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A tileset is a set of graphical tiles used in roguelikes to substitute the regular ASCII graphics, creating a GUI. It works by defining a set graphical tile for every symbol and object in the game. Graphical tilesets are often beneficial to new roguelike players who are not accustomed to the usual graphics-free style roguelikes are presented in; Angband in particular has exceptional support for tile customization.

The NetHack DevTeam has created an official tileset for their official graphical client. Using tilesets provides the same top-down view as ASCII graphics, and should not be confused with separate clients using 3D graphics (such as Falcon's Eye), which are a separate system entirely.

NetHack 3.6.0 tileset

NetHack 3.6.0 has made some changes to the tileset layout. The default 16x16 tileset for 3.6.0 appears below. You can place the mouse over any tile and a tooltip will describe it. A click will go to a relevant page.

Giant antKiller beeSoldier antFire antGiant beetleQueen beeAcid blobQuivering blobGelatinous cubeChickatriceCockatricePyroliskJackalFoxCoyoteWerejackalLittle dogDingoDogLarge dogWolfWerewolfWinter wolf cubWargWinter wolfHell hound pupHell houndCerberusGas sporeFloating eyeFreezing sphereFlaming sphereShocking sphereBeholderKittenHousecatJaguarLynxPantherLarge catTigerGremlinGargoyleWinged gargoyleHobbitDwarf (monster)BugbearDwarf lordDwarf kingMind flayerMaster mind flayerManesHomunculusImpLemureQuasitTenguBlue jellySpotted jellyOchre jellyKoboldLarge koboldKobold lordKobold shamanLeprechaunSmall mimicLarge mimicGiant mimicWood nymphWater nymphMountain nymphGoblinHobgoblinorcHill orcMordor orcUruk-haiOrc shamanOrc-captainRock piercerIron piercerGlass piercerRotheMumakLeocrottaWumpusTitanothereBaluchitheriumMastodonSewer ratGiant ratRabid ratWereratRock moleWoodchuckCave spiderCentipedeGiant spiderScorpionLurker aboveTrapperPonyWhite unicornGray unicornBlack unicornHorseWarhorseFog cloudDust vortexIce vortexEnergy vortexSteam vortexFire vortexBaby long wormBaby purple wormLong wormPurple wormGrid bugXanYellow lightBlack lightZrutyCouatlAleaxAngelKi-rinArchonBatGiant batRavenVampire batPlains centaurForest centaurMountain centaurBaby gray dragonBaby silver dragonbaby shimmering dragonBaby red dragonBaby white dragonBaby orange dragonBaby black dragonBaby blue dragonBaby green dragonBaby yellow dragonGray dragonSilver dragonshimmering dragonRed dragonWhite dragonOrange dragonBlack dragonBlue dragonGreen dragonYellow dragonStalkerAir elementalFire elementalEarth elementalWater elementalLichenBrown moldYellow moldGreen moldRed moldShriekerViolet fungusGnome (monster)Gnome lordGnomish wizardGnome kingGiantStone giantHill giantFire giantFrost giantEttinStorm giantTitanMinotaurJabberwockVorpal jabberwockKeystone KopKop SergeantKop LieutenantKop KaptainLichDemilichMaster lichArch-lichKobold mummyGnome mummyOrc mummyDwarf mummyElf mummyHuman mummyEttin mummyGiant mummyRed naga hatchlingBlack naga hatchlingGolden naga hatchlingGuardian naga hatchlingRed nagaBlack nagaGolden nagaGuardian nagaOgreOgre lordOgre kingGray oozeBrown puddingGreen slimeBlack puddingQuantum mechanicRust monsterDisenchanterGarter snakeSnakeWater moccasinPythonPit viperCobraTrollIce trollRock trollWater trollOlog-haiUmber hulkVampireVampire lordVampire mageVlad the ImpalerBarrow wightWraithNazgulXornMonkeyApeOwlbearYetiCarnivorous apeSasquatchKobold zombieGnome zombieOrc zombieDwarf zombieElf zombieHuman zombieEttin zombieGhoulGiant zombieSkeletonStraw golemPaper golemRope golemGold golemLeather golemWood golemFlesh golemClay golemStone golemGlass golemIron golemHuman (monster)WereratWerejackalWerewolfElf (monster)Woodland-elfGreen-elfGrey-elfElf-lordElvenkingDoppelgangerShopkeeperGuardPrisonerOracleAligned priestHigh priestSoldierSergeantNurseLieutenantCaptainWatchmanWatch captainMedusaWizard of YendorCroesusCharonGhostShadeWater demonSuccubusHorned devilIncubusErinysBarbed devilMarilithVrockHezrouBone devilIce devilNalfeshneePit fiendSandestinBalrogJuiblexYeenoghuOrcusGeryonDispaterBaalzebubAsmodeusDemogorgonDeath (monster)PestilenceFamineMail