Themed room

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Revision as of 03:38, 28 May 2020 by Andrio Celos (talk | contribs) (List of themed rooms: Mausoleums may not be of that size. Also, purple L don't appear in them any more.)
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The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Themed rooms are rare rooms that are unlike normal rectangular rooms. There is a 33 in 1033 chance (approximately 1 in 31) that the game will attempt to place a themed room instead of a normal random room. Some themed rooms are simply unusual shapes, while others have contents unlike those that appear anywhere else. Some themed rooms can be further transformed into special rooms.

List of themed rooms

Name Can be special Normal room contents Map Notes
Normal random room Yes Yes

A common rectangular room.

Fake Delphi Yes Yes

A 11×9 room with a 3×3 room in its center, imitating Delphi.

Room in a room Yes Yes

A random room with a random subroom

Huge room Yes Yes

A very large room, with a 90% chance of containing a subroom.

Ice room No Yes

The floor is covered with ice.

Boulder room No No

Each floor space in the room has a 30% chance to have a boulder or rolling boulder trap.

Spider nest No No

Each floor space in the room has a 30% chance to have a web, with a giant spider sitting on it.

Trap room No No

Each floor space in the room has a 30% chance to have a trap. All of these traps will be of the same type, and they may have corpses and possessions on an eligible level. They can be arrow traps, dart traps, falling rock traps, bear traps, land mines, sleeping gas traps, rust traps or anti-magic fields.

Buried treasure Yes Yes

There is a chest buried in the floor, containing 3d4 random objects.

Massacre No No

There are 5d5 player monster or quest guardian corpses on the floor.

Pillars No No

The pillars will be lava 1/7 of the time, water 1/7 of the time or trees 1/7 of the time.

Statuary No No

There are 5d5 statues and d3 statue traps.

Light source No No

The room is always dark, containing a lit oil lamp.

Temple of the gods No No

There is an altar of each alignment. The room is not an actual temple and does not contain a priest.

Mausoleum No No

A square room with a 3×3 subroom in the center. There is a 50% chance that there will be a basic lich, demilich, mummy, vampire or zombie sealed in the centre of the room; otherwise there will be an @ corpse. There is a 20% chance that the centre will have a secret door; beware.

Random dungeon feature No Yes

At the centre of the room is a cloud, lava, ice, water or a tree. The room will always have an odd width and height so that there is an exact center point.

L-shaped Yes Yes

There are four rotations of this type of room.

Blocked center Yes Yes

A 9×9 room with the central 3×3 spaces filled with lava (70% chance), walls (15% chance) or water (15% chance).

Circular, small Yes Yes
Circular, medium Yes Yes
Circular, big Yes Yes
T-shaped Yes Yes

There are four rotations of this type of room.

S-shaped Yes Yes

There are four rotations and reflections of this type of room.

Cross Yes Yes
Four-leaf clover Yes Yes
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Water-surrounded vault No No

The room is not connected to the other rooms, but may appear adjacent to a corridor. It can generate alongside an actual vault. It contains a giant zombie, ettin zombie or vampire lord guarding four chests.

See also