Sokoban (UnNetHack)

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In UnNetHack, Sokoban has many new levels in additional to the maps from NetHack, including several from SLASH'EM, and any of the levels can appear mirrored and flipped. Additionally, Sokoban as a branch only has three levels, with the map pool for the first level consisting of all first and second level maps.

The final level offers a choice between three prizes: a bag of holding, a cloak (of magic resistance or displacement), or an amulet (of reflection, life saving, or flying). The prize items are all placed on a burnt Elbereth engraving, and are temporarily type-identified while in direct line of sight, allowing for a more informed decision. When one of these objects is picked up, the other two are destroyed.

Bottom level
Sokoban Level 1a (like NetHack) Sokoban Level 1b (like NetHack)
Sokoban Level 2a (like NetHack, but one level lower and with pits instead of holes) Sokoban Level 2b (like NetHack, but one level lower and with pits instead of holes)
Sokoban Level 1c (also in SLASH'EM)
     |..|..|     --------    
------..0..--- ---......---  
|......---...| |?.........|  
|......---...| |?.........|  
------..0..--- ---......---  
     |..|..|     --------    
Sokoban Level 1d
---- ------>--     
Sokoban Level 1e
Sokoban Level 1f (also in SLASH'EM)
|.....|     |...|
-------     -----
Sokoban Level 1g
Sokoban Level 1h
Sokoban Level 1i
------ |.0.-----.| 
Sokoban Level 1j
  |......|       ----
Sokoban Level 1k
 ----    |.0....>|
Sokoban Level 1l
 ----  |....0|0.|..|
Sokoban Level 1m
-------       --------
---------------- ---- 
Sokoban Level 1n
Middle level
Sokoban Level 3a (like NetHack) Sokoban Level 3b (like NetHack)
Sokoban Level 3c
|.0....|..|    |^--
    -------   ---- 
Sokoban Level 3d
   ----- --------- 
Sokoban Level 3e
Sokoban Level 3f
Sokoban Level 3g
--------    |^--..|   
Sokoban Level 3h (GruntHack)
|..-0--.....| |.....|
--..0.00--.-| |.....|
 --......0..| |.....|
  ---.>---0.| |..<..|
    ----.|..| |.....|
         ---- |.....|
Sokoban Level 3i (GruntHack)
  |0.--..|----    |.....|
  |.00..--...|    |.....|
 --0..---.0..|    |.....|
 |.0..|....0--    |..<..|
 |...0|.0...|     |.....|
 --0...0.00.|     |.....|
  |.0.|.0.---     |.....|
  --..|...|       -------
Sokoban Level 3j (GruntHack Level 2)
Sokoban Level 3k (GruntHack Level 2)
 |..|  ---------
Top level
Sokoban Level 4a (like NetHack) Sokoban Level 4b (like NetHack)
Sokoban Level 4c
 -------    |..----+--
Sokoban Level 4d (also in SLASH'EM)
|.+......+.|  |^--
 ---------   ---- 
Sokoban Level 4e (GruntHack)
|.0.....0..0......|       |.|
|..|.0..-...----.-| ------|.|
 |.| |....---0|.0.|-|.....|.|
----|......0..|..|  -------  
Sokoban Level 4f (GruntHack)
  |...------  -----   -------  
  |.0.0.0..|---...| --|.....|  
 --..--.--.--...0.| |.+.....|  
 |.0..0.....0.0...| |-|.....|--
--.....--.--..0.--- |.+.....+.|
|.00-----.|----.|   |-|.....|.|
|.....||>.| ---0--  |.+.....|.|
--..0.|--0--|..0.|  --|.....|.|
 ---..---...|..0.|    ------|.|
   |.00...-.0.00.|          |.|
   |..--...|.....|          |.|


From UnNetHack 4.1.1 onwards, cheating in Sokoban does not incur a Luck penalty. Instead, solving Sokoban without cheating is tracked as a new conduct. To compensate, only one scroll of earth on the first level is guaranteed.

Since UnNetHack 6, solving Sokoban without cheating increases your Luck by 1 point.