User:Phol ende wodan/YANI

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This page is an list of YANIs I've come up with. Feel free to use and implement them as you see fit.

This page used to contain an archival list of YANIs from IRC; I've moved it to User:Phol ende wodan/YANI/IRC archive.


  • Reduce level of turn undead to 2 or 3.
  • Add lightning as level 5 attack spell, at Unskilled and Basic has the same effect as a wand of lightning, at Skilled and Expert explodes on its first target
  • Spell of repair: level 3 matter spell. If wielded weapon is eroded, fixes its erosion. Otherwise, target a random piece of worn armor and fix any erosion it has. At Unskilled, the erosion will only be repaired 1 level at a time; at Basic, 2 levels; at Skilled, 3 levels; and at Expert (maybe) the item will be erodeproofed.
  • Cure blindness is a pretty useless spell, and should probably be removed or its effects folded into some other spell like extra healing or clairvoyance. Alternatively, if see invisible is nerfed so that it cannot be granted permanently, this could be folded into a "spell of true sight", which grants temporary see invisible as well as curing blindness, perhaps temporary blindness resistance, and blocking (but not curing) hallucinations like Grayswandir's wield effect.
  • Spell of shove: level 4 or 5 escape spell. At Unskilled and Basic, it fires a beam that pushes the first monster it hits back one space (as if receiving a staggering blow, but doing no damage); at Skilled and Expert, it fires a shorter-range beam in all eight directions. Seems like it could be pretty fun, what with shoving monsters into moats to drown them and things like that.
  • The spell of clairvoyance grants a few hundred turns of intrinsic clairvoyance when cast at Skilled. This makes it useful for Samurai in particular.
  • Spells now take different numbers of turns to cast (interruptable by normal means). Combat spells and some of the emergency spells still take only 1 or 2 turns, but utility spells can take up to five or so.
  • Nerf the spell of charm monster heavily. It never tames a hostile monster directly. If it would have succeeded, it only pacifies the monster. Peaceful monsters can be tamed on subsequent casts, but trying and failing to tame a peaceful intelligent monster may anger it. Pacifying a hostile monster is dependent on monster MR, while taming a peaceful monster is dependent on the relative levels of the player and the monster. The scroll of taming should be more powerful and reliable than the spell.
  • The spell of light has an advanced form, which is a ray. It blinds monsters it is fired at like a camera flash does. (The camera flash is also transformed into a ray, which can be reflected.) In Wands Balance Patch-implementing variants, the wand of light should also have this effect for skilled users.
  • The spell of protection does not gradually dissipate. It disappears all at once, with the player given a warning a few turns beforehand.
  • Ring spells, level 7 (or even 8) attack spells, which cast a ring of some elemental power emanating from your square that does not hit your square itself. The radius is 1 if Unskilled or Basic and 2 if Skilled or Expert.
  • The base Pw cost for a spell is specified per-spell, and only correlates with spell level rather than being tied to it, which allows for interesting things like low-level spells that are easy to cast but expensive.
  • Rename cone of cold to "frost blast", because it does not act like a typical D&D cone spell in either of its forms.
  • Spell of baleful polymorph: a beefed-up version of polymorph (or an advanced form) that, when it polymorphs a monster, allows you to determine what to change it into. Perhaps this does not work on pets, so you can't give yourself a army of titans.


Talismans are slotless amulet-class objects that can be "activated" for their effect, which expires after 4000 + 64d50 turns. Once a talisman runs out, it either turns into a non-magical talisman (which cannot be restored to its magical state) or disintegrates, I'm not sure which. Once activated, they cannot be switched off to conserve their lifetime. They can, however, be charged to extend their life by a few hundred turns while activated. There is no limit to the number of talismans a player can have active at once.

