Plastic golem

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A plastic golem, ', is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. It is a type of golem that is slightly stronger than a straw golem, but is otherwise among the weaker golems added in those variants.

A plastic golem has two claw attacks, and possesses sleep resistance, poison resistance and drain resistance.


Randomly generated plastic golems are always created hostile. Plastic golems are always generated with 60 HP.[1]

In addition to random generation, plastic golems can generate as a result of polypiling if there are enough plastic objects in a pile of items.[2]

Plastic golems do not leave a corpse, and instead drop several credit cards upon death.[3]


Plastic golems are not especially strong even against an early-game hero, though their HP can take a while to cut through - they are a plentiful source of credit cards, which are especially useful in the variants they appear in since unlocking tools have a chance of breaking on each use.


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