Plastic golem

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A plastic golem, ', is a type of monster that appears in SLASH'EM, SlashTHEM, and Hack'EM. The plastic golem is a type of golem that is slightly stronger than a straw golem, but is otherwise among the weaker golems in those variants.

A plastic golem has two claw attacks, and possesses sleep resistance and poison resistance - in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, they also possess drain resistance. A plastic golem that is subjected to stoning will become a stone golem.[1]


Randomly generated plastic golems are always created hostile.

Plastic golems can generate as a result of polypiling if there are enough plastic objects in a pile of items.[2]

Plastic golems do not leave a corpse.


In SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM, plastic golems are always generated with 60 HP.[3]

Plastic golems drop 2-4 credit cards upon death in place of a corpse, and drop 2-4 cheap plastic imitations of the Amulet of Yendor instead if the TOURIST compile-time option is not defined.[4]


In Hack'EM, plastic golems are always generated with 40 HP in Hack'EM.

Plastic golems drop 2-8 plastic items which can be any of the following: credit cards, fly swatters, rubber hoses, eight balls, or very rarely a green lightsaber.


Plastic golems are not especially strong even against an early-game hero, though their HP can take a while to cut through - they are a plentiful source of credit cards, which are especially useful in SLASH'EM and SlashTHEM since unlocking tools in those variants have a chance of breaking on each use.


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