daemonDjinniJellyfishPiranhaSharkGiant eelElectric eelKrakenNewtGeckoIguanaBaby crocodileLizardChameleonCrocodileSalamanderLong worm tailarcheologistbarbariancavemancavewomanhealerknightmonkpriestpriestessrangerroguesamuraitouristvalkyriewizardLord CarnarvonPeliasShaman KarnovEarendilElwingHippocratesKing ArthurGrand MasterArch PriestOrionMaster of ThievesLord SatoTwoflowerNornNeferet the GreenMinion of HuhetotlThoth AmonChromatic DragonGoblin KingCyclopsIxothMaster KaenNalzokScorpiusMaster AssassinAshikaga TakaujiLord SurturDark OneStudentChieftainNeanderthalHigh-elfAttendantPageAbbotAcolyteHunterThugNinjaRoshiGuideWarriorApprenticeinvisible monsterStrange objectArrowruned arrowcrude arrowSilver arrowbamboo arrowCrossbow boltDartthrowing starBoomerangSpearruned spearcrude spearstout spearSilver spearthrowing spearTridentDaggerruned daggercrude daggerSilver daggerAthameScalpelKnifeStilettoWorm toothCrysknifeAxedouble-headed axeShort swordruned short swordcrude short swordbroad short swordcurved swordSilver saberBroadswordruned broadswordLong swordTwo-handed swordsamurai swordlong samurai swordruned broadswordvulgar polearmhilted polearmforked polearmsingle-edged polearmLanceangled poleaxelong poleaxepole cleaverbroad pickpole sicklepruning hookhooked polearmpronged polearmbeaked polearmMaceMorning starWar hammerClubRubber hosestaffthonged clubFlailBullwhipBowruned bowcrude bowLong bowSlingCrossbowleather hatiron skull caphard hatFedoraconical hatconical hatDented potplumed helmetetched helmetcrested helmetvisored helmetGray dragon scale mailSilver dragon scale mailShimmering dragon scale mailRed dragon scale mailWhite dragon scale mailOrange dragon scale mailBlack dragon scale mailBlue dragon scale mailGreen dragon scale mailYellow dragon scale mailGray dragon scalesSilver dragon scalesShimmering dragon scalesRed dragon scalesWhite dragon scalesOrange dragon scalesBlack dragon scalesBlue dragon scalesGreen dragon scalesYellow dragon scalesPlate mailCrystal plate mailBronze plate mailSplint mailBanded mailDwarvish mithril-coatElven mithril-coatChain mailcrude chain mailScale mailStudded leather armorRing mailcrude ring mailLeather armorLeather jacketHawaiian shirtT-shirtMummy wrappingfaded pallcoarse mantelethooded cloakslippery cloakRobeapronLeather cloaktattered capeopera cloakornamental copepiece of clothSmall shieldblue and green shieldwhite-handed shieldred-eyed shieldLarge shieldlarge round shieldpolished silver shieldold glovespadded glovesriding glovesfencing gloveswalking shoeshard shoesjackbootscombat bootsjungle bootshiking bootsmud bootsbuckled bootsriding bootssnow bootswooden ringgranite ringopal ringclay ringcoral ringblack onyx ringmoonstone ringtiger eye ringjade ringbronze ringagate ringtopaz ringsapphire ringruby ringdiamond ringpearl ringiron ringbrass ringcopper ringtwisted ringsteel ringsilver ringgold ringivory ringemerald ringwire ringengagement ringshiny ringcircular amuletspherical amuletoval amulettriangular amuletpyramidal amuletsquare amuletconcave amulethexagonal amuletoctagonal amuletCheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of YendorAmulet of YendorLarge boxChestIce boxbagbagbagbagkeyLock pickCredit cardcandlecandleBrass lanternlamplampExpensive cameralooking glassglass orbLensesBlindfoldTowelSaddleLeashStethoscopeTinning kitTin openerCan of greaseFigurineMagic markerLand mineBeartrapwhistlewhistlefluteflutehornhornhornhornharpharpBellBugledrumdrumPick-axeiron hookUnicorn horncandelabrumsilver bellTripe rationCorpseEggMeatballMeat stickHuge chunk of meatMeat ringglob of gray oozeglob of brown puddingglob of green slimeglob of black puddingKelp frondEucalyptus leafAppleOrangePearMelonBananaCarrotSprig of wolfsbaneClove of garlicSlime moldLump of royal jellyCream pieCandy barFortune cookiePancakeLembas waferCram rationFood rationK-rationC-rationTinruby potionpink potionorange potionyellow potionemerald potiondark green potioncyan potionsky blue potionbrilliant blue potionmagenta potionpurple-red potionpuce potionmilky potionswirly potionbubbly potionsmoky potioncloudy potioneffervescent potionblack potiongolden potionbrown potionfizzy potiondark potionwhite