The War-helm of the Dreaming

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[   The War-helm of the Dreaming   (No tile)
Base item faceless helm
When carried (none)
When worn
When invoked
Base price 4500 zm
Weight 30

The War-helm of the Dreaming is an artifact that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. It is a chaotic intelligent artifact that favors Madpeople, and its base item is a faceless helm that is bird-like in shape.


The War-helm of the Dreaming cannot be randomly generated or wished for, and is only given as a crowning gift to a hero that worships Tamash, the chaotic Madperson god.


While worn, The War-helm of the Dreaming grants magical breathing and walking nightmares. Invoking The War-helm of the Dreaming refills half of the hero's energy needed to reach their maximum, up to a cap of 400.

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