Talisman types
Extrinsic Randomized appearance Color of glow Auto-identifies Material
Magic resistance woven gold Cloth
Flying feathered blue Yes cloth
Hungerless HP regeneration beaded green cloth
Power regeneration patterned green wood
Astral vision painted white wood
Drain resistance weathered gold wood
Luck furred silver leather
Warding (full magic cancellation) aged gold wood
Clairvoyance segmented white wood
Light (radius 5) chiseled white Yes wood
carved wood
cracked wood
stone stone
leather leather
gnarled wood

Something would probably have to be done so an ascension-ready player can't fire up a bunch of talismans at once before entering the Planes or Moloch's Sanctum. Perhaps there is a steadily increasing chance, dependent on the number of active talismans in inventory, that a talisman will disintegrate when a new one is activated or a previously activated one enters inventory. Any active talisman might disintegrate, not necessarily the new one. Having two active at a time is safe, but anything more is not.

The <talisman> sparkles and starts glowing <color>.
A talisman was activated.
The <color> glow of the <talisman> seems weaker.
A talisman is 100 turns from expiring.
The <color> glow of the <talisman> is getting faint.
A talisman is 10 turns from expiring.
The <talisman>'s glow disappears and it disintegrates.
A talisman expired.
The <talisman> shines with a brilliant light!
A talisman of light was activated.
You feel like flying!
A talisman of flying was activated.
The <talisman> glows violently red for a moment, then disintegrates.
Too many activated talismans were in inventory at once, and it disintegrated.


New set of short staff weapons. They either use a new "short staff" skill or just Quarterstaff skill (which would be renamed to Staff skill). They are inferior to quarterstaves as a melee weapon (a quarterstaff is a long heavy staff intended for pummeling; this is about half as long and held in one hand), doing d2 damage versus small and d1 damage versus large monsters, but they weigh only 10. There is one mundane staff that has no special abilities; the others are magical staffs that enhance a certain spell school when wielded by reducing spellcasting penalties and power and hunger costs for that school's spells. The Staff of Aesculapius' base item is now a staff of healing instead of a quarterstaff. Wood golems may drop these staffs in addition to quarterstaffs. Wizards will start with a staff of attack instead of a quarterstaff, or possibly a walking stick, depending on whether the Wizard early game is survivable with a plain walking stick.

While a staff is unidentified, it will not affect spell failure rates, so it is not trivial to identify. When you first successfully cast a spell of the staff's school while wielding it, you get the message "The staff attunes itself to your <school> magic", and the staff becomes identified.

Staff Randomized appearance
staff of attack yew staff
staff of healing holly staff
staff of matter ebony staff
staff of enchantment hemlock staff
staff of cleric redwood staff
staff of divination oaken staff
staff of escape maple staff
walking stick pine staff


  • New artifact dagger The Barrow-blade of Cardolan: has some flat bonuses, some additional bonuses versus undead, and instakills all W, ghosts, and shades. It is either lawful or unaligned. Could also be a short sword, since there are currently no artifact short swords, but for flavor it should be a dagger.
  • When the player kills a giant spider with an elven dagger and Sting has not yet been created, the dagger is converted into Sting automatically. Sting is made of rustproof steel, instead of wood (this would be tricky to do because of base items; you would still want to be able to create it by naming an elven dagger, but Sting in the lore is made of steel or at least metal, not wood). Sting has bonuses versus spiders, in addition to its bonuses against orcs.
  • Add a non-wielded-weapon non-quest artifact that is a guaranteed first sacrifice gift for Monks.
  • One such artifact is The Silver Star; an artifact silver shuriken that deals +d8 damage to all targets. Like Mjollnir, it returns to the player's inventory after being thrown, but doesn't have any chance of hitting the player. Since there is only one of it, it cannot be multishot.
  • Add one or two artifacts or modify artifact base types such that there is more than one good blunt artifact you can obtain through sacrifice. (The current three are Mjollnir, which is decent, and Ogresmasher and Trollsbane, which are not.)
  • Make Sunsword out of gold.
  • Nenya (Galadriel's ring from Lord of the Rings): a mithril ring that confers unchanging and warning across the whole level when worn.
  • Scrivener, an artifact magic marker. It generates with 3 charges and cannot be recharged. Instead of using the charges normally, a single charge will write any scroll or spellbook without fail.

