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The canine, usually short for dog or other canine, is a monster class that appears in NetHack, and is represented by the lowercase d glyph (d). Dogs and canines are designated internally by the macro S_DOG.[1]

The class contains the following monsters:[2]

Common traits

Canines are quadrupedal animals that lack hands and are visible via infravision. Canines can be separated into four broad categories:

Canines are either neutral as with the warg and the "mundane" canine monsters, or they are chaotic as with the canine werecreatures and breath-users. Chatting to a tame canine monster can be used to gauge its current condition.

Canines that eat mimic corpses may assume the form of a sink or tripe ration for the duration of the meal if they do not assume a monster-specifici form.[3] Monsters that polymorph into any canine monster - excluding werecreatures assuming their animal form - will produce a unique message if this occurs out of your character's sight.[4]


Randomly generated canines that are not domestic always created hostile; domestic canines are sometimes peaceful towards neutral characters.

The canine is the first quest monster class for Samurai, and makes up 24175 of the monsters randomly generated on the Samurai quest. Some random canines are also generated on a few levels within the quest branch at level creation: one each is placed randomly on every floor between the home and goal levels, and two are randomly placed on the goal level itself.


<The canine> howls.
You chatted to a canine while it is night time during a full moon, regardless of other circumstances.[5]
<The canine> whines.
Your tame canine is hungry, caught in a trap, confused, scared, or at low tameness.[6] A leashed canine that is near a square with a trap will whine on its own.[7]
<The canine> barks.
A tame non-dingo canine will become hungry in 1000 turns or less, or you chatted to a peaceful non-dingo canine.[8]
<The canine> yips.
You chatted to a peaceful or tame canine, and none of the above conditions apply.[9]
<The canine> growls.
You chatted to a hostile canine.[10]
You notice a dog smell.
A monster polymorphed into a dog outside of your sight range.[4]
