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This article is about the material. For the items, see gem.
For the material that non-gem "crystal" objects in NetHack are made of, see glass.

Gemstone is a material that appears in NetHack.


All gems that are not worthless pieces of glass - which appear as 'gems' until identified - are made out of gemstone. Rings with the following randomized appearances are made of gemstone:

  • Agate
  • Black onyx
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Jade
  • Moonstone
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Tiger eye
  • Topaz

Polypiling gemstone objects may result in either a stone golem or a clay golem.[1]


In variants with an object materials system, many more objects including weapons and armor can be made of gemstone, sometimes referred to as crystal. It is generally a high-quality material for weapons and armor, but such items are very expensive and often hard to come by.


SLASH'EM introduces new types of golem that are made of gemstone: the ruby, sapphire, diamond, and crystal golems. The gemstone golems each have a powerful physical attack and a breath weapon whose element is tied partly to their gem type; the diamond golem's breath weapon can use a randomized damage type, similar to the Chromatic Dragon. All four varieties of golem drop gems of their respective material upon death, with the crystal golem leaving behind a pile of random valuable gems.


In GruntHack, gemstone is the heaviest and most expensive among object materials, but provides a +2 bonus to AC relative to iron armor and is immune to erosion.


In dNetHack, gemstone is an available material for objects - new items that are made of gemstone include the fossil dark and magicite. Items made of gemstone have a submaterial for a specific type of gem, rather than being made of an unspecified generic gemstone.

Valuable gems can also be used as focusing crystals for lightsabers to produce different-colored 'blades'; worthless pieces of glass will always result in a red lightsaber.


In xNetHack, gemstone provides a +2 AC bonus for armor similar to GruntHack, but is much lighter in comparison to most metals save for mithril.

Wands with the randomized appearance of "hexagonal" are now made of quartz.


In EvilHack, gemstone functions similarly to xNetHack in terms of armor and AC. Gemstone weapons additionally gain a +3 damage bonus if they deal slashing or piercing damage; dwarven-made weapons have a 120 chance of generating as made of gemstone.

The following items have a base material of gemstone:


In addition to SLASH'EM changes, SlashTHEM adds two randomized appearances for amulets, "tetraedical" and "isocaedical", that are composed of gemstone; both appearances are associated with the amulet of second chance and amulet of data storage (respectively) in the code by default.