User interface or other technical things

  • The xlogfile shows which turn a conduct was first broken on, rather than compacting all conducts into a bitmask
  • Option to bring up the prompt to type-name an item any time it would normally be prompted, even if the object is already type-named. The example given is that if you price-id an object and then later see a monster use it, you then have the option to add this new information immediately.
  • The scroll of remove curse auto-identifies if it removes a visible curse from one or more objects (i.e. the player can compare his inventory before and after reading it and see that the curse is gone).
  • When the player is prompted to rename an object or a level that already has a name and submits an empty string, ask the player for confirmation to remove that name entirely: "Remove old name? [yn] (n)"
  • When farlooking and moving the cursor around, you can press "m" repeatedly to move the cursor to visible monsters on the screen in increasing order of distance from the player.
  • When standing on a (not known untrapped) container and pressing s, prompt the player to check for traps on the container. Search normally if they say no.
  • Anything the player touches is added to the discoveries list with a blank "called" string.
  • Engraving naturally interrupts instead of leaving the player helpless until it's finished.
  • For variants with object properties, store a bitfield as the property mask in the objclass struct, and a separate one in the obj struct. This lets you define which properties are inherent to the object type (e.g. acid resistance and poison resistance for an alchemy smock) and which abnormal properties it has, which is useful because all alchemy smocks shouldn't show up as "alchemy smock of poison resistance and acid resistance".

New monsters and monster behavior

  • Rat king (not the SLASH'EM unique Rat King), based on the real-life rat king. It is a r, not much faster than a rock mole, but has several bite attacks (possibly scaling the amount by monster level). Each bite has a small chance of conferring disease. Its level corresponds to the number of entangled rats, so a slashing attack could sometimes cut off one rat, which then appears on the floor as a new rat, and makes the rat king lose a level.
  • Aggravate monster from a ring (and only from that) gives pets a special behavior: as they are aggravated, they will attack enemies with no regard to their current HP or the enemy's level, basically ignoring the checks that exist.
  • Green slimes have an engulfing attack that guarantees to start the sliming process (assuming the player isn't unchanging, on fire, etc).
  • New demon lord who spellcasts, favoring touch of death and summon nasties. However, the only thing it summons and gates in are incubi and succubi.
  • Small mimics (but not large or giant ones) can mimic the floor, looking like nothing in the same way a trapper or lurker above does.
  • Wandering hostile priests of Moloch occasionally generate in Gehennom.
  • Hostile conflict angels don't appear on the Astral Plane any longer, but A and @ are now immune to conflict on the Astral Plane.
  • Add a knockback attack and a monster that can use it. Getting knocked back into a wall deals some extra damage, and getting knocked back into water or lava has predictable effects.
  • Asmodeus and Baalzebub have a chance of re-appearing hostile to their levels (not a certainty; if they always came back there'd be no reason not to kill them off) when the player is on the way back up with the Amulet. Flavor-wise, this is because the player only paid for safe passage down, and now the player has their coveted Amulet.
  • Monsters may spawn on the upstairs or downstairs in sight of the player; they are coming in from other floors. If the monster selected spawns in groups, it picks somewhere that isn't the stairs, though.
  • New demon lord with a fire attack comparable to Asmodeus' cold attack. It seems weird that no demon lords are really associated with fire.
  • Intrinsic cold resistance only halves damage from Asmodeus' cold attack unless you are extrinsically protected by a ring of cold resistance.
  • Demon lord who has no real special abilities, but has a very, very high physical damage output.
  • When riding a non-flying, non-swimming steed, give a warning by making the steed stop and "shy away" before riding into water. Only allow this if you use the m command or the steed has already shied away once. But it's not very fair or realistic to have the steed instadrown under you.
  • Nazgul's sleep gas acts as a beam, not a ray, and therefore cannot be reflected.
  • Water nymphs may create a pool on their spot when killed. The player's items fall into it, of course.
  • "You hear the splashing of a naiad" may happen if there is a water nymph on the level at all.
  • New hallucinatory monsters: "floatin' guy",
  • Storm giants have active and passive shock attacks. Not sure why they don't actually have anything to do with shock currently.
  • Silver golem.
  • Slime mold as a new F monster, which is guaranteed to drop a slime mold on death.

