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Cooking is a skill in SpliceHack. Players can use cooking to alter their food for useful benefits.


Cooking uses the same mechanics as erosion. This means that items that can be cooked are vulnerable to fire damage. Whenever a player or monster is dealt fire damage, there is a chance that their cookable items are affected. Items that can be cooked include:

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Corpses (except as specified below).

Invalid items include:

  • Processed food.
  • Corpses that are unsolid.
  • Corpses that are amorphous.
  • Corpses of undead.
  • Corpses of monsters that like fire.
  • Inedible items.

There are three levels of cooking: Cooked, burnt, and crispy. It is possible to wish for food that cannot be cooked by specifying that it be "uncookable," but no such items (aside from those already invalid) are naturally generated during the course of the game.

Monsters killed via fire usually leave burned corpses. Cooked/burned corpses cannot be sacrificed. Rotten and homemade tinned food is considered to be uncooked, but all other tins found by the player are treated as having a random amount of cooking. Corpses found in ice boxes have a small chance of being cooked.

Cooking in front of a monster of the same race as the corpse being cooked will cause them to become angry.

Consuming cooked food

Cooking food modifies the nutrition it provides, as well as the chance of gaining an intrinsic from a corpse. Cooked food is more beneficial than uncooked food, while burnt food is less beneficial.

Cooking Level Nutrition Intrinsic Gain
Uncooked 100% 100%
Cooked 120% 120%
Burnt 50% 100%
Crispy 25% 100%

How to cook

Cooking is as easy as standing on the same tile as a furnace, using the #cook extended command, and selecting a valid item. There is a a 1 / 1 + [cooking skill] chance that a mishap occurs, causing the item to immediately become burned or crispy. If a mishap does not occur, the food will become cooked. The message that appears depends on the cooking skill of the player.

Cooking skill

Max Role

Cooking skill and intelligence are both exercised every time the player cooks a corpse using a furnace.

Special corpses

Some corpses produce YAFM or an interesting effect when cooked.

You thoroughly defrost your winter wolf corpse.
Appears when cooking a winter wolf. The winter wolf corpse transforms into a wolf corpse instead of being cooked.
The giant skunk corpse explodes in your hands!
Appears when cooking a giant skunk. The corpse is destroyed, the player's intelligence is abused, and a large cloud of poison gas surrounds the player.
Yum, fried chicken!
Appears when cooking any sort of cockatrice corpse. This is considered interacting with the corpse for the purposes of stoning.
You get the sense that may have been a bad idea...
Appears when trying to cook the Wizard of Yendor. This prompts immediate harassment by the Wizard of Yendor.
That's some good 'burg.
Appears when cooking a cow.
Mold covers the furnace!
Appears when cooking a brown mold. The brown mold immediately revives.