Source:NetHack 3.6.1/dat/symbols
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Below is the full text to symbols from the source code of NetHack 3.6.1. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.1/dat/symbols#line123]], for example.
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# NetHack 3.6 symbols $NHDT-Date: 1524689580 2018/04/25 20:53:00 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.16 $
# Copyright (c) 2006 by Michael Allison
# NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
# Symbol sets for use in NetHack's text-based display.
# IBMgraphics works by specifying special characters which reside
# outside the range of normal printable characters. It has subsets
# for use where the internal code page is different than the one
# used by US ASCII (437) and has some different special characters.
# DECgraphics works by switching back and forth between two fonts,
# where the alternate one substitutes special characters in place
# of ordinary printable characters in the lowercase letter range.
# NetHack encodes the request to use the alternate font here by
# having the high bit set (in hexadecimal, \x80 is combined with
# a character code between \x60 and \x7f).
start: DECgraphics
Handling: DEC
S_vwall: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xf1 # meta-q, horizontal rule
S_tlcorn: \xec # meta-l, top left corner
S_trcorn: \xeb # meta-k, top right corner
S_blcorn: \xed # meta-m, bottom left
S_brcorn: \xea # meta-j, bottom right
S_crwall: \xee # meta-n, cross
S_tuwall: \xf6 # meta-v, T up
S_tdwall: \xf7 # meta-w, T down
S_tlwall: \xf5 # meta-u, T left
S_trwall: \xf4 # meta-t, T right
S_ndoor: \xfe # meta-~, centered dot
S_vodoor: \xe1 # meta-a, solid block
S_hodoor: \xe1 # meta-a, solid block
S_bars: \xfb # meta-{, small pi
S_tree: \xe7 # meta-g, plus-or-minus
S_room: \xfe # meta-~, centered dot
S_upladder: \xf9 # meta-y, greater-than-or-equals
S_dnladder: \xfa # meta-z, less-than-or-equals
S_pool: \xe0 # meta-\, diamond
S_ice: \xfe # meta-~, centered dot
S_lava: \xe0 # meta-\, diamond
S_vodbridge: \xfe # meta-~, centered dot
S_hodbridge: \xfe # meta-~, centered dot
S_water: \xe0 # meta-\, diamond
S_vbeam: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_hbeam: \xf1 # meta-q, horizontal rule
S_sw_tc: \xef # meta-o, high horizontal line
S_sw_ml: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_sw_mr: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_sw_bc: \xf3 # meta-s, low horizontal line
S_explode2: \xef # meta-o, high horizontal line
S_explode4: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_explode6: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_explode8: \xf3 # meta-s, low horizontal line
start: IBMgraphics
Handling: IBM
S_vwall: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_tlcorn: \xda # meta-Z, top left corner
S_trcorn: \xbf # meta-?, top right corner
S_blcorn: \xc0 # meta-@, bottom left
S_brcorn: \xd9 # meta-Y, bottom right
S_crwall: \xc5 # meta-E, cross
S_tuwall: \xc1 # meta-A, T up
S_tdwall: \xc2 # meta-B, T down
S_tlwall: \xb4 # meta-4, T left
S_trwall: \xc3 # meta-C, T right
S_ndoor: \xfa # meta-z, centered dot
S_vodoor: \xfe # meta-~, small centered square
S_hodoor: \xfe # meta-~, small centered square
S_bars: \xf0 # equivalence symbol
S_tree: \xf1 # plus or minus symbol
S_room: \xfa # meta-z, centered dot
S_corr: \xb0 # meta-0, light shading
S_litcorr: \xb1 # meta-1, medium shading
S_fountain: \xf4 # meta-t, integral top half
S_pool: \xf7 # meta-w, approx. equals
S_ice: \xfa # meta-z, centered dot
S_lava: \xf7 # meta-w, approx. equals
S_vodbridge: \xfa # meta-z, centered dot
S_hodbridge: \xfa # meta-z, centered dot
S_water: \xf7 # meta-w, approx. equals
S_vbeam: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hbeam: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_sw_ml: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_sw_mr: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode4: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode6: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