Additions to the list of items that certain monsters might death-drop:

  • Adult female dragons drop eggs (more so than the usual oviparous drop odds)
  • Killer bees occasionally drop lumps of royal jelly
  • Skeletons may drop skeleton keys

Wishing for non-objects

Wishes are very powerful things, and I don't see any reason why they have to be limited to objects. I see this as a place to add interesting wishes with effects you can't get anywhere else.

  • Time: decreases the turn count a bit
  • Luck: increases Luck by d5 points
  • Intrinsics: gives you any intrinsic (that you can actually get in your normal form. Can't wish for intrinsic reflection, drain resistance, etc. Not sure about intrinsics normally only possible by eating jewelry.)
  • Attributes: increases whichever attribute. Maybe a d4 or d5 increase so it's not inferior to a blessed potion of gain ability.
  • World peace or just Peace: pacifies all monsters on the level, subject to normal resistances
  • Polymorph: you polymorph
  • Friends: same effect as a successful cast of create familiar
  • Terrain features: already wishable in wizard mode, the justification is "If the player wants to wish for lava, why not let them have lava?" You can wish for a throne, because the chance of getting two or more wishes off it is tiny.
  • Happiness: gives you a blessed potion of booze


  • Artifactless conduct: increment whenever an artifact enters the player's inventory (since the player never has to pick up an artifact).
  • Petless conduct: increment when the player starts with a pet or tames a monster. Can be accidentally broken by the taming effect of a magic trap; this bothers me. One solution is to have magic traps not tame if the player's pettype is 0, but I don't like that mixing of options and gameplay. In any case, polyselfless is another example of a conduct that can be broken accidentally and is far more likely.
  • Tins of "pureed monster" or "soup made from monster" do not break foodless conduct. Possibly change tin behavior so the preparation method can be discerned before eating it, or just display the preparation when the tin is opened, e.g. "You succeed in opening the tin. It contains a puree that smells like newts. Eat it?" This doesn't have to reveal every preparation method, so that greasy fried food remains a danger.


New objects

  • Add "candelabrum" as a new randomly generated tool. It can hold 3 candles and gives a light radius of 2 with one candle, 3 with two candles, and 4 with three candles. Its material is brass. The Candelabrum of Invocation's unidentified description is now "ornate candelabrum".
  • Brass knuckles: gauntlet-slot armor, increases bare hands and martial arts damage based on enchantment, but does NOT provide any AC bonus.
  • Potion of training: gives you a temporary multiplier to your experience point gains (lasts for the next N monsters, not the next N turns)
  • Armor of training: has no AC, but gives you a small multiplier to your experience point gains permanently. FIQ commented that training could also be an object property in variants that have it.
  • Characters with at least Basic in sling can do something (use a touchstone? flint stone? any gray stone?) to break rocks into slingshot, which weigh 1 and have comparable to-hit and damage to flint stones. Slingshot may be weapon-class instead of rock-class. The higher the sling skill, the more shot that one can get out of a single rock. There should also be rare silver rocks, which can be broken into silver shot.
  • Blowguns, which can be used as a launcher for darts. (Cavemen can thematically use these.)
  • Chain whips and silver chain whips, which use whip skill.
  • A cloak of flying.
  • Sunglasses, an eye slot tool that reduces the chance of being blinded from a bright light to 20%. They lower the chance of successfully searching. Tourists start with a pair of sunglasses equipped.
  • Lemons, a comestible that deals 1 point of damage when eaten unless acid resistant and exercises Constitution. If you are killed by eating a lemon, the death reason is "killed by citric acid".
  • Party hat, a conical hat which increases Cha by 1 if uncursed, 2 if blessed, and decreases it by 1 if cursed.

