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Yeenoghu, &, is a monster in NetHack, specifically, one of the demon lords. He can deal out tremendous physical damage if you lack free action and MC3, and he can zap you with magic missiles, like Angels do, but is not generally regarded a problem if you are prepared for him. He is generated with a flail. Yeenoghu respects Elbereth.

Yeenoghu, together with Juiblex, is one of the two demon lords that can be summoned with chaotic own-race sacrifice. He will be peaceful then.


Yeenoghu will teleport next to you to attack you and fire magic missiles and then teleport away. He escapes upstairs to regenerate when his hitpoints are low, so an effective strategy would be to camp on the up stairs when he teleports himself off of them. He does respect Elbereth, but be sure you can deal with confusion or have it written already, since you are unlikely to write it correctly while confused.

Do not even try to charm Yeenoghu: His high level and magic resistance means you would waste more turns than in melee fight. Also, he is covetous, so he would only become peaceful.


Yeenoghu first appears in NetHack 3.0.0.

"A ludicrous bug"

Yeenoghu is the subject of one of the longest-running bugs in NetHack history. In NetHack 3.1.0, the Riders were introduced. The code that handles their special attacks comes right after that which handles Yeenoghu's confusion attack.[1] Early versions had this code inserted carelessly; consequently, after Yeenoghu used his confusion attack, execution would proceed into the section that handles Death's touch:[2]

Yeenoghu reaches out with its deadly touch.--More--
Do you want your possessions identified? [yn]

A comment at the end of Yeenoghu's section read:

/* fall through to next case */

and contemporary source-divers thought from this that the behavior was deliberate. Thus for many years the bug was never reported.

Pat Rankin of the DevTeam was made aware of this property in a discussion, and called it "a ludicrous bug".[3] The then-current version was NetHack 3.3.1. In NetHack 3.4.0, Yeenoghu's illicit deadly touch was taken away.

Umber hulks were not affected, because their confusion attack is handled in a different part of the code.[4]

These source excerpts might make clear the origin of the bug. Here is src/mhitu.c lines 999-1012 from NetHack 3.0.0, which was before the Riders existed:

#ifdef HARD /* a non-gaze AD_CONF exists only for one of the demons */
            case AD_CONF:
                if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(4) && !mtmp->mspec_used) {
                    mtmp->mspec_used += (dmg + rn2(6));
                         You("are getting even more confused.");
                    else You("are getting confused.");
                    make_confused(HConfusion + dmg, FALSE);
                /* fall through to next case */
            default:    dmg = 0;

Here is a partial quote of src/mhitu.c lines 1214-1258 from NetHack 3.1.0, the first version to implement the Riders:

            case AD_CONF:
                hitmsg(mtmp, mattk);
                if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(4) && !mtmp->mspec_used) {
                    mtmp->mspec_used = mtmp->mspec_used + (dmg + rn2(6));
                         You("are getting even more confused.");
                    else You("are getting confused.");
                    make_confused(HConfusion + dmg, FALSE);
                /* fall through to next case */
            case AD_DETH:
                pline("%s reaches out with its deadly touch.", Monnam(mtmp));
                [... the rest of the Rider code ...]
            default:    dmg = 0;

The Rider code was carelessly placed between the AD_CONF section, which handles Yeenoghu's confusion attack, and the default section, where it was supposed to finish. Thus execution improperly proceeded into Death's touch attack.

The bug was written up as bug C331-96[5] and was fixed in NetHack 3.4.0. Here is src/mhitu.c lines 1474-1486 from NetHack 3.4.3:

            case AD_CONF:
                hitmsg(mtmp, mattk);
                if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(4) && !mtmp->mspec_used) {
                    mtmp->mspec_used = mtmp->mspec_used + (dmg + rn2(6));
                         You("are getting even more confused.");
                    else You("are getting confused.");
                    make_confused(HConfusion + dmg, FALSE);
                dmg = 0;
            case AD_DETH:
                pline("%s reaches out with its deadly touch.", Monnam(mtmp));
                [... the rest of the Rider code ...]

The "dmg = 0;" and "break;" lines duplicate the ones in the default section, and Yeenoghu is restored to his pre-3.1.0 behavior.


In Slash'EM Extended, in honour of the "ludicrous bug", Yeenoghu gets the extra ability to zap the player with finger of death. Unlike the touch of death, however, reflection can save the player here.

Encyclopedia entry

Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls, still exists although
all his followers have been wiped off the face of the earth.
He casts magic projectiles at those close to him, and a mere
gaze into his piercing eyes may hopelessly confuse the
battle-weary adventurer.


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