Centaur (monster)

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A centaur is a type of monster that appears in older versions of NetHack from Hack 1.0 to NetHack 2.3e. The centaur first appears as an individual monster in Hack 1.21 and Hack for PDP-11, which are based on Jay Fenlason's Hack—in Hack 1.21, the centaur uses the c glyph, and from Hack for PDP-11 and Hack 1.0 on it uses the C glyph.

A centaur has a single attack.

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"The information below primarily concerns NetHack 1.3d, and will be expanded as necessary upon studying other versions."


Centaur are typically created hostile.

Centaurs are among the monsters that can be generated in throne rooms.[1]

Centaurs have a 12 chance of generating with a crossbow that has a 12 chance of being cursed, as well as 3-14 crossbow bolts.[2]


Centaurs are quite fast and annoying to deal with if they manage to pick up a ranged weapon, but a smart hero can position themselves for an easier fight. Dead centaurs are also quite filling at 500 nutrition.

Later versions

NetHack 3.0.0 introduces the centaur monster class and phases out the centaur monster in favor of the three modern subtypes.


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