potionmurky potionPotion of waterscroll labeled ZELGO MERscroll labeled JUYED AWK YACCscroll labeled NR 9scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXAscroll labeled PRATYAVAYAHscroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELSscroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEAscroll labeled PRIRUTSENIEscroll labeled ELBIB YLOHscroll labeled VERR YED HORREscroll labeled VENZAR BORGAVVEscroll labeled THARRscroll labeled YUM YUMscroll labeled KERNOD WELscroll labeled ELAM EBOWscroll labeled DUAM XNAHTscroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARINscroll labeled KIRJEscroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNEscroll labeled HACKEM MUCHEscroll labeled VELOX NEBscroll labeled FOOBIE BLETCHscroll labeled TEMOVscroll labeled GARVEN DEHscroll labeled READ MEscroll labeled ETAOIN SHRDLUscroll labeled LOREM IPSUMscroll labeled FNORDscroll labeled KO BATEscroll labeled ABRA KA DABRAscroll labeled ASHPD SODALGscroll labeled ZLORFIKscroll labeled GNIK SISI VLEscroll labeled HAPAX LEGOMENONscroll labeled EIRIS SAZUN IDISIscroll labeled PHOL ENDE WODANscroll labeled GHOTIscroll labeled MAPIRO MAHAMA DIROMATscroll labeled VAS CORP BET MANIscroll labeled XOR OTAscroll labeled STRC PRST SKRZ KRKScroll of mailScroll of blank paperparchment spellbookvellum spellbookragged spellbookdog eared spellbookmottled spellbookstained spellbookcloth spellbookleathery spellbookwhite spellbookpink spellbookred spellbookorange spellbookyellow spellbookvelvet spellbooklight green spellbookdark green spellbookturquoise spellbookcyan spellbooklight blue spellbookdark blue spellbookindigo spellbookmagenta spellbookpurple spellbookviolet spellbooktan spellbookplaid spellbooklight brown spellbookdark brown spellbookgray spellbookwrinkled spellbookdusty spellbookbronze spellbookcopper spellbooksilver spellbookgold spellbookglittering spellbookshining spellbookdull spellbookthin spellbookthick spellbookSpellbook of blank paperpaperbackBook of the Deadglass wandbalsa wandcrystal wandmaple wandpine wandoak wandebony wandmarble wandtin wandbrass wandcopper wandsilver wandplatinum wandiridium wandzinc wandaluminum wanduranium wandiron wandsteel wandhexagonal wandshort wandruned wandlong wandcurved wandforked wandspiked wandjeweled wandGold piecewhite gemwhite gemred gemorange gemblue gemblack gemgreen gemgreen gemyellow gemgreen gemyellowish brown gemyellowish brown gemblack gemwhite gemyellow gemred gemviolet gemred gemviolet gemblack gemorange gemgreen gemWorthless piece of white glassWorthless piece of blue glassWorthless piece of red glassWorthless piece of yellowish brown glassWorthless piece of orange glassWorthless piece of yellow glassWorthless piece of black glassWorthless piece of green glassWorthless piece of violet glassgray stonegray stonegray stonegray stoneRockBoulderStatueHeavy iron ballIron chainsplash of venomsplash of venomDark part of a roomNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallDoorwayopen doorclosed doorIron barsTreefloor of a roomdarkened part of the floorCorridorLit corridorstaircase upstaircase downladder upladder downAltarGraveopulent throneSinkFountainWaterIcemolten lavalowered drawbridgeraised drawbridgeAirCloudWaterArrow trapDart trapFalling rock trapSqueaky boardBear trapLand mineRolling boulder trapSleeping gas trapRust trapFire trapPitSpiked pitHoleTrap doorTeleportation trapLevel teleporterMagic portalWebstatue trapMagic trapAnti-magic fieldPolymorph trapVibrating squareZap beamDigging beamCamera flashBoomerang in flightShield effectPoison cloudValid positionEngulfingdark explosionnoxious explosionmuddy explosionmuddy explosionwet explosionmagical explosionfiery explosionfrosty explosionMagic missileFireColdSleepDeath rayLightningPoison gasAcidWarning level 0Warning level 1Warning level 2Warning level 3Warning level 4Warning level 5Gnomish Mines wallGnomish Mines wallGehennom wallFort Ludios wallSokoban wallSokoban wallstatue of a giant antstatue of a killer beestatue of a soldier antstatue of a fire antstatue of a giant beetlestatue of a queen beestatue of an acid blobstatue of a quivering blobstatue of a gelatinous