Prince Nezha

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In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, Prince Nezha is the lawful god of the Monk pantheon.


Prince Nezha is a lawful god of holy holiness, and his minions consist of Justice Archons, fire elementals, movanic devas, Sword Archons, and Mahadevas.


Nezha (哪吒) is a protective deity in Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese folk religion. His official Taoist name is "Marshal of the Central Altar" (中壇元帥), and he is also known as "Third Lotus Prince" (蓮花三太子) after becoming a deity. Nezha has frequently appeared in ancient Chinese literature such as Fengshen Yanyi ("Investiture of the Gods"), with the story of Nezha Conquering the Sea being the most well known in Chinese households. Nezha is often depicted as a youth, although he does sometimes appear as an adult; he is often shown flying in the sky by riding on a weapon known as the Wind Fire Wheels (風火輪), while wearing the Universe Ring (乾坤圈) around his body or in his left hand and the Red Armillary Sash (浑天绫) around his shoulders, and wielding a Fire-tipped Spear (火尖槍) in his right hand.

In 16th century Chinese novel Journey to the West, Nezha was a general under his father, the "Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King" Li Jing. He fought the Monkey King Sun Wukong when the latter rebelled against the Jade Emperor, though they later became friends and Nezha aided Wukong's group in defeating powerful demons, including his adoptive sister Lady Earth Flow.

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