Object behavior

  • Breaking an amber stone (e.g. when fired from a sling and hitting a monster) has a chance to release a random a.
  • Applying a blessed whistle (either type) will unparalyze pets in range.
  • The amulet of restful sleep confers hungerless regeneration whenever the player is asleep.
  • Rename the two-handed sword to "greatsword", moving "two-handed sword" to its unidentified description.
  • When the hero #sits in a corner while wearing a dunce cap, give YAFM and exercise wisdom.
  • When breaking an identified wand of nothing, give YAFM: "Predictably, nothing happens."
  • Similar to object properties, a small fraction of wearable items are generated with a "trendy" attribute, which is not hidden from the player. Trendy items have an increased base price and add one charisma when worn.
  • Reading a blessed scroll of fire allows you to select a spot to center the blast of fire, similar to the selection for a scroll of stinking cloud or the advanced fireball spell. The damage of this scroll is also increased somewhat from what it is now, about four times the current damage, to make it worthwhile to use.
  • Whenever a diluted potion of acid would be created (i.e. by wishing or polypiling) it immediately explodes in an alchemic blast.
  • Flip the blessed and cursed effects of the scroll of create monster, with the argument that if beatitude influences an object's effects at all, blessing should amplify them and cursing should reduce them. However, consistency along these lines conflicts somewhat with the current behavior of objects, which is that blessing generally always gives the player a better effect and cursing gives them a worse one. The create monster scroll is in a weird place because both its blessed and cursed effects could be considered beneficial in different contexts.
  • A blessed scroll of destroy armor should allow the player to select which piece of armor to destroy. If they decline to choose, it selects a random piece of armor like the uncursed scroll.
  • When an egg gets very, very old, it cracks and releases a small stinking cloud. If it happens to be carried by the player, the cloud centers on the player. When it is within 100 turns of cracking, the player can throw it and it will release the stinking cloud wherever it shatters.
  • The Platinum Yendorian Express Card is made out of literal platinum instead of plastic.
  • Boomerangs should keep flying when they hit monsters, for the slapstick comedy value and also because it makes them a nicer weapon.
  • Colored glass frequency corresponds to its real-life frequency; red, orange, and yellow glass are rare; green and brown common, etc.
  • Junk mail is not only addressed to the finder of the Eye of Larn, but contains references to other games too.
  • Objects thrown at cloaked or hidden monsters pass right through the square as if no monster is on the square.
  • Because you pass beyond the mortal realm when you exit the Dungeons with the Amulet, life saving does not work in the End Game, at all, even for monsters.
  • You can apply a spear to hit things two spaces away like an unskilled polearm.
  • When a bag of holding explodes, each item inside has a 1/13 chance of being destroyed and a 12/13 chance of being scattered (using the same code that scatters drawbridge chains).
  • Reading a scroll of confuse monster while confused confuses nearby monsters in a large radius akin to confused taming.
  • Invoking the Staff of Aesculapius allows you to select a direction. If you pick a direction with an adjacent monster, the monster will get the healing effect instead of you. If you aim at yourself or a direction with no monster, the healing effect applies to you as normal.
  • The wand of speed, zapped at yourself, grants temporary very fast speed and does not grant intrinsic speed. Intrinsic speed can be gained from a non-cursed potion of speed, and a blessed potion will still grant temporary very fast speed. These would be more useful in a system where permanent very fast speed is unobtainable.
  • Writing an unknown spellbook is not as likely to fail outright as it is now. Instead, there is a chance that it will "warp strangely, then turn <color>", and become some other unknown spellbook.
  • Speed boots' speed is gently nerfed to be better than intrinsic speed, but worse than temporary sources.
  • Non-erodeproof copper items corrode over time.
  • Accuracy, damage, and AC bonuses should not be available as intrinsics, and eating their rings should not do anything.
  • The cursed Book of the Dead will occasionally raise the dead around its location on its own without warning.
  • All the various fruits and vegetables have slightly different (and generally good) non-nutritional effects, like with carrots and blindness. Ideas: Apples exercise Consitution (and make nurses flee?). Pears heal d3 hit points. Oranges restore one lost ability point. Bananas cure stunning.
  • Putting on a ring of protection from shape changers and causing a shapechanged monster somewhere on the level to revert to its normal form wakes it up if it's asleep.
  • A blessed scroll of light lights up the entire level.
  • Hitting monsters with a non-cursed unicorn horn cures them of status afflictions. Hitting them with a cursed horn gives them status afflictions.


The Armory (Mines' End)

Map geometry is right center, and the left portion containing the upstairs will be normal caverns. The main monsters here are hostile (renegade?) G and h, with some "extra help" in the form of mercenary soldiers. The loot is in the form of armor and weapons in storerooms, with the gems and possibly luckstone in storerooms rather than scattered around. A random wand of opening is placed somewhere in the left side of the level, so the player can open the drawbridge.


