Dwarf Noble quest

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The Dwarf Noble quest (formerly known as the Dwarf Noble 'B' quest) sees you traveling from the Lonely Mountain to retrieve the The War-mask of Durin from the Moria. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article. The latter half of the quest is based on (and uses levels drawn from) the Ruins of Moria branch in UnNetHack.

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"Format like other quest articles."


Home level

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The quest leader is sitting on the throne to the north. Both the arrival portal and the downstair are located outside the mountain.

Upper filler level(s)

These are dark, spider filled forest levels. There is a large amount of random loot here, most of it in spider webs. There are 9 mirkwood spiders and 3 mirkwood elders in random places on this level, as well as a large number of giant spiders. The upstair is located on the left, and the downstair on the right.

Locate level

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The Dwarf Noble Locate level is significantly more complicated than is typical.

First, the character will have to deal with the Watcher in the water (;). The Watcher will not approach the shore, instead attacking with a limitless number of regenerating tentacles. The simplest solution is to flee into Moria, as neither the Watcher nor its tentacles will be able to reach very far beyond the threshold.

In order to enter Moria, the character must uncover the secret door and open the indestructible artifact door beyond (+). To open the artifact door, stand next to it, #chat at the door, and type "Mellon" at the prompt.

Once inside Moria, the character should pick up their quest artifact, the War-mask of Durin, from the spot marked Q. Additionally, there is a large amount of random treasure scattered around the level, which the player may wish to store in the Magic Chest (().

Lower filler level(s)

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These levels contain a small army of hill orcs, orc shamans, and orc-captains. The pillars may contain a few Chunks of unrefined mithril. The upstair is located on the left, and the downstair on the right.

Goal level

In contrast to the Locate level, the Goal level is extremely straightforward. There is a small horde of hostile hill orcs and orc-captains to either side of the upstair. The Quest nemesis, Durin's Bane, will wait in the center of the bridge until either attacked or you move adjacent to him. Beware of his +9 bullwhip, which he will use to disarm you, and his high HP, which allows him to outlast you. Unlike most nemeses, Durin's Bane will not warp to the upstair when damaged.

The marked magic portal links back to the Home level. Be warned that this is a one-way trip! The portal on the Home level leads back to the Dungeons of Doom, rather than to here; and unless the Watcher was permanently dealt with it likely now blocks a return trip through the Quest. Make sure you don't forget the Bell of Opening after slaying Durin's Bane!