The Silver Flame

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The Silver Flame is a lawfully aligned cult in dNetHack.


The Silver Flame is always located in the main branch of the dungeon, and can be sought out by applying a mirror at yourself while at over 20 insight: doing so will report the location of a "silver light", depending on where you are relevant to the cult:

  • If you are not on the same floor, it will report the location as (far) below or above you.
  • If you are on the correct dungeon level, it will instead report the cardinal direction of a specific square on that floor, e.g. "far to the west".
  • If you are on the correct square, you can then follow the directions below to begin following the Silver Flame.


To begin following the Silver Flame, you must have a suitable weapon or pair of gloves. The Silver Flame can only take up residence in suitable mithril, silver and platinum objects - once it does so, your mirror will be converted to a purified mirror, which appears as a silver disk when unidentified. The Silver Flame-enhanced object will have "shining" prepended to their material, e.g. "shining mithril".

Vanquishing certain monsters with a Silver Flame weapon has a chance of instantly sacrificing that monster to the Flame, preventing them from leaving a corpse; their inventory will be dropped as normal. A successful sacrifice this way angers any non-lawful deity, unless you are a Binder, Anachrononaut or an unaligned Madman - wearing a helm of opposite alignment to become lawful and sacrificing to the Silver Flame does not anger your god.

Care must be taken not to accidentally kill monsters in shops (particularly mimics) this way, as you will be charged for the destroyed corpse.

Silver Flame boons

Every sacrifice increases your standing with the Silver Flame in the form of flame credits, which are not reported to the player. You can consult the silver flame by applying your silver disk: if there are not enough flame credits, nothing happens and a message is printed. Otherwise, a menu of boons is displayed for you to select.

Consulting the Silver Flame and applying its boons does not break the atheism conduct.

List of minor boons

Boon Cost Description
Smelt away impurity 50 Sets any metallic object's material to silver
Smelt away imperfection 50 Sets any metallic object's material to platinum
Smelt away immobility 50 Sets any metallic object's material to mithril
Spread the reflected silver flame 25 Imbues any suitable weapon, pair of gloves or mirror with the Silver Flame
Burn aura 10 Unblesses and uncurses an item.

List of major boons

This only becomes available once your total accumulated credit reaches a specific level.

Boon Cost Description
Mirror-finish a surface 50 Applies reflection to any suitable armor or weapon
Burn on a curse-proof glaze 25 Applies 15 curse resistance to any suitable armor. Can be applied to weapons, but does not do anything.
Focus the light to reveal mortality 50 Applies the ability to drain 1d2 levels from attacked monsters to gloves/boots/weapon.
Focus the light to reveal true death 50 Applies double damage + 2d7 against undead to gloves/boots/weapon.
Focus the light to reveal the unworthy 50 Applies double damage to minions (including angels and other spiritual beings) and demons as disintegration damage to gloves/boots/weapon. Worn artifacts and disintegration-proof armor on the target are unaffected.


<monster> burns from within, consumed by silver fire!
A monster was killed by a Silver Flame weapon.
The silver flame is distant and uninterested.
You applied your silver disk, but did not have enough flame credits.