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An Angel,[1] A, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack, and is the most prominent of the angelic beings. Angels are strong humanoid monsters that are capable of flight, can see invisible, and can follow a hero to other levels if they are next to you.

Angels possess two weapon attacks, a claw attack and a magic missile attack. In melee, the magic missile uses a number of d6 equal to half the monster's level plus 1 for damage, and ignores both reflection and half spell damage, but is completely nullified by magic resistance - at range, they are rays similar to those from a wand of magic missile that can be fired at will. Like other monsters with magic missile attacks, Angels have magic resistance, and also have cold resistance, shock resistance, sleep resistance, and poison resistance.


13 of randomly generated Angels will be minions of a random god from the hero's pantheon, and Angels serving the hero's deity are usually peaceful, while Angels that are "renegade" from that deity are peaceful towards cross-aligned heroes instead.[1] Angels that do not serve a particular god are lawful by default. Angels of a particular deity may also appear as hostile minions when that god is angered, and no Angel of any kind will generate randomly in Gehennom.

Several Angels in service of the gods (including Moloch) are generated on the Astral Plane at level creation. Upon reaching the Astral Plane, a hero who has a good enough alignment record and is not causing conflict will have a tame guardian Angel generated next to them.[2] If the hero is generating conflict when they enter the Astral Plane, or else generate conflict after entering that would affect the guardian Angel, that Angel disappears and a group of hostile Angels is generated in their place.[3][4]

Angels are always generated with a blessed erodeproof long sword that has an enchantment ranging from +0 to +3, and has a 120 chance of being made into either Demonbane or Sunsword (with an equal probability of each if neither artifact has been generated).[5] They are also always generated with an uncursed erodeproof +0 shield, which is a shield of reflection 14 of the time and a large shield otherwise.[6] The tame guardian Angel generated upon entering the Astral Plane has their level, armor and weapon enchantments boosted:[7] their weapon is blessed and has its enchantment raised by 1-4 points if it is under +4, and they will be given an amulet of reflection if they do not generate with a shield of reflection.

Angels are special-cased to become human zombies if a hero attempts to animate a statue of one by any means, including statue traps, or directly create them in wizard mode.[8] They are an invalid form for normal polymorph, and do not leave a corpse upon death.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

An Angel will receive a long sword 23 of the time and a mace the rest of the time. There is then the same 5% chance that it attempts to turn this item into an artifact, which will be Sunsword if it's a long sword and Demonbane if it's a mace; Demonbane's base item is changed to a mace per commit b1a5a9c3.


Angels have a solid AC of -4 augmented by their shield, and their magic missile attack can be quite fearsome in melee if you lack magic resistance; the attack also grants them magic resistance that makes a wand of death completely ineffective. The 14 chance of a shield of reflection can neuter other attack wands and ray-type spells as well, and the rest of them are much less effective due to the Angel's MR score of 55. Fire Brand and Stormbringer are among the best weapon choices when fighting Angels in melee; for viable ranged spells, the spell of fireball at Skilled or higher can do significant damage.

A hero on the Astral Plane will want to find their high altar as soon as possible and avoid getting too bogged down in combat where possible, and casters will have their power drained by carrying the Amulet of Yendor—a footrice corpse and a wand of teleportation are preferable tools in those scenarios. If you wish to avoid generating further hostile angels, remove any sources of conflict before entering the Astral Plane and do not generate conflict until after your Guardian angel has died - though its 55 MR means that conflict may not provoke it to leave for several turns, this is generally unreliable for purposes of avoidance.



In UnNetHack, Angels have a mutual grudge with major demons, and they will attack each other on sight.


Main article: Angel (starting race)

Previous versions of SpliceHack have Angels as a starting race.

Encyclopedia entry

He answered and said unto them, he that soweth the good seed
is the Son of man; the field is the world, and the good seed
are the children of the kingdom; but the weeds are the
children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the
devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers
are the angels. As therefore the weeds are gathered and
burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
[...] So shall it be at the end of the world; the angels
shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be
wailing and gnashing of teeth.
[ The Gospel According to Matthew, 13:37-42, 49-50 ]


  • ^  While "angel" is a common noun in English, in the NetHack source code (and thus the game) it is capitalized, and this article reflects that.