start: IBMGraphics_1
Handling: IBM
S_vwall: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_tlcorn: \xda # meta-Z, top left corner
S_trcorn: \xbf # meta-?, top right corner
S_blcorn: \xc0 # meta-@, bottom left
S_brcorn: \xd9 # meta-Y, bottom right
S_crwall: \xc5 # meta-E, cross
S_tuwall: \xc1 # meta-A, T up
S_tdwall: \xc2 # meta-B, T down
S_tlwall: \xb4 # meta-4, T left
S_trwall: \xc3 # meta-C, T right
S_vbeam: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hbeam: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_sw_ml: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_sw_mr: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode4: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode6: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
start: IBMGraphics_2
Handling: IBM
S_vwall: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_tlcorn: \xda # meta-Z, top left corner
S_trcorn: \xbf # meta-?, top right corner
S_blcorn: \xc0 # meta-@, bottom left
S_brcorn: \xd9 # meta-Y, bottom right
S_crwall: \xc5 # meta-E, cross
S_tuwall: \xc1 # meta-A, T up
S_tdwall: \xc2 # meta-B, T down
S_tlwall: \xb4 # meta-4, T left
S_trwall: \xc3 # meta-C, T right
S_vodoor: \xfe # meta-~, small centered square
S_hodoor: \xfe # meta-~, small centered square
S_corr: \xb0 # meta-0, light shading
S_litcorr: \xb1 # meta-1, medium shading
S_vbeam: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hbeam: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
S_sw_ml: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_sw_mr: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode4: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_explode6: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
start: MACgraphics
Handling: MAC
S_vwall: \xba
S_hwall: \xcd
S_tlcorn: \xc9
S_trcorn: \xbb
S_blcorn: \xc8
S_brcorn: \xbc
S_crwall: \xce
S_tuwall: \xca
S_tdwall: \xcb
S_tlwall: \xb9
S_trwall: \xcc
S_ndoor: \xb0
S_vodoor: \xee
S_hodoor: \xee
S_vcdoor: \xef
S_hcdoor: \xef
S_bars: \xf0 # equivalency symbol
S_tree: \xf1 # plus-or-minus
S_corr: \xb0
S_grave: \xef # same as open door
S_pool: \xe0
start: RogueIBM
Handling: IBM
Restrictions: rogue
S_weapon: \x29
S_amulet: \x2c
S_food: \x3a
S_potion: \xad
S_scroll: \x3f
S_book: \x2b
S_wand: \xe7
S_vwall: \xba # all walls now use
S_hwall: \xcd # double line graphics
S_tlcorn: \xc9
S_trcorn: \xbb
S_blcorn: \xc8
S_brcorn: \xbc
S_crwall: \xce
S_tuwall: \xca
S_tdwall: \xcb
S_tlwall: \xb9
S_trwall: \xcc
S_ndoor: \xce
S_vodoor: \xce
S_hodoor: \xce
S_room: \xfa # centered dot
S_corr: \xb1
S_litcorr: \xb2
S_upstair: \xf0 # Greek Xi
S_dnstair: \xf0
start: RogueEpyx
Description: Rogue level color symbol set like Epyx Rogue
Restrictions: rogue
Handling: IBM
Color: Yes
S_vwall: \xba # all walls now use
S_hwall: \xcd # double line graphics
S_tlcorn: \xc9
S_trcorn: \xbb
S_blcorn: \xc8
S_brcorn: \xbc
S_crwall: \xce
S_tuwall: \xca
S_tdwall: \xcb
S_tlwall: \xb9
S_trwall: \xcc
S_ndoor: \xce
S_vodoor: \xce
S_hodoor: \xce
S_room: \xfa # centered dot
S_corr: \xb1
S_litcorr: \xb2
S_upstair: \xf0 # Greek Xi
S_dnstair: \xf0
S_arrow_trap: \x04 # diamond (cards)
S_dart_trap: \x04
S_falling_rock_trap: \x04
S_squeaky_board: \x04
S_bear_trap: \x04
S_land_mine: \x04
S_rolling_boulder_trap: \x04
S_sleeping_gas_trap: \x04
S_rust_trap: \x04
S_fire_trap: \x04
S_pit: \x04
S_spiked_pit: \x04
S_hole: \x04
S_trap_door: \x04
S_teleportation_trap: \x04
S_level_teleporter: \x04
S_magic_portal: \x04
S_web: \x04
S_statue_trap: \x04
S_magic_trap: \x04
S_anti_magic_trap: \x04
S_polymorph_trap: \x04
S_weapon: \x18 # up arrow
# ^J S_armor: \x0a # Vert rect with o
S_armor: \x5b # default: '['
# ^I S_ring: \x09 # circle with arrow
S_ring: \x3d # default: '='
S_amulet: \x0c # "female" symbol
S_tool: \x28 # default: '('
S_food: \x05 # club (as in cards)
S_potion: \xad # upside down '!'
