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Sinks are a dungeon feature represented by a #. Sinks will cause anything in the air above them to fall to the floor, be it thrown weapons, or your levitating character. Falling into a sink while levitating will damage your hit points, and might even cause death. Kicking a sink or quaffing from it has consequences, most of them negative, with a few beneficial ones. Dropping rings into a sink will cause them to be lost down the drain, with a message that enables you to identify the ring.

Kicking a sink

Kicking a sink has several possible effects.

80 percent of the time, "Klunk! The pipes vibrate noisily." This exercises dexterity.

Once per sink, "A black ooze gushes up from the drain!" A black pudding is summoned, and dexterity is exercised.

Once per sink, "The dishwasher returns!" The dishwasher is a foocubus of opposite sex to the hero, or of random sex if the hero is a neuter creature. Dexterity is exercised.

Sometimes, "Flupp! Muddy waste pops up from the drain." Once per sink, when this happens, "You see a ring shining in its midst" and dexterity and wisdom are exