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Withering is a status effect in SpliceHack that affects the player's hit points. Withering has different effects depending on whether the player has regeneration. Withering is considered a major trouble, and can be removed via application of a unicorn horn or prayer.

Status Effect
Regeneration Player does not regain hit points at an accelerated rate.
No regeneration Player loses one hit point per turn, does not regain hit points naturally.

Monsters afflicted with withering lose one hit point per turn.

Other Variants

Withering also occurs in EvilHack. However it cannot be cured with a unicorn horn. Prayer, quaffing a blessed potion of extra healing or a non-cursed potion of full healing will remove withering. However, in EvilHack withering is not perpetual or even necessarily long-lived, and will time out on its own. Wither time is dependent on how much damage the withering attack did, minimum being two turns. The wither time can stack if you're hit repeatedly with a withering attack before it wears off, and can last much longer if caused by a high-level monster.