cubestatue of a chickatricestatue of a cockatricestatue of a pyroliskstatue of a jackalstatue of a foxstatue of a coyotestatue of a werejackalstatue of a little dogstatue of a dingostatue of a dogstatue of a large dogstatue of a wolfstatue of a werewolfstatue of a winter wolf cubstatue of a wargstatue of a winter wolfstatue of a hell hound pupstatue of a hell houndstatue of Cerberusstatue of a gas sporestatue of a floating eyestatue of a freezing spherestatue of a flaming spherestatue of a shocking spherestatue of a beholderstatue of a kittenstatue of a housecatstatue of a jaguarstatue of a lynxstatue of a pantherstatue of a large catstatue of a tigerstatue of a gremlinstatue of a gargoylestatue of a winged gargoylestatue of a hobbitstatue of a dwarfstatue of a bugbearstatue of a dwarf lordstatue of a dwarf kingstatue of a mind flayerstatue of a master mind flayerstatue of a manesstatue of a homunculusstatue of an impstatue of a lemurestatue of a quasitstatue of a tengustatue of a blue jellystatue of a spotted jellystatue of an ochre jellystatue of a koboldstatue of a large koboldstatue of a kobold lordstatue of a kobold shamanstatue of a leprechaunstatue of a small mimicstatue of a large mimicstatue of a giant mimicstatue of a wood nymphstatue of a water nymphstatue of a mountain nymphstatue of a goblinstatue of a hobgoblinstatue of an orcstatue of a hill orcstatue of a Mordor orcstatue of an Uruk-haistatue of an orc shamanstatue of an orc-captainstatue of a rock piercerstatue of an iron piercerstatue of a glass piercerstatue of a rothestatue of a mumakstatue of a leocrottastatue of a wumpusstatue of a titanotherestatue of a baluchitheriumstatue of a mastodonstatue of a sewer ratstatue of a giant ratstatue of a rabid ratstatue of a wereratstatue of a rock molestatue of a woodchuckstatue of a cave spiderstatue of a centipedestatue of a giant spiderstatue of a scorpionstatue of a lurker abovestatue of a trapperstatue of a ponystatue of a white unicornstatue of a gray unicornstatue of a black unicornstatue of a horsestatue of a warhorsestatue of a fog cloudstatue of a dust vortexstatue of an ice vortexstatue of an energy vortexstatue of a steam vortexstatue of a fire vortexstatue of a baby long wormstatue of a baby purple wormstatue of a long wormstatue of a purple wormstatue of a grid bugstatue of a xanstatue of a yellow lightstatue of a black lightstatue of a zrutystatue of a couatlstatue of an Aleaxstatue of an Angelstatue of a ki-rinstatue of an Archonstatue of a batstatue of a giant batstatue of a ravenstatue of a vampire batstatue of a plains centaurstatue of a forest centaurstatue of a mountain centaurstatue of a baby gray dragonstatue of a baby silver dragonstatue of a baby shimmering dragonstatue of a baby red dragonstatue of a baby white dragonstatue of a baby orange dragonstatue of a baby black dragonstatue of a baby blue dragonstatue of a baby green dragonstatue of a baby yellow dragonstatue of a gray dragonstatue of a silver dragonstatue of a shimmering dragonstatue of a red dragonstatue of a white dragonstatue of an orange dragonstatue of a black dragonstatue of a blue dragonstatue of a green dragonstatue of a yellow dragonstatue of a stalkerstatue of an air elementalstatue of a fire elementalstatue of an earth elementalstatue of a water elementalstatue of a lichenstatue of a brown moldstatue of a yellow moldstatue of a green moldstatue of a red moldstatue of a shriekerstatue of a violet fungusstatue of a gnomestatue of a gnome lordstatue of a gnomish wizardstatue of a gnome kingstatue of a giantstatue of a stone giantstatue of a hill giantstatue of a fire giantstatue of a frost giantstatue of an ettinstatue of a storm giantstatue of a titanstatue of a minotaurstatue of a jabberwockstatue of a vorpal jabberwockstatue of a Keystone Kopstatue of a Kop Sergeantstatue of a Kop Lieutenantstatue of a Kop Kaptainstatue of a lichstatue of a demilichstatue of a master lichstatue of an arch-lichstatue of a kobold mummystatue of a gnome mummystatue of an orc mummystatue of a dwarf mummystatue of an elf mummystatue of a human mummystatue of an ettin mummystatue of a giant mummystatue of a red