Octopode (starting race)

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The octopode is a playable race of monster that appears in notnotdNetHack.


Octopodes are introduced in the first release of notnotdNetHack, and are a playable form of sea monster: they are medium-sized cephalopods with a pliable body and tentacles that can be employed in a myriad of ways to compensate for a lack of normal limbs and an inability to wear most rigid armor. Aquatic monsters, including sea monsters that are not corpseless, are considered to be of the same race for purposes of cannibalism and same-race sacrifice.

Octopodes can be of any alignment, and can be played as a Binder, Convict, Illithanachronounbinder, Monk, Pirate, Rogue, Tourist, or Wizard.

Racial benefits and restrictions

Octopode characters are inherently waterproof and have low light vision in a 2-square radius around them. They start with stoning resistance, poison resistance, stealth, swimming, and magical breathing. Their special spell is poison spray.

Octopode characters have a cephalopod's body with four sets of tentacles - this allows them to wear eight rings (with one for each tentacle) and grants an extra 1d8 tentacle attack that can hold victims in place; this attack can drown monsters if the octopode attacks in melee while over a pool or moat of water. Their body shape also restricts them to wearing specific armor: octopodes can wear barded and non-rigid helms, all cloaks, dragon scales but not dragon scale mail, waistcloths, living armor, and all shields. Octopodes gain an +XL10 bonus to their natural DR and an +XL2 bonus to natural AC.

Octopodes have a unique ink spray ability that costs 15 power to use and creates a cloud of magenta ink that covers a 5-square radius around the character, and the ink has the following effects:

  • Non-octopode monsters with eyes are blinded for a minimum of 8 turns and remain blinded while inside the cloud.
  • Monsters that are inside the cloud cannot track via scent.
  • For each turn spent within the cloud, there is a 120 chance (5%) of recoloring a piece of a monster's worn armor to magenta unless the wearer is waterproof or an octopode.

Attribute caps

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Octopode 18/** 20 16 20 18 16

Due to their flexible body, octopodes have strength and dexterity caps comparable to that of dwarven characters, as well as wisdom caps, energy growth and HP growth comparable to humans. Their intelligence cap is on par with an elven or drow character, but their constitution cap is also as low, and their slightly low charisma cap can pose a non-zero amount of difficulty for tasks such as keeping pets or dealing with shops.

Starting equipment

Octopode characters do not receive any boots, gloves, shirts, or suits of armor ordinarily given to their roles, and are not given replacements.


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