Dark elven mithril-coat

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[   dark elven mithril-coat   Dark elven mithril-coat.png
Appearance dark elven mithril-coat
Slot body armor
AC 6
Base price 240 zm
Weight 150
Material mithril

A dark elven mithril-coat is a type of body armor that appears in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM. It is naturally made of mithril.


Drow in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM always generate with a dark elven mithril-coat.[1]


In SLASH'EM, dark elven mithril-coats are not randomly generated. Upgrading an elven mithril-coat will produce a dark elven mithril-coat.[2]


In SlashTHEM, dark elven mithril-coats can be randomly generated like other weapons, and general stores, used armor dealerships and antique weapon outlets can sell dark elven mithril-coats. Upgrading works the same as in SLASH'EM.


While worn, the dark elven mithril-coat grants 6 base AC and MC3, making it functionally identical to the dwarven mithril-coat.

Upgrading a dark elven mithril-coat will produce an elven mithril-coat.[3]


Dark elven-mithril coats are quite rare to obtain, but are almost superior to elven mithril-coats in terms of defenses, though they cannot be safely enchanted to +7.


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