naga hatchlingstatue of a black naga hatchlingstatue of a golden naga hatchlingstatue of a guardian naga hatchlingstatue of a red nagastatue of a black nagastatue of a golden nagastatue of a guardian nagastatue of an ogrestatue of an ogre lordstatue of an ogre kingstatue of a gray oozestatue of a brown puddingstatue of a green slimestatue of a black puddingstatue of a quantum mechanicstatue of a rust monsterstatue of a disenchanterstatue of a garter snakestatue of a snakestatue of a water moccasinstatue of a pythonstatue of a pit viperstatue of a cobrastatue of a trollstatue of an ice trollstatue of a rock trollstatue of a water trollstatue of an Olog-haistatue of an umber hulkstatue of a vampirestatue of a vampire lordstatue of a vampire magestatue of Vlad the Impalerstatue of a barrow wightstatue of a wraithstatue of a Nazgulstatue of a xornstatue of a monkeystatue of an apestatue of an owlbearstatue of a yetistatue of a carnivorous apestatue of a sasquatchstatue of a kobold zombiestatue of a gnome zombiestatue of an orc zombiestatue of a dwarf zombiestatue of an elf zombiestatue of a human zombiestatue of an ettin zombiestatue of a ghoulstatue of a giant zombiestatue of a skeletonstatue of a straw golemstatue of a paper golemstatue of a rope golemstatue of a gold golemstatue of a leather golemstatue of a wood golemstatue of a flesh golemstatue of a clay golemstatue of a stone golemstatue of a glass golemstatue of an iron golemstatue of a humanstatue of a wereratstatue of a werejackalstatue of a werewolfstatue of an elfstatue of a Woodland-elfstatue of a Green-elfstatue of a Grey-elfstatue of an elf-lordstatue of an Elvenkingstatue of a doppelgangerstatue of a shopkeeperstatue of a guardstatue of a prisonerstatue of the Oraclestatue of an aligned prieststatue of a high prieststatue of a soldierstatue of a sergeantstatue of a nursestatue of a lieutenantstatue of a captainstatue of a watchmanstatue of a watch captainstatue of Medusastatue of the Wizard of Yendorstatue of Croesusstatue of Charonstatue of a ghoststatue of a shadestatue of a water demonstatue of a succubusstatue of a horned devilstatue of an incubusstatue of an erinysstatue of a barbed devilstatue of a marilithstatue of a vrockstatue of a hezroustatue of a bone devilstatue of an ice devilstatue of a nalfeshneestatue of a pit fiendstatue of a sandestinstatue of a balrogstatue of Juiblexstatue of Yeenoghustatue of Orcusstatue of Geryonstatue of Dispaterstatue of Baalzebubstatue of Asmodeusstatue of Demogorgonstatue of Deathstatue of Pestilencestatue of Faminestatue of a mail daemonstatue of a djinnistatue of a jellyfishstatue of a piranhastatue of a sharkstatue of a giant eelstatue of an electric eelstatue of a krakenstatue of a newtstatue of a geckostatue of an iguanastatue of a baby crocodilestatue of a lizardstatue of a chameleonstatue of a crocodilestatue of a salamanderstatue of a long worm tailstatue of an archeologiststatue of a barbarianstatue of a cavemanstatue of a cavewomanstatue of a healerstatue of a knightstatue of a monkstatue of a prieststatue of a priestessstatue of a rangerstatue of a roguestatue of a samuraistatue of a touriststatue of a valkyriestatue of a wizardstatue of Lord Carnarvonstatue of Peliasstatue of Shaman Karnovstatue of Earendilstatue of Elwingstatue of Hippocratesstatue of King Arthurstatue of the Grand Masterstatue of the Arch Prieststatue of Orionstatue of the Master of Thievesstatue of Lord Satostatue of Twoflowerstatue of the Nornstatue of Neferet the Greenstatue of the Minion of Huhetotlstatue of Thoth Amonstatue of the Chromatic Dragonstatue of the Goblin Kingstatue of the Cyclopsstatue of Ixothstatue of Master Kaenstatue of Nalzokstatue of Scorpiusstatue of the Master Assassinstatue of Ashikaga Takaujistatue of Lord Surturstatue of the Dark Onestatue of a studentstatue of a chieftainstatue of a neanderthalstatue of a High-elfstatue of an attendantstatue of a pagestatue of an abbotstatue of an acolytestatue of a hunterstatue of a thugstatue of a ninjastatue of a roshistatue of a guidestatue of a warriorstatue of an apprenticestatue of an invisible monsterDefault tileset
About this image

