Haste self (monster spell)

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Haste self is a monster spell that appears in NetHack.


Haste self is a non-directed spell that can be used by any monster of at least level 3 with the ability to cast mage spells.[1][2] When cast, the haste self monster spell increases the caster's speed, similar to the spell of haste self for the hero: a monster at normal speed will become fast, and a slowed monster will return to normal speed.[3] Monsters will cast the spell when the hero is close to them regardless of their hostility, and will not cast it if they are already at fast speed.[4]


The haste self spell can elevate already-strong hostile casters into annoying, persistent or even possibly lethal threats from the increased amount of turns they will have to act against a character fighting them.

For pet-keeping characters, spellcasting pets will apply the haste self spell when appropriate, reducing the need to spare a potion of speed or charges from a wand of speed monster.



FIQHack eliminates the monster spell as part of merging the spell lists for monsters and player characters alike - the existing spell of haste self is made directional, and gives monsters temporary very fast speed as it does the hero.
