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The feline, usually short for cat or other feline, is a monster class that appears in NetHack, and is represented by the lowercase f glyph (f). Cats and felines are designated internally by the macro S_FELINE.[1]

The class contains the following monsters:[2]

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The displacer beast, f, is added to the monster class.

Common traits

Felines are quadrupedal and carnivorous animals; they lack hands, and are visible via infravision. Felines are all of neutral alignment, and can be separated into two categories:

  • Domestic felines: the kitten, housecat and large cat
  • Wild felines: the jaguar, lynx, panther, and tiger

Felines primarily attack via bites, and the wild cats also have claw attacks. Chatting to a tame domestic feline monster can be used to gauge its current condition.

Felines that eat mimic corpses may assume the form of a tripe ration for the duration of the meal if they do not assume a monster-specific form.[3]

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

All felines have infravision.


Randomly generated felines that are not domestic are always created hostile; domestic felines are sometimes peaceful towards neutral characters.


Most felines have high movement speed, allowing them to deal surprising amounts of damage to an unprepared hero in the early game.


The feline monster class is introduced in NetHack 3.0.0, which adds the kitten, housecat and large cat and moves the jaguar to the monster class. The jaguar first appears in Hack 1.21 (based on Jay Fenlason's Hack), where it uses the J glyph; from Hack for PDP-11 and Hack 1.0 to NetHack 2.3e it uses the j glyph, and NetHack 3.0.0 gives the monster its current glyph.

The tiger is added to the monster class in NetHack 3.0.6. The panther originates in NetHack-- 3.1.3, while the lynx originates in SLASH 6, and both monsters make their vanilla debut in NetHack 3.3.0.