S_scroll: \x0e # musical note
S_book: \x2b # default: '+'
S_wand: \xe7 # greek tau
S_coin: \x0f # yes it's the same as gems
S_gem: \x0f # fancy '*'
S_rock: \x60
S_ball: \x30
S_chain: \x5f
S_venom: \x2e
S_rock: \x60
S_ball: \x30
S_chain: \x5f
S_venom: \x2e
S_human: \x01
start: RogueWindows
Restrictions: rogue
Handling: IBM
S_weapon: \x29
S_amulet: \x2c
S_food: \x3a
S_potion: \xad
S_scroll: \x3f
S_book: \x2b
S_wand: \xe7
S_vwall: \xba # all walls now use
S_hwall: \xcd # double line graphics
S_tlcorn: \xc9
S_trcorn: \xbb
S_blcorn: \xc8
S_brcorn: \xbc
S_crwall: \xce
S_tuwall: \xca
S_tdwall: \xcb
S_tlwall: \xb9
S_trwall: \xcc
S_ndoor: \xce
S_vodoor: \xce
S_hodoor: \xce
S_room: \xfa # centered dot
S_corr: \xb1
S_litcorr: \xb2
S_upstair: \xf0 # Greek Xi
S_dnstair: \xf0
# Recommended symset for blind players
# courtesy Michael Feir
start: NHAccess
Description: Recommended for blind players
S_stone: \032
S_vwall: \124
S_hwall: \045
S_tlcorn: \124
S_trcorn: \124
S_blcorn: \124
S_brcorn: \124
S_crwall: \045
S_tuwall: \045
S_tdwall: \045
S_tlwall: \124
S_trwall: \124
S_ndoor: \046
S_vodoor: \045
S_hodoor: \124
S_vcdoor: \043
S_hcdoor: \043
S_bars: \046
S_tree: \035
S_room: \035
S_corr: \060
S_litcorr: \062
S_upstair: \060
S_dnstair: \062
S_upladder: \095
S_dnladder: \092
S_altar: \035
S_grave: \126
S_throne: \126
S_sink: \126
S_fountain: \126
S_pool: \042
S_ice: \042
S_lava: \035
S_vodbridge: \035
S_hodbridge: \032
S_vcdbridge: \035
S_hcdbridge: \126
S_arrow_trap: \094
S_dart_trap: \094
S_falling_rock_trap: \094
S_squeaky_board: \094
S_bear_trap: \094
S_land_mine: \094
S_rolling_boulder_trap: \094
S_sleeping_gas_trap: \094
S_rust_trap: \094
S_fire_trap: \094
S_pit: \094
S_spiked_pit: \094
S_hole: \094
S_trap_door: \094
S_teleportation_trap: \094
S_level_teleporter: \094
S_magic_portal: \094
S_web: \094
S_statue_trap: \094
S_magic_trap: \094
S_anti_magic_trap: \094
S_polymorph_trap: \094
S_vbeam: \124
S_hbeam: \095
S_lslant: \092
S_rslant: \047
S_digbeam: \042
S_flashbeam: \033
S_boomleft: \041
S_boomright: \040
S_ss1: \048
S_ss2: \035
S_ss3: \064
S_ss4: \042
S_sw_tl: \047
S_sw_tc: \045
S_sw_tr: \092
S_sw_ml: \058
S_sw_mr: \058
S_sw_bl: \092
S_sw_bc: \045
S_sw_br: \047
S_explode1: \047
S_explode2: \045
S_explode3: \092
S_explode4: \058
S_explode5: \032
S_explode6: \058
S_explode7: \092
S_explode8: \045
S_explode9: \047
# All symbols are spaces
start: Blank
Description: Completely blank symbols
S_air: \032
S_altar: \032
S_amulet: \032
S_angel: \032
S_ant: \032
S_anti_magic_trap: \032
S_armor: \032
S_armour: \032
S_arrow_trap: \032
S_ball: \032
S_bars: \032
S_bat: \032
S_bear_trap: \032
S_blcorn: \032
S_blob: \032
S_book: \032
S_boomleft: \032
S_boomright: \032
S_boulder: \032