The dark + are secret doors. The four groups of red + are secret doors, but only one per group will actually be a door. All ^ are random traps. The * marked in magenta are possible locations for the luckstone. The brown ( are chests with the usual contents, and the marked ) is a blessed +2 two-handed sword. The two green @ are lieutenants.

All monsters behind iron bars get a ready supply of bows, crossbows, and ammunition.


  • At some skill level (Skilled or Expert or maybe even Master) martial arts gives you two attacks.
  • If your legs are unwounded and free, Skilled or better martial arts has a chance of dealing a kick instead of a punch. This has a small to-hit penalty but has better damage. If you want to always punch, you can either attack with F or set an option which prevents you from kicking.
  • New shop type "thrift shop". Contains items priced at a steep discount but which aren't very useful on their own. Examples include negatively enchanted or eroded (not necessarily cursed) weapons and armor, blank scrolls, magical tools with zero or one charges left.
  • Rangers have a role bonus which decreases the overall probability a projectile will break.
  • New container trap effect, a loud alarm that wakes nearby monsters. (Exploding chests already wake nearby monsters, but the chance of it happening is miniscule unless your Luck is below -7; this was proposed as one of the common effects even at high Luck.)
  • You can scare off the Vault guard by telling him your name is one of the demon lords. This has the same effect as if you couldn't say anything, so you're still trapped in the vault after he flees. -1 alignment penalty for lawful lying still applies.
  • Rolling boulder trap hit chance and damage is based on dexterity and not AC, for how much you can jump out of the way. Only high dexterity will allow you to dodge the boulder entirely.
  • When killed by a monster that brings you back as something else (zombie, vampire, green slime), you don't die; you continue playing in that form with permanent intrinsic unchanging. This might make it actually beneficial to get killed by a vampire.
  • Divine lightning (a god smiting you, particularly Moloch when you attack his high priest) should ignore reflection; it's a "wide-angle" blast of lightning. Maybe this should apply to the clerical spell too, I'm not sure. The high priest of Moloch should also be shock resistant.
  • At high skill, the spell of wizard lock should force items off the doorway to adjacent squares so it can make the door. If there's a monster on the door, it becomes embedded in the door.
  • Amnesia makes you forget spells and skill points instead of discoveries and maps.
  • If you attack a spellcasting monster that currently has maximum energy, it may cast a counterspell to ward off your attack
  • Detect monsters shows invisible monsters as I (or whatever S_invisible happens to be).
  • Tool shops stock touchstones.
  • With X-ray vision / astral vision, the only monsters you can see through walls are skeletons.
  • Negative messages are never punctuated with ! and favor ... but may still use just a period. (Example: "You feel attractive..." for gaining intrinsic aggravate monster in FIQhack, the existing "You feel attractive!" sounds like you gained Charisma.
  • Some object that you can dip in lava to enhance its properties.
  • Hitting monsters that have a passive shock attack with something made of copper, silver, or gold increases the amount of shock damage.
  • When you get a wish from a water demon, it uses the cursed/unlucky wish logic because you're making a deal with a demon.
  • When a monster gets teleported away, show a message "The foo disappears!"
  • Don't gift a character a spellbook as a prayer effect if the character is illiterate or certain roles (like cavemen), and if a spellbook is given limit its level somehow so that a character doesn't get a spellbook of much too high level.
  • Elven priests start with an elven shield instead of a small shield.
  • Zapping a digging ray upward may either detach a boulder from the ceiling, or several rocks, instead of a single rock. If several rocks are released, each gets a separate damage roll.
  • Boulders falling on the player's head deal more damage than they currently do, and they don't really have their damage significantly reduced if the player is wearing a metal helmet.
  • Using the m command to move yourself into a pit makes you lower yourself into the pit without taking any damage (so you can easily get items and other things in the pit). Maybe a spiked pit still deals a bit of damage, maybe not.
  • The cost of breaking a shop door is at least partially non-deterministic, so you can't figure out the exact amount the shopkeeper will demand in advance.