Chicken (SLASH'EM)

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For the similar monster in SpliceHack, see chicken (SpliceHack).

A chicken, c, is a type of monster that appears in the Lethe patch, SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. The chicken is a domestic herbivorous animal that is part of the cockatrice monster class, and shares a glyph with the cockatrice—it has a tendency to wander while moving, and can be seen via infravision.

A chicken has a single bite attack.


Randomly generated chickens may be created as peaceful towards neutral heroes, and can appear in small groups.


The chicken's speed of 15 can make groups of them somewhat dangerous to early heroes, but they can reliably be pacified by throwing rations at them, and are generally not a major threat overall. Regardless, care should be taken not to mistake them for the much more dangerous chickatrice, which can also be generated in small groups.


The chicken (Gallus domesticus) is a large and round short-winged bird, domesticated from the red junglefowl of Southeast Asia around 8,000 years ago - female chickens are known as hens, while males are known as roosters. Chickens are common and widespread domestic animals, with a total population of 23.7 billion as of 2018, and an annual production of more than 50 billion birds; a hen bred for laying can produce over 300 eggs per year. Most chickens are raised for food, providing meat and eggs, while others are kept as pets or used for cockfighting.