Holy wafer
A holy wafer is a type of comestible that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM and Hack'EM. It is veggy and considered vegan.
Tourists may start with eucalyptus leaves among their random food items. Undead Slayers start each game with 4-8 holy wafers, and chaotic Undead Slayers have them replaced with lembas wafers instead.[1][2]
Holy wafers are rare and make up 7⁄1000 of randomly-generated comestibles. General stores and delicatessens can sell holy wafers.
Eating a holy wafer takes one action and grants 150 nutrition, and cures sickness and lycanthropy upon finishing the meal, returning the hero to normal form from their were-animal form if applicable.[3] A lawful hero eating a holy wafer regains 20-39 HP up to their maximum HP, while a chaotic hero loses 10-19 HP, but will never go below 1 HP.[4][5]
Holy wafers are a more filling cure for sickness and lycanthropy than a eucalyptus leaf or sprig of wolfsbane, and can even be used to heal substantially by a lawful hero in the early game, but they are still fairly rare with the exception of starting inventories. Even a chaotic hero may consider using it to cure sickness or lycanthropy in a tight spot, though this is not advisable if they are at low health. Eucalyptus and wolfsbane may also be preferable for their lower nutrition if a hero is nearing (over)satiation.