Default tileset

The default tileset for NetHack 3.4.3 appears below. You can place the mouse over any tile and a tooltip will describe it. A click will go to a relevant page.

Giant antKiller beeSoldier antFire antGiant beetleQueen beeAcid blobQuivering blobGelatinous cubeChickatriceCockatricePyroliskJackalFoxCoyoteWerejackalLittle dogDogLarge dogDingoWolfWerewolfWargWinter wolf cubWinter wolfHell hound pupHell houndCerberusGas sporeFloating eyeFreezing sphereFlaming sphereShocking sphereBeholderKittenHousecatJaguarLynxPantherLarge catTigerGremlinGargoyleWinged gargoyleHobbitDwarf (monster)BugbearDwarf lordDwarf kingMind flayerMaster mind flayerManesHomunculusImpLemureQuasitTenguBlue jellySpotted jellyOchre jellyKoboldLarge koboldKobold lordKobold shamanLeprechaunSmall mimicLarge mimicGiant mimicWood nymphWater nymphMountain nymphGoblinHobgoblinOrcHill orcMordor orcUruk-haiOrc shamanOrc-captainRock piercerIron piercerGlass piercerRotheMumakLeocrottaWumpusTitanothereBaluchitheriumMastodonSewer ratGiant ratRabid ratWereratRock moleWoodchuckCave spiderCentipedeGiant spiderScorpionLurker aboveTrapperWhite unicornGray unicornBlack unicornPonyHorseWarhorseFog cloudDust vortexIce vortexEnergy vortexSteam vortexFire vortexBaby long wormBaby purple wormLong wormPurple wormGrid bugXanYellow lightBlack lightZrutyCouatlAleaxAngelKi-rinArchonBatGiant batRavenVampire batPlains centaurForest centaurMountain centaurBaby gray dragonBaby silver dragonBaby shimmering dragonBaby red dragonBaby white dragonBaby orange dragonBaby black dragonBaby blue dragonBaby green dragonBaby yellow dragonGray dragonSilver dragonShimmering dragonRed dragonWhite dragonOrange dragonBlack dragonBlue dragonGreen dragonYellow dragonStalkerAir elementalFire elementalEarth elementalWater elementalLichenBrown moldYellow moldGreen moldRed moldShriekerViolet fungusGnome (monster)Gnome lordGnomish wizardGnome kingGiantStone giantHill giantFire giantFrost giantStorm giantEttinTitanMinotaurJabberwockVorpal jabberwockKeystone KopKop SergeantKop LieutenantKop KaptainLichDemilichMaster lichArch-lichKobold mummyGnome mummyOrc mummyDwarf mummyElf mummyHuman mummyEttin mummyGiant mummyRed naga hatchlingBlack naga hatchlingGolden naga hatchlingGuardian naga hatchlingRed nagaBlack nagaGolden nagaGuardian nagaOgreOgre lordOgre kingGray oozeBrown puddingBlack puddingGreen slimeQuantum mechanicRust monsterDisenchanterGarter snakeSnakeWater moccasinPit viperPythonCobraTrollIce trollRock trollWater trollOlog-haiUmber hulkVampireVampire lordVampire mageVlad the ImpalerBarrow wightWraithNazgulXornMonkeyApeOwlbearYetiCarnivorous apeSasquatchKobold zombieGnome zombieOrc zombieDwarf zombieElf zombieHuman zombieEttin zombieGiant zombieGhoulSkeletonStraw golemPaper golemRope golemGold golemLeather golemWood golemFlesh golemClay golemStone golemGlass golemIron golemHuman (monster)WereratWerejackalWerewolfElf (monster)Woodland-elfGreen-elfGrey-elfElf-lordElvenkingDoppelgangerNurseShopkeeperGuardPrisonerOracleAligned priestHigh priestSoldierSergeantLieutenantCaptainWatchmanWatch captainMedusaWizard of YendorCroesusCharonGhostShadeWater demonHorned devilSuccubusIncubusErinysBarbed devilMarilithVrockHezrouBone devilIce devilNalfeshneePit fiendBalrogJuiblexYeenoghuOrcusGeryonDispaterBaalzebubAsmodeusDemogorgonDeath (monster)PestilenceFamineMail daemonDjinniSandestinJellyfishPiranhaSharkGiant eelElectric eelKrakenNewtGeckoIguanaBaby crocodileLizardChameleonCrocodileSalamanderLong worm tailarcheologistbarbariancavemancavewomanhealerknightmonkpriestpriestessrangerroguesamuraitouristvalkyriewizardLord CarnarvonPeliasShaman KarnovEarendilElwingHippocratesKing ArthurGrand MasterArch PriestOrionMaster of ThievesLord SatoTwoflowerNornNeferet the GreenMinion of HuhetotlThoth AmonChromatic DragonGoblin KingCyclopsIxothMaster KaenNalzokScorpiusMaster AssassinAshikaga TakaujiLord SurturDark OneStudentChieftainNeanderthalHigh-elfAttendantPageAbbotAcolyteHunterThugNinjaRoshiGuideWarriorApprenticeinvisible