S_brcorn: \032
S_centaur: \032
S_chain: \032
S_cloud: \032
S_cockatrice: \032
S_coin: \032
S_corr: \032
S_crwall: \032
S_darkroom: \032
S_dart_trap: \032
S_demon: \032
S_digbeam: \032
S_dnladder: \032
S_dnstair: \032
S_dog: \032
S_dragon: \032
S_eel: \032
S_elemental: \032
S_explode1: \032
S_explode2: \032
S_explode3: \032
S_explode4: \032
S_explode5: \032
S_explode6: \032
S_explode7: \032
S_explode8: \032
S_explode9: \032
S_eye: \032
S_falling_rock_trap: \032
S_feline: \032
S_fire_trap: \032
S_flashbeam: \032
S_food: \032
S_fountain: \032
S_fungus: \032
S_gem: \032
S_ghost: \032
S_giant: \032
S_gnome: \032
S_golem: \032
S_grave: \032
S_gremlin: \032
S_hbeam: \032
S_hcdbridge: \032
S_hcdoor: \032
S_hodbridge: \032
S_hodoor: \032
S_hole: \032
S_human: \032
S_humanoid: \032
S_hwall: \032
S_ice: \032
S_imp: \032
S_invisible: \032
S_jabberwock: \032
S_jelly: \032
S_kobold: \032
S_kop: \032
S_land_mine: \032
S_lava: \032
S_leprechaun: \032
S_level_teleporter: \032
S_lich: \032
S_light: \032
S_litcorr: \032
S_lizard: \032
S_lslant: \032
S_magic_portal: \032
S_magic_trap: \032
S_mimic: \032
S_mimic_def: \032
S_mummy: \032
S_naga: \032
S_ndoor: \032
S_nymph: \032
S_ogre: \032
S_orc: \032
S_piercer: \032
S_pit: \032
S_poisoncloud: \032
S_polymorph_trap: \032
S_pool: \032
S_potion: \032
S_pudding: \032
S_quadruped: \032
S_quantmech: \032
S_ring: \032
S_rock: \032
S_rodent: \032
S_rolling_boulder_trap: \032
S_room: \032
S_rslant: \032
S_rust_trap: \032
S_rustmonst: \032
S_scroll: \032
S_sink: \032
S_sleeping_gas_trap: \032
S_snake: \032
S_spider: \032
S_spiked_pit: \032
S_squeaky_board: \032
S_ss1: \032
S_ss2: \032
S_ss3: \032
S_ss4: \032
S_statue_trap: \032
S_stone: \032
S_strange_obj: \032
S_sw_bc: \032
S_sw_bl: \032
S_sw_br: \032
S_sw_ml: \032
S_sw_mr: \032
S_sw_tc: \032
S_sw_tl: \032
S_sw_tr: \032
S_tdwall: \032
S_teleportation_trap: \032
S_throne: \032
S_tlcorn: \032
S_tlwall: \032
S_tool: \032
S_trap_door: \032
S_trapper: \032
S_trcorn: \032
S_tree: \032
S_troll: \032
S_trwall: \032
S_tuwall: \032
S_umber: \032
S_unicorn: \032
S_upladder: \032
S_upstair: \032
S_vampire: \032
S_vbeam: \032
S_vcdbridge: \032
S_vcdoor: \032
S_venom: \032
S_vibrating_square: \032
S_vodbridge: \032
S_vodoor: \032
S_vortex: \032
S_vwall: \032
S_wand: \032
S_water: \032
S_weapon: \032
S_web: \032
S_worm: \032
S_worm_tail: \032
S_wraith: \032
S_xan: \032
S_xorn: \032
S_yeti: \032
S_zombie: \032
S_zruty: \032
start: plain
Description: Same as Default symbols, except '+' for corner walls
S_tlcorn: '+'
S_trcorn: '+'
S_blcorn: '+'
S_brcorn: '+'
S_crwall: '+'
S_tuwall: '+'
S_tdwall: '+'
S_tlwall: '+'
S_trwall: '+'
finish #plain -- other symbols implicitly retain their default values