw attack symbol*/
	"more dakka",
	"a symbol of pain", /* DnD */
	/* Planescape */
	"a mimir",
	"a symbol of torment",
	"a circle enclosing two colliding arrows",
	"a pair of triangles, drawn tip to tip,",
	"a stylized beast",
	"a triangle crowned by a single line",
	"a simple image of many mountains",
	"a sketch of a shining diamond",
	"a tree-rune",
	"an eight-toothed gear",
	"a random scribble",
	"a square with two small handles on opposite sides",
	"a square enclosing a spiral",
	"an eye with three inverted crosses",
	"an infinity symbol crossed by a burning downwards arrow",
	"a set of four nested triangles",
	"a watchful eye blocking an upward arrow",
	"a pitchfork stabbing the ground",
	/* Zodiac */
	"an Aries sign",
	"a Taurus sign",
	"a Gemini sign",
	"a Cancer sign",
	"a Leo sign",
	"a Virgo sign",
	"a Libra sign",
	"a Scorpio sign",
	"a Sagittarius sign",
	"a Capricorn sign",
	"an Aquarius sign",
	"a Pisces sign",
	"a heart pierced through with an arrow",
	"a broken heart",
	"a skull and crossed bones",
	"a bad situation",
	"a zorkmid",
	"a diagram of the bridges of Konigsberg",

	"a hand-mirror of Aphrodite",
	"a shield and spear of Ares", /* alchemy/male/female */
	"a black moon lilith sign",
	"a window", /* op-sys*/
	"a no symbol",
	"a test pattern",
	"a work of modern art",
	"a flag of Neverland",
	"a hyped-up duck dressed in a sailor's shirt and hat", /* Disney */
		"a mouse with 2d ears",
		"a set of three circles in the shape of a mouse's head",
	"a meaningless coincidence",
	/*Corporate Logos*/
	"a stylized, fan-shaped seashell",
	"a bitten apple",
	"a pair of arches meeting to form an \"M\"",
	"a Swoosh mark",
	"a set of five interlocked rings", /*Olympics logo*/
	"a running man", /* Exit */
	"a running man holding a cane",
	"a one-and-zero", /* Power toggle */
	"a thick soup of mist",	"a pattern of squared circles", 
	"a void",	"a notable lack of images",	"a stark absence of pictures",	"nothing much",
	"a convergence of parallel lines",	"a sphere", /* How did you manage that? */
	"a yin-yang",	"a taijitu",/* Taoist */
	"a hand of Eris", /* Discordian */
	"an ichthus",	"a Cross", /* Christian*/
	"a wheel with eight spokes", /* Budhism */
	"a fish with legs",	"a fat fish",	"a fish with tentacles, legs, and wings",
		/* ichthus parodies/derivitives: darwin, buddha, and Cthulhu. */
	"a set of seven concentric circles",
	"a left-handed trefoil knot",
	"a triskelion", /* Ancient Symbol */
	"a rough circle enclosing an A", /* Anarchy */
	"a Tree of Life", /* Kabbalah */
	"a winged oak",
	"a wheel cross",	"a labyrinth",	"sign of Shamash", 
	"a naudh rune", /* misery */
	"an Eye of Providence",	"a pyramid surmounted by an eye", /* Christian */
	"a one-way staircase",
	"an 'a' encircled by its own tail" /* meta */

Current Hallucinatory Gods

	"the universe",
	"the U.N.O.",
	"the Flying Spaghetti Monster",
	"the Invisible Pink Unicorn",
	"last thursday",
	"the gnome with the wand of death",
	"the DevTeam",
	"Dion Nicolaas",
	"the RNG"

Current Hallucinatory Alignments

	"really evil",
	"currently not available",
	"gone swimming",
	"not listening",
	"smashing things",


Current Random Engravings

	/* trap engravings */
	"Vlad was here",	"ad aerarium",
	/* take-offs and other famous engravings */
	"Owlbreath",	"Galadriel",
	"Kilroy was here",
	"quis custodiet ipsos custodes?", /* Watchmen */
	"Bad Wolf", /* Dr. Who */
	"A.S. ->",	"<- A.S.", /* Journey to the Center of the Earth */
	"You won't get it up the steps", /* Adventure */
	"Lasciate ogni speranza o voi ch'entrate.", /* Inferno */
	"Well Come", /* Prisoner */
	"We apologize for the inconvenience.", /* So Long... */
	"See you next Wednesday", /* Thriller */
	"notary sojak", /* Smokey Stover */
	"For a good time call 8?7-5309",
	"Please don't feed the animals.", /* Various zoos around the world */
	"Madam, in Eden, I'm Adam.", /* A palindrome */
	"Two thumbs up!", /* Siskel & Ebert */
	"Hello, World!", /* The First C Program */
	"Dare mighty things.", /* Moto of the Mars Science Laboratory */
	"I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle",
#ifdef MAIL
	"You've got mail!", /* AOL */
	"As if!", /* Clueless */
	"Arooo!  Werewolves of Yendor!", /* gang tag */
	"Dig for Victory here", /* pun, duh */
	"Don't go this way",
	"Gaius Julius Primigenius was here.  Why are you late?", /* pompeii */
	"Go left --->",	"<--- Go right",
	"Haermund Hardaxe carved these runes", /* viking graffiti */
	"Here be dragons",
	"Need a light?  Come visit the Minetown branch of Izchak's Lighting Store!",
	"Save now, and do your homework!",
	"Snakes on the Astral Plane - Soon in a dungeon near you",
	"There was a hole here.  It's gone now.",
	"The Vibrating Square",
	"This is a pit!",
	"This is not the dungeon you are looking for.",
	"This square deliberately left blank.",
	"Warning, Exploding runes!",
	"Watch out, there's a gnome with a wand of death behind that door!",
	"X marks the spot",
	"X <--- You are here.",
	"You are the one millionth visitor to this place!  Please wait 200 turns for your wand of wishing.",
	/*weeping angels, Unnethack*/
	"Beware of the weeping angels", /* Doctor Who */
	"Duck, Sally Sparrow", /* Doctor Who */