Lava is a dungeon feature that occurs in NetHack.
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"Add details of (or link to?) effect on items - how are they affected, how can they be retrieved, particularly invocation items and the Amulet of Yendor."
Lava can generate in the Big Room: the ninth variant features a lava-surrounded room, while the first and tenth variants may generate with lava as the terrain type for certain portions of the map.
Lava occurs on all floors of the Valkyrie quest except the upper filler level, and is found on the goal level of the Monk quest.
Lava is naturally spread throughout the Plane of Fire.
Stepping into lava without fire resistance will result in instant death, while falling into lava with fire resistance is a delayed instadeath: you have a few turns in which you can escape before sinking below the surface and dying. Sinking into lava is fatal even with magical breathing; in the latter case, the cause of death is "dissolved in molten lava". Riding a non-flying/levitating steed over lava will instantly kill your steed, destroy your saddle, and then leave you in the lava.
Escaping lava
If you find yourself stuck in lava, you can free yourself by teleporting out, praying, or getting engulfed. You can also freeze the lava with a cold attack (e.g. applying a wand of cold) and then dig yourself with a pick-axe or other similar tool; for this to work reliably, you must freeze all adjacent squares of lava as well, or the lava might pour into your hole.
It's possible to walk out of lava on foot. It takes d4+3 moves to escape lava, and d4+11 moves to sink below the surface. However, every move that you don't try to escape (because e.g. you were fighting) adds d4 more turns of being stuck. Spending more than one move on anything than escaping may leave you with too little time to save yourself. Note that once you're stuck, gaining levitation does not help you escape by itself. However, zapping a wand of opening downwards while levitating will free you. (If you use the wand without levitation or flying, you will just get stuck again. Note also that you cannot put water walking or levitation boots on while your feet are stuck.)
Jumping while in lava will not allow you to leave the square; unless you have flying or levitation, you will start sinking again immediately, resetting both the time to escape and the time to sink.
Crossing lava
You can cross over lava using many of the same techniques as for crossing a moat, but with added attention to the burning hazard.
You can walk directly on the lava using fireproof water walking boots; walking over lava without fire resistance will deal 6d6 damage per move. Even if you and your water-walking boots are both fire-resistant, other flammable objects are likely to burn if you carry them while walking on lava.
You can turn lava into normal floor tiles with a ray of cold. e.g. from the cone of cold, a frost horn, or cold-based breath attacks from monsters such as winter wolves. You can also fill the lava with boulders, but there is a 90% chance the boulder will sink into the lava without a trace.
You can avoid contact with lava entirely by levitation, flying, jumping, teleport, riding a flying or levitating pet, or polymorphing into a creature with one of these abilities. Throwing an iron ball you're chained to can also pull you over lava.
Even if you have flying or levitating, lava is not considered a safe location to teleport to by the game. Choosing to teleport onto lava when you have teleport control will deposit you on a random "safe" square instead.
Retrieving items
Items submerged in lava can be retrieved using a similar process to retrieving them from water, with important distinctions: any organic and flammable items that are not fireproof will typically be destroyed from initially falling into the lava, while the invocation items and the Amulet of Yendor are immune. Freezing the lava will turn it to normal solid ground rather than ice, and the Amulet and invocation items will always emerge on the top of the resulting floor squares; any buried organic items that survived being submurged into the lava will instead gradually rot away in the new floor squares unless they out dug out. A hero can also pull items out of the lava by applying a bullwhip or grappling hook while levitating or flying.
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Attempting to pull items out of lava using a bullwhip may burn or destroy the whip instead.Bugs
In NetHack 3.4.3, Lava is subject to bug C343-231:
Time is distorted while sinking into lava.
Certain actions which do not take any time on the turn counter, such as entering an invalid extended command, will still decrement the variable which tracks how far you have sunk into lava. Thus, you may sink to your death sooner than expected, possibly even the same turn you stepped into the lava. Be careful what you do in this situation, and take action to stop sinking as soon as possible. This bug is fixed in NetHack 3.6.0, and in the version of 3.4.3 on
Lava in 3.4.3 is also subject to bug SC343-18:
Escaping from lava can leave hero outside of time.
After jumping to the surface of lava, you could remain on the surface indefinitely as long as you didn't move. After the fix, remaining in place will cause you to start sinking again.
- The lava cools and solidifies.
- A ray or blast of cold turned a lava tile into normal ground.
Lava appears far more often in UnNetHack, particularly in Gehennom in the form of both level-bisecting rivers and encircling seas. Lava also appears in Moria. A player should assume they will need to possess a way to bypass or freeze lava.
Encyclopedia entry
You are on the edge of a breath-taking view. Far below you
is an active volcano, from which great gouts of molten lava
come surging out, cascading back down into the depths. The
glowing rock fills the farthest reaches of the cavern with a
blood-red glare, giving everything an eerie, macabre appearance.
The air is filled with flickering sparks of ash and a heavy
smell of brimstone. The walls are hot to the touch, and the
thundering of the volcano drowns out all other sounds.
Embedded in the jagged roof far overhead are myriad twisted
formations composed of pure white alabaster, which scatter the
murky light into sinister apparitions upon the walls. To one
side is a deep gorge, filled with a bizarre chaos of tortured
rock which seems to have been crafted by the devil himself.
An immense river of fire crashes out from the depths of the
volcano, burns its way through the gorge, and plummets into a
bottomless pit far off to your left. To the right, an immense
geyser of blistering steam erupts continuously from a barren
island in the center of a sulfurous lake, which bubbles
ominously. The far right wall is aflame with an incandescence
of its own, which lends an additional infernal splendor to the
already hellish scene. A dark, forboding passage exits to the
This page may need to be updated for the current version of NetHack.
It may contain text specific to NetHack 3.6.1. Information on this page may be out of date.
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