Shimmering dragon (SLASH'EM)

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For the deferred monster in NetHack and un-deferred appearances in other variants, see shimmering dragon.

A shimmering dragon, D, is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM. It is an adult dragon that lacks the displacement of its deferred counterpart in NetHack and its counter parts in other variants, but has noticeably higher AC than the other dragons it appears alongside. Like all dragons, shimmering dragons are strong, carnivorous, oviparous, thick-skinned, can see invisible, and are capable of flight - they will also seek out gold, gems and magical items to pick up.

Shimmering dragons have a magic missile breath weapon, a strong bite attack, and two claw attacks. Shimmering dragons possess magic resistance due to their magic missile attack, and are one of two dragons in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM to not hit as an enchanted weapon alongside silver dragons.


Randomly generated shimmering dragons are always created hostile. A baby shimmering dragon can grow up into a shimmering dragon.

Characters and monsters that polymorph while wearing shimmering dragon scales or shimmering dragon scale mail will turn into shimmering dragons.

Shimmering dragons may appear among the hostile D generated in throne rooms, and can also appear among the monsters randomly generated by looting a throne while confused and carrying gold (provided there is no chest on the level).[1] Shimmering dragons may also appear in dragon lairs and the Wyrm Caves.[2]

Shimmering dragons have a 13 chance of dropping a set of uncursed +0 shimmering dragon scales upon death unless disintegrated, and the chance is reduced to 120 if the dragon was revived.
