Body armor

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Body armor, sometimes referred to as a suit of armor, is a type of armor that appears in NetHack. It is one of three armor types worn on the torso, along with the shirt and cloak - as a result, body armor may also refer collectively to all three slots, with torso armor referring to this slot specifically.


Body armor is generally the primary source of AC for the player character and monsters in the dungeon, and the more AC a piece of body armor provides, the more rare or heavy it usually is. Body armor is also one of two armor types to have any form of magic cancellation, with the other being cloaks.

List of body armor

Name Cost Weight AC Weight/AC Material MC Appearance
leather jacket 10 30 1 30 leather 0
leather armor 5 150 2 75 leather 1
orcish ring mail 80 250 2 125 iron 1 crude ring mail
studded leather armor 15 200 3 66.7 leather 1
ring mail 100 250 3 83.3 iron 1
scale mail 45 250 4 62.5 iron 1
orcish chain mail 75 300 4 75 iron 1 crude chain mail
chain mail 75 300 5 60 iron 1
elven mithril-coat 240 150 5 30 mithril 2
splint mail 80 400 6 66.7 iron 1
banded mail 90 350 6 58.3 iron 1
dwarvish mithril-coat 240 150 6 25 mithril 2
bronze plate mail 400 450 6 75 bronze 1
plate mail 600 450 7 64.3 iron 2
crystal plate mail 820 450 7 64.3 glass 2
dragon scales 500 40 3 13.3 dragon hide 0
dragon scale mail 900 40 9 4.4 dragon hide 0


While body armor is often heavy, it can provide a significant boost to your AC. The two most valued varieties of body armor are: the mithril-coats, which provide stellar AC but interfere with spellcasting and see use up to the mid-game at latest; and dragon scale mail, which all characters eventually seek out as soon as possible and is almost always part of an ascension kit. Both of these body armor types are immune to erosion and provide an excellent AC reduction for their weight.


Body armor is present as an armor slot in Jay Fenlason's Hack, as well as Hack 1.21 and Hack for PDP-11, and appears in Hack 1.0.

In NetHack 3.4.3 and previous versions, including some variants based on those versions, some types of body armor have different MC values:

Name Cost Weight AC Weight/AC Material MC Appearance First version
leather jacket 10 30 1 30 leather 0 NetHack 3.1.0
leather armor 5 150 2 75 leather 0 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
orcish ring mail 80 250 2 125 iron 1 crude ring mail NetHack 3.0.0
studded leather armor 15 200 3 66.7 leather 1 Hack for PDP-11 + Hack 1.0
ring mail 100 250 3 83.3 iron 0 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
scale mail 45 250 4 62.5 iron 0 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
orcish chain mail 75 300 4 75 iron 1 crude chain mail NetHack 3.0.0
chain mail 75 300 5 60 iron 1 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
elven mithril-coat 240 150 5 30 mithril 3 NetHack 3.0.0
splint mail 80 400 6 66.7 iron 1 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
banded mail 90 350 6 58.3 iron 0 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
dwarvish mithril-coat 240 150 6 25 mithril 3 NetHack 3.0.0
bronze plate mail 400 450 6 75 bronze 0 NetHack 1.3d
plate mail 600 450 7 64.3 iron 2 Jay Fenlason's Hack + Hack 1.0
crystal plate mail 820 450 7 64.3 glass 2 NetHack 1.3d
dragon scales 500 40 3 13.3 dragon hide 0 NetHack 3.1.0 (silver added in NetHack 3.3.0)
dragon scale mail 900 40 9 4.4 dragon hide 0 NetHack 3.0.0 (silver added in NetHack 3.3.0)


Variants of NetHack often add new types of body armor.

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