The Hand of Vecna (SLASH'EM)

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%   The Hand of Vecna (SLASH'EM)  
Base item severed hand
Affiliation chaotic
When carried
When wielded drain resistance
When invoked see text
Base price 700 zm
Weight 1

The Hand of Vecna can be obtained by killing Vecna in the Chaotic Quest, provided you don't digest or disintegrate him. It is one of the most powerful Artifacts in SLASH'EM. Although it is guarded by an army of L, Z, V and Vecna himself, most adventurers go through the trouble of killing them to aquire it. If you eat the hand, you will get 150-199 damage, so this is a Bad idea. Note that you can sacrifice it at any time; this gets rid of it permanently, and thus is a (somewhat less) Bad Idea.


If your Luck is lower than -9 you get the following message:

"The Hand claws you with its icy nails!"

and recieve 5-24 damage. Otherwise,

"Creatures from the grave surround you!"

and you summon 4-7 tame graveyard creatures. You also take a -3 penalty to Luck and alignment.

In Dungeons & Dragons

In the Greyhawk setting, the hand was one of the two things which remained after Vecna fought Kas the Bloody-Handed (the other thing was the eye).

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