Meat ring

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% Meat ring.png
Name meat ring
Base price 5 zm
Nutrition 5
Turns to eat 1
Weight 1
Conduct meat

A meat ring is a type of comestible item that appears in NetHack. It is fleshy and not vegetarian or vegan.


Meat rings are not randomly generated, and can only created by zapping a stone to flesh spell at a ring with a randomized appearance that is made of mineral or gemstone.


When eaten, meat rings grant 5 base nutrition. They can be worn like normal rings, but have no effect and do not incur ring hunger. Like tripe rations, meat rings are considered a treat for carnivorous pets.

Dropping a meat ring down a sink prints a message, but has no other effect.


Like meat sticks, most meat rings are junk created from a hero zapping stone to flesh at themselves, either by accident or deliberately to cure stoning. A meat ring provides very little nutrition, and is best used as a lightweight treat to feed any meat-eating pets or else tame carnivorous domestic animals - they can also be used as polyfodder to try and turn into lightweight food such as lembas wafers.

If you cannot uncurse a cursed mineral or gemstone ring any other way, a viable method is to drop all other mineral and gemstone items and then cast stone to flesh on yourself - the cursed ring can then be eaten off your finger, with the only remaining concern being adverse effects of rotten food.

List of mineral and gemstone rings

Rings with the following randomized appearances can be turned into meat rings:

  • agate
  • black onyx
  • clay
  • coral
  • diamond
  • emerald
  • granite
  • jade
  • moonstone
  • opal
  • ruby
  • sapphire
  • tiger eye
  • topaz


The meat ring is introduced alongside the spell of stone to flesh in NetHack 3.3.0.


Several flies buzz around the sink.
You dropped a meat ring into a sink.



In SlashTHEM, meat rings can be randomly generated, and can be sold in general stores and delicatessens.

Encyclopedia entry

See the encyclopedia entry for meatball.