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i just started rogue and i got blessed short sword - so i guess there is that 5% chance for being blessed too... — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 9 February 2009

I removed the strategy of waking the MA with a mind flayer blast. The blast has a range of only seven, so no matter where you stand in the up-stairs room, he'll be out of reach.--Darth l33t 01:52, September 25, 2009 (UTC)

Using a mind blast

I was able to alert the nemesis of my presence both in game and again in wizard mode. It is very possible.

-----      -------.......................................-------------------
|...|  ----|.....|.......................................|.................|
|............--........|...| |..............--.....}}.}}........----------S|
|.............|........|..%| |..............|M.....}}}}}}}}......|...|.....|
|S-.---.---.--|.---.---|...| |-----------...--........}}.}}.....-|..---....|
|.--|.---.--|.---.-S-..|---| |.MMM|.....|....--....}}}}}}}}....--|..S.---..|
|...|---....|---.......|----- .MMMMM|...|--|    --....}}....--...|..--.--..|
-----.....---.....--.---....--...--------..|     --........--....|.........|
    |.............|..........|.............S...   -S-------|.....|..-----..|
    ----------------------------------------  ......       ----------   ----

All of the spots marked 'M' should be within range. Unless I'm miscounting, all are within a 7x7 square. The solitary M is where I did it in both wiz mode and in my one real game, so I know that one will work. All are within the block that has neither the assassin nor the upstairs, so you can dig a hole in the floor above and keep dropping down until you end up in either the assassin's block or the other block. I was fortunate enough to have a polymorph trap that I used to get a tame mind flayer and just got it as close to the marked position on the wiki's map as possible, and he suddenly attacked me. It certainly works. -- Qazmlpok 23:06, October 8, 2009 (UTC)

Starting gold

I noticed that the amount of gold a rogue starts with isn't listed here like it is on the Tourist page. From my experience, it appears to be 1000-2000, could anyone confirm this? -AlphaPikachu578 04:45, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Rogues don't start with any gold in vanilla. Are you playing a variant? --Darth l33t 07:06, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed I am, sorry about that. -AlphaPikachu578 23:37, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

SLASH'EM shopping

Playing SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F3, noticing that costs in shops appear to be a lot more than most other characters I play. I have 8 CHA, but the costs seem to be even further out of whack. Do rogues get bumped up a cost level in SLASH'EM? --AileTheAlien 05:43, 6 May 2011 (UTC)

Yes, they do. Triple markup, I believe. Barbarians and Samurai get similar (if not identical) treatment. -- Qazmlpok 12:04, 6 May 2011 (UTC)
Double, actually, and same with samurai. Only barbarians get tripled prices. The note in the source code (Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/shk.c#line2347) says that rogues are untrustworthy, samurai are from out of town, and barbarians are gullible. Of course the real reason is game balance - rogues are majorly buffed in SLASH'EM (AC bonus from high dex, Bat from Hell), and samurai and barbarians are simply unweakened strong roles (unlike valkyries, whose long sword became a spear). -Ion frigate 08:47, 7 May 2011 (UTC)

Shot limitation prefix

The article mentions this -- but searching for it leads only to this page, and I can't find it described anywhere. If it is explained somewhere, could it be liked to? --Ephialtis (talk) 23:14, 13 January 2014 (UTC)

It's covered by the Numeric prefix article. I added an in-text link to it. --Cherokee Jack (talk) 20:30, 1 April 2017 (UTC)

Weapon options

When I edited this page, I cut this section because it took up a lot of space in the new outline. I'm putting the content here for reference. --Cherokee Jack (talk) 20:30, 1 April 2017 (UTC)

Rogues are good twoweaponers but better missile users. Thrown weapons will often make sense at all ranges. Note that twoweaponing removes backstab damage, so it's not always the best choice.