monsterStrange objectArrowruned arrowcrude arrowSilver arrowbamboo arrowCrossbow boltDartthrowing starBoomerangSpearruned spearcrude spearstout spearSilver spearthrowing spearTridentDaggerruned daggercrude daggerSilver daggerAthameScalpelKnifeStilettoWorm toothCrysknifeAxedouble-headed axeShort swordruned short swordcrude short swordbroad short swordcurved swordSilver saberBroadswordruned broadswordLong swordTwo-handed swordsamurai swordlong samurai swordruned broadswordvulgar polearmhilted polearmforked polearmsingle-edged polearmLanceangled poleaxelong poleaxepole cleaverbroad pickpole sicklepruning hookhooked polearmpronged polearmbeaked polearmMaceMorning starWar hammerClubRubber hosestaffthonged clubFlailBullwhipBowruned bowcrude bowlong bowSlingCrossbowleather hatiron skull caphard hatFedoraconical hatconical hatDented potplumed helmetetched helmetcrested helmetvisored helmetGray dragon scale mailSilver dragon scale mailShimmering dragon scale mailRed dragon scale mailWhite dragon scale mailOrange dragon scale mailBlack dragon scale mailBlue dragon scale mailGreen dragon scale mailYellow dragon scale mailGray dragon scalesSilver dragon scalesShimmering dragon scalesRed dragon scalesWhite dragon scalesOrange dragon scalesBlack dragon scalesBlue dragon scalesGreen dragon scalesYellow dragon scalesPlate mailCrystal plate mailBronze plate mailSplint mailBanded mailDwarvish mithril-coatElven mithril-coatChain mailcrude chain mailScale mailStudded leather armorRing mailcrude ring mailLeather armorLeather jacketHawaiian shirtT-shirtMummy wrappingfaded pallcoarse mantelethooded cloakslippery cloakRobeapronLeather cloaktattered capeopera cloakornamental copepiece of clothSmall shieldblue and green shieldwhite-handed shieldred-eyed shieldLarge shieldlarge round shieldpolished silver shieldold glovespadded glovesriding glovesfencing gloveswalking shoeshard shoesjackbootscombat bootsjungle bootshiking bootsmud bootsbuckled bootsriding bootssnow bootswooden ringgranite ringopal ringclay ringcoral ringblack onyx ringmoonstone ringtiger eye ringjade ringbronze ringagate ringtopaz ringsapphire ringruby ringdiamond ringpearl ringiron ringbrass ringcopper ringtwisted ringsteel ringsilver ringgold ringivory ringemerald ringwire ringengagement ringshiny ringcircular amuletspherical amuletoval amulettriangular amuletpyramidal amuletsquare amuletconcave amulethexagonal amuletoctagonal amuletCheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of YendorAmulet of YendorLarge boxChestIce boxbagbagbagbagkeyLock pickCredit cardcandlecandleBrass lanternlamplampExpensive cameralooking glassglass orbLensesBlindfoldTowelSaddleLeashStethoscopeTinning kitTin openerCan of greaseFigurineMagic markerLand mineBeartrapwhistlewhistlefluteflutehornhornhornhornharpharpBellBugledrumdrumPick-axeiron hookUnicorn horncandelabrumsilver bellTripe rationCorpseEggMeatballMeat stickHuge chunk of meatMeat ringKelp frondEucalyptus leafAppleOrangePearMelonBananaCarrotSprig of wolfsbaneClove of garlicSlime moldLump of royal jellyCream pieCandy barFortune cookiePancakeLembas waferCram rationFood rationK-rationC-rationTinruby potionpink potionorange potionyellow potionemerald potiondark green potioncyan potionsky blue potionbrilliant blue potionmagenta potionpurple-red potionpuce potionmilky potionswirly potionbubbly potionsmoky potioncloudy potioneffervescent potionblack potiongolden potionbrown potionfizzy potiondark potionwhite potionmurky potionPotion of waterscroll labeled ZELGO MERscroll labeled JUYED AWK YACCscroll labeled NR 9scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXAscroll labeled PRATYAVAYAHscroll labeled DAIYEN FOOELSscroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEAscroll labeled PRIRUTSENIEscroll labeled ELBIB YLOHscroll labeled VERR YED HORREscroll labeled VENZAR BORGAVVEscroll labeled THARRscroll labeled YUM YUMscroll labeled KERNOD WELscroll labeled ELAM EBOWscroll labeled DUAM XNAHTscroll labeled ANDOVA BEGARINscroll