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Charisma is an attribute in NetHack.


Charisma factors into gameplay much less often than other attributes, but still has several effects:

  • Charisma influences foocubus encounters, both by increasing the chance of a positive result and by giving more control over whether they remove the hero's armor.[1]
  • Charisma also affects the prices offered by shopkeepers for buying wares and selling items in their shop[2]—this is detailed in the table below.
  • Charisma increases the chances of a hero successfully bribing demons with less money than they demand.[3]
  • Charisma partly determines the amount of gold required to bribe the Yendorian army.[4]
  • The chance of successfully applying a saddle to a monster.[5]
  • The initial apport of new pets is equal to your charisma.[6]

Charisma also influences several funny messages that otherwise have no effect on gameplay or mechanics:

Changing charisma

A hero cannot exercise or abuse charisma, but can raise or lower it through a few methods. Charisma can be raised by the following:

Charisma can be decreased by the following:

  • The attribute-decreasing effect of quaffing a non-blessed potion of sickness.
  • The attribute-decreasing effect from sitting on a throne.
  • The effect of a worn ring of adornment with a negative enchantment.
  • A non-Wizard hero wearing a cornuthaum decreases their charisma by 1.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.

Charisma affects the probability that monsters are affected by conflict.

List of price adjustments

This table displays which charisma values produce which price multipliers when buying and selling in a shop:[2]

Charisma Price
3–5 ×2
6–7 ×1.5
8–10 ×1.33
11–15 ×1
16–17 ×0.75
18 ×0.67
19–25 ×0.5


Charisma is often overlooked as a stat of importance, but its use in foocubus encounters gives an advantage to higher-charisma roles and races, and favorable prices in early shops can be a large difference-maker in a particular game.