Damage of selected weapons versus small targets with only skill +damage. Daggers thrown except as noted.

weapon skill(s) base per hit #attacks (avg) total damage notes
Crossbow E 2.5 8.0 1-3(2) 16 +d6 poison
Dart E 2.0 7.5 1-3(2) 15.0 +d6 poison
ElvenDagger E 3.0 5.0 1-4(2.5) 12.5
ElvenShort+ElvenBroad E/E 4.5/6.0 5.5/7.0(t) 2 12.5 two handed
OrcishDagger E 2.0 4.0 1-4(2.5) 10.0
Dagger E 2.5 4.5 1-4(2.5) 11.25
ElvenDagger+ElvenBroad E/E 3.0/6.0 4.0/7.0(t) 2 11 two handed
ElvenShortx2 E/E 4.5 5.5(t) 2 11.0 two handed
Katana x2 S/S 5.5 5.5(t) 2 11.0 two handed
Crossbow S 2.5 7.0 1-2(1.5) 10.5 +d6 poison
DwarfShortx2 E/E 4.0 5.0(t) 2 10.0 two handed
Dart S 2.0 6.5 1-2(1.5) 9.75 +d6 poison
ElvenDagger+LongSword E/E 3.0/4.5 4.0/5.5(t) 2 9.5 two handed
LongSword x2 S/S 4.5 4.5(t) 2 9.0 two handed
Dagger S 2.5 3.5 1-3(2) 7.0
Crossbow B 2.5 6.0 1 6.0 +d6 poison
Broadsword S 5.0 6.0 1 6.0
Dart B 2.0 5.5 1 5.5 +d6 poison
Longsword S 4.5 5.5 1 5.5
Halberd B 5.5 5.5 1 5.5 two handed, ranged
Spetum B 4.5 4.5 1 4.5 two handed,ranged
Dagger(wielded) E 2.5 4.5 1 4.5
Dagger B 2.5 2.5 1-2(1.5) 3.75

Damage versus small targets with +3 damage from strength and a +3 damage from enchantment.

weapon skill base per hit #attacks (avg) total damage notes
ElvenDagger E 3.0 11.0 1-4(2.5) 27.5
Dart E 2.0 13.5 1-3(2) 27.0 +d6 poison
Dagger E 2.5 10.5 1-4(2.5) 26.25
OrcishDagger E 2.0 10.0 1-4(2.5) 25.0
ElvenShort+ElvenBroad E/E 4.5+6.0 11.5+13(t) 2 24.5 two handed
ElvenBroadx2 S/S 6.0 12.0(t) 2 24.0 two handed
ElvenDagger+ElvenBroad E/E 3.0+6.0 10.0+13(t) 2 23.0 two handed
Katana x2 S/S 5.5 11.5(t) 2 23.0 two handed
Crossbow E 2.5 11.0 1-3(2) 22.0 +d6 poison, no strength bonus
LongSword x2 S/S 4.5 10.5(t) 2 21.0 two handed
Dagger S 2.5 9.5 1-3(2) 19.0
Broadsword S 5.0 12.0 1 12.0
Longsword S 4.5 11.5 1 11.5
Halberd B 5.5 11.5 1 11.5 two handed, ranged
Spetum B 4.5 10.5 1 10.5 two handed,ranged
Dagger(wielded) E 2.5 10.5 1 10.5

Damage vs. demons in the late game, blessed +7 weapons, XL30, 18/**-25 strength, with backstab for non-twoweapons: (assumes demon is large, fire resistant, drain resistant, poison resistant, hates silver, and is fleeing): As you can see, due to the double backstab damage, Grayswandir by itself beats Grayswandir and a silver saber twoweaponed--against a non-silver-hating monster, where the silver damage doesn't help, the effect would be even more dramatic.

weapon skill base average per hit #attacks (avg) total damage notes
SilverDagger E 2.0 45.5 1-4(2.5) 113.75 silver
ElvenDagger E 2.0 35.0 1-4(2.5) 87.5
Dagger E 2.0 35.0 1-4(2.5) 87.5
OrcishDagger E 2.0 35.0 1-4(2.5) 87.5
Grayswandir S 4.5 74.0 1 74.0 silver
Grayswandir+Saber S 4.5+4.5 42.0+30.5 2 72.5 silver
Dart E 1.5 34.5 1-3(2) 69.0
SilverDaggerx2(wielded) S 2.0+2.0 28.0+28.0 2 56.0 silver
Silver Saber S 4.5 47.0 1 47.0 silver
SilverDagger(wielded) E 2.0 45.5 1 45.5 silver
Magicbane(wielded) E 2.0 38.8975 1 38.8975
Barehanded w/ silver ring E 1.5 20.0 1 20.0 silver

--Cherokee Jack (talk) 20:30, 1 April 2017 (UTC)