Stoning resistance

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Stoning resistance is a resistance property that appears in NetHack, and protects against stoning and being turned into a statue.


Main article: Stoning

Stoning resistance prevents the hero and monsters that have the property from being affected by the stoning attacks and properties of the following monsters:

  • Cockatrices and chickatrices, who can turn victims to stone with their touch attacks and hissing, their eggs, their corpses, and their tins
  • Medusa, who can turn victims to stone with her passive gaze (for the hero only), as well as stoning anyone that consumes her corpse or tin


Stoning resistance is a property that only occurs intrinsically in the following monsters:

While several of the monsters listed above are flagged as granting stoning resistance when their corpse or tin is eaten, there is no actual feature implemented that reads this flag.

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

Per commit 071d79dc, temporary intrinsic stoning resistance can be granted by eating the corpse or tin of the following monsters: acid blobs, chickatrices, cockatrices, gargoyles, winged gargoyles, spotted jellies, ochre jellies, yellow dragons and their babies, green molds, black nagas and their hatchlings, green slimes, xorns, Medusa, lizards, and the Chromatic Dragon.

Extrinsic stoning resistance can be obtained by wearing yellow dragon scales or yellow dragon scale mail.


Turning into a monster with stoning resistance is a viable method to either prevent stoning when dealing with several footrices, or else to abort delayed stoning inflicted on the hero. Stoning-resistant monsters can also wield footrice corpses, so beware if a hostile stoning-resistant picks one up!


The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

The following messages are added via commit 071d79dc:

You feel less concerned about becoming petrified.
You obtained temporary stoning resistance.
You no longer feel secure from petrification.
Your temporary stoning resistance expired.