labeled KIRJEscroll labeled VE FORBRYDERNEscroll labeled HACKEM MUCHEscroll labeled VELOX NEBscroll labeled FOOBIE BLETCHscroll labeled TEMOVscroll labeled GARVEN DEHscroll labeled READ MEScroll of mailScroll of blank paperparchment spellbookvellum spellbookragged spellbookdog eared spellbookmottled spellbookstained spellbookcloth spellbookleather spellbookwhite spellbookpink spellbookred spellbookorange spellbookyellow spellbookvelvet spellbooklight green spellbookdark green spellbookturquoise spellbookcyan spellbooklight blue spellbookdark blue spellbookindigo spellbookmagenta spellbookpurple spellbookviolet spellbooktan spellbookplaid spellbooklight brown spellbookdark brown spellbookgray spellbookwrinkled spellbookdusty spellbookbronze spellbookcopper spellbooksilver spellbookgold spellbookglittering spellbookshining spellbookdull spellbookthin spellbookthick spellbookSpellbook of blank paperBook of the Deadglass wandbalsa wandcrystal wandmaple wandpine wandoak wandebony wandmarble wandtin wandbrass wandcopper wandsilver wandplatinum wandiridium wandzinc wandaluminum wanduranium wandiron wandsteel wandhexagonal wandshort wandruned wandlong wandcurved wandforked wandspiked wandjeweled wandGold piecewhite gemwhite gemred gemorange gemblue gemblack gemgreen gemgreen gemyellow gemgreen gemyellowish brown gemyellowish brown gemblack gemwhite gemyellow gemred gemviolet gemred gemviolet gemblack gemorange gemgreen gemWorthless piece of white glassWorthless piece of blue glassWorthless piece of red glassWorthless piece of yellowish brown glassWorthless piece of orange glassWorthless piece of yellow glassWorthless piece of black glassWorthless piece of green glassWorthless piece of violet glassgray stonegray stonegray stonegray stoneRockBoulderStatueHeavy iron ballIron chainsplash of venomsplash of venomDark part of a roomNormal dungeon wallNormal dungeon wallDoorwayopen dooropen doorclosed doorclosed doorIron barsTreefloor of a roomCorridorLit corridorstaircase upstaircase downladder upladder downAltarGraveopulent throneSinkFountainWaterIcemolten lavalowered drawbridgeraised drawbridgeAirCloudWaterArrow trapDart trapFalling rock trapSqueaky boardBear trapLand mineRolling boulder trapSleeping gas trapRust trapFire trapPitSpiked pitHoleTrap doorTeleportation trapLevel teleporterMagic portalWebstatue trapMagic trapAnti-magic fieldPolymorph trapZap beamDigging beamCamera flashBoomerang in flightShield effectEngulfingdark explosiondark explosionnoxious explosionmuddy explosionwet explosionmagical explosionfiery explosionfiery explosionfrosty explosionMagic missileFireColdSleepDeath rayLightningPoison gasPoison gasAcidWarningGnomish Mines wallGehennom wallFort Ludios wallFort Ludios wallSokoban wallDefault tileset
About this image

Scaled versions



Various tilesets

At this writing (12 Dec 2015), most third party tilesets are not updated to NetHack 3.6.0. This program can convert the file, if it is in BMP format, and make it mostly usable with 3.6.0; it can also aid the author in updating his/her tileset. If a tileset is in PNG format and you are running the Windows port, it must be converted to BMP.

Pictographic tiles

ASCII-derivative tiles

Options to set a tileset

The option tile_file sets the path to the tileset; tile_width and tile_height set the width and height in pixels of each tile. Default settings for tile_width and tile_height depend on the user interface; usually both default to either 16 or 1/40th the width of the tile map (1/40th is correct for the default tileset and most third party tilesets, but Geoduck will need to have at least tile_height set).

See also

External links

This page may need to be updated for the current version of NetHack.

It may contain text specific to NetHack 3.6.0. Information on this page may be out of date.

Editors: After reviewing this page and making necessary edits, please change the {{nethack-360}} tag to the current version's tag or {{noversion}} as appropriate.