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An altar, represented by an underscore (_), is a place where you may worship gods. An altar with a priest in the same room is a temple.

Altars and priests are co-aligned if they are of the same alignment as you, cross-aligned if they are of a different alignment. An altar is aligned if it has lawful, neutral or chaotic status. Altars of Moloch are unaligned. Unaligned altars do not appear in the main dungeon, only in Gehennom and some quests.

Altars not located in temples are scattered randomly throughout the dungeons. The Valley of the Dead has an unaligned altar located in the temple of Moloch. Minetown is also guaranteed to have a temple altar.

Altars can be used to detect the BUC status of items. This is done by dropping the item onto the altar. A black flash marks a cursed item and an amber flash a blessed one. You can not detect the BUC status if you are blind or hallucinating.

Sacrificing corpses

You can #offer fresh corpses to your god by sacrificing them on an altar. The tougher the monster, the more your god will appreciate it. You can check the experience level of a monster by using a stethoscope on it. Since you have to touch the offering you must be wearing gloves when sacrificing cockatrice corpses. Additionally, sacrificing will give you an indication of your current prayer timeout.

If you are lucky, sacrificing on an altar of any alignment other than your own converts the altar and the power of your god increases. If you are unlucky, the altar may resist, or you might be converted to the altar's alignment yourself. Trying to convert the altar in a temple will anger the priest. Altars in Gehennom are unaligned and cannot be converted. Other unaligned altars in the game, found on some quests, however, can be converted.

Danger in sacrificing

Sacrificing can be dangerous in the following circumstances:

  • Sacrificing at an altar of Moloch.
  • Sacrificing at an altar not of your alignment type (ie. Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) when your alignment is negative.
    • This may convert you to the altar's alignment, you lose 3 luck, and your prayer timeout increases by 300.
  • Sacrificing at an altar not of your alignment type (ie. Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) when your alignment is high and you are at least level 7.
    • This will convert the altar but may summon a minion of the altar's original god. The probability varies, but is never greater than 1/4. The probability is higher in NetHack brass and SLASH'EM, see #Variants.
    • Additionally, if you do this to convert an altar in a temple with attending priest, the priest will become angry at you.
  • Sacrificing former pets.
  • Sacrificing your own race if you are not chaotic.
    • You lose 5 alignment and 5 luck, and your god's anger increases by 3. On a chaotic altar, this will summon a hostile demon lord or other major demon. Other altars are converted to chaotic.
  • Sacrificing a unicorn on an altar of its own alignment.
  • Sacrificing a unicorn of your alignment.

Sacrificing your own race

If you are not chaotic, it is very bad to sacrifice corpses of your own race. Doing so will cause wisdom, luck, and alignment to be abused, and will anger your deity. However, chaotic characters can do this safely. It's a guaranteed method of converting a lawful or neutral altar to chaotic; if the altar is already chaotic, it will cause a peaceful demon lord to be summoned while luck and alignment are exercised.

Sacrificing unicorns

Sacrificing Unicorns is tricky because the altar's alignment, your alignment, and the unicorn's alignment all factor into the outcome. A unicorn's alignment is represented by its color. The white is lawful, grey neutral, and black chaotic. The points to remember are:

  • Never sacrifice a unicorn on an altar of its own alignment.
  • Never sacrifice a unicorn of your alignment.

The rest of the effects are summarized in the following table:

You Unicorn Altar Effect
Lawful.pngLawful Lawful.pngWhite Lawful.pngLawful Bad
Lawful.pngLawful Lawful.pngWhite Neutral.pngNeutral You become neutral
Lawful.pngLawful Lawful.pngWhite Chaotic.pngChaotic You become chaotic
Lawful.pngLawful Neutral.pngGrey Lawful.pngLawful Good
Lawful.pngLawful Neutral.pngGrey Neutral.pngNeutral Bad
Lawful.pngLawful Neutral.pngGrey Chaotic.pngChaotic Altar becomes lawful
Lawful.pngLawful Chaotic.pngBlack Lawful.pngLawful Good
Lawful.pngLawful Chaotic.pngBlack Neutral.pngNeutral Altar becomes lawful
Lawful.pngLawful Chaotic.pngBlack Chaotic.pngChaotic Bad
Neutral.pngNeutral Lawful.pngWhite Lawful.pngLawful Bad
Neutral.pngNeutral Lawful.pngWhite Neutral.pngNeutral Good
Neutral.pngNeutral Lawful.pngWhite Chaotic.pngChaotic Altar becomes neutral
Neutral.pngNeutral Neutral.pngGrey Lawful.pngLawful You become lawful
Neutral.pngNeutral Neutral.pngGrey Neutral.pngNeutral Bad
Neutral.pngNeutral Neutral.pngGrey Chaotic.pngChaotic You become chaotic
Neutral.pngNeutral Chaotic.pngBlack Lawful.pngLawful Altar becomes neutral
Neutral.pngNeutral Chaotic.pngBlack Neutral.pngNeutral Good
Neutral.pngNeutral Chaotic.pngBlack Chaotic.pngChaotic Bad
Chaotic.pngChaotic Lawful.pngWhite Lawful.pngLawful Bad
Chaotic.pngChaotic Lawful.pngWhite Neutral.pngNeutral Altar becomes chaotic
Chaotic.pngChaotic Lawful.pngWhite Chaotic.pngChaotic Good
Chaotic.pngChaotic Neutral.pngGrey Lawful.pngLawful Altar becomes chaotic
Chaotic.pngChaotic Neutral.pngGrey Neutral.pngNeutral Bad
Chaotic.pngChaotic Neutral.pngGrey Chaotic.pngChaotic Good
Chaotic.pngChaotic Chaotic.pngBlack Lawful.pngLawful You become lawful
Chaotic.pngChaotic Chaotic.pngBlack Neutral.pngNeutral You become neutral
Chaotic.pngChaotic Chaotic.pngBlack Chaotic.pngChaotic Bad

Prayer timeouts and sacrifice

Sacrificing on an altar reduces your prayer timeout and you get a message indicating the status of your prayer timeout.

"You have a hopeful feeling."
You may not pray yet because your prayer timeout hasn't expired.
"You have a feeling of reconciliation."
You may pray because your sacrifice reduced your prayer timeout to zero.
"An object appears at your feet!"
You may not pray because you received a gift and your prayer timeout has been increased.
"You have a feeling of inadequacy."
You may not pray. Your god is still angry at you.
"<Deity> seems slightly mollified."
You may not pray. Your god's anger has been reduced but it is not yet zero.
"<Deity> seems mollified."
You may pray because your god's anger has been reduced to zero.
"You feel partially absolved."
You may not pray because your alignment was negative, and has been increased by the level of the corpse, to a maximum of zero. Sacrifice again to find if it's safe to pray.
"You glimpse a four-leaf clover at your feet."
Your luck was increased; you may pray.
"You think something brushed your foot."
Your luck was increased while blind; you may pray.
"You see crabgrass at your feet. A funny thing in a dungeon."
Your luck was increased while hallucinating; you may pray.
"Your sacrifice is consumed..." and no further message
You may pray

Making water holy/unholy

If you drop a potion of water or several potions of water onto an altar and #pray, the potions become blessed if the altar was aligned with you and become cursed if the altar was not aligned with you. This occurs regardless of whether the water was blessed or cursed before. Be aware that praying on a cross-aligned altar will anger your god, decrease your luck, and you might be punished in some other way.

Normal prayer timeouts apply when praying on altars.


It is possible to survive indefinitely on a level with an altar. Under normal circumstances, the need for food drives you to deeper unexplored levels. However, you can instead pray when weak, and sacrifice to reduce your prayer timeout back to zero. Doing this for extended periods of time can net you many death drops, and a collection of gifts from your god if your luck is substantially high. This is considered by some as degenerate. It is most effectively done with black puddings, which is known as "pudding farming".

High altars

The three altars on the Astral Plane and the altar in Moloch's Sanctum are considered to be high altars. They act largely as normal altars, but cannot be converted under any circumstances; doing so will cause the god in question to attempt to zap you and, failing this, will summon three minions to protect the altar.


Players of NetHack brass and SLASH'EM need to be wary when converting altars, because of the increased chance that the altar's original god will dispatch a minion against you. Now, for those of you at experience level 7 or above with high alignment, the chance of a minion appearing just after the altar glows is the same as it is in vanilla.[1] As in vanilla, the god will yell "Thou shalt pay for thy indiscretion!"[2] Let us call this the indiscretion minion. Raise your luck to decrease your chance of seeing one.

What you should fear is the additional chance of one or more minions appearing just before the altar glows. In SLASH'EM, if you are at experience level 4 or above, there is a chance that "You feel (god) is very angry at you!" and the god dispatches two minions.[3] Let us call them the anger minions. After the altar glows, you still have the original chance of an indiscretion minion. As with the indiscretion minion, you have more chance to avoid the two anger minions with higher luck.

In NetHack brass, the probability that "You feel (god) is very angry at you!" is 100%. For all experience levels, at least one anger minion will appear. Brass then rolls a random number from 0 to 9 and summons a second anger minion if rolled under your experience level. Brass then rolls a random number from 0 to 19 and summons a second or third anger minion if it rolled under your experience level! Luck is not a factor. Thus in brass it is very dangerous to convert altars. You might convert an altar at experience level one and have to run away to another level from one minion, or three minions if the game rolled 0 twice, thus giving you no use of the converted altar. If converting an altar at experience level 7 or above, you might still get the indiscretion minion, and you might have to flee or fight four of them.[4]

Source code references

  1. pray.c#line1396 in 3.4.3, src/pray.c#line1606 in S 0.0.7E7F2
  2. minion.c#line128
  3. src/pray.c in S 0.0.7E7F2
  4. src/pray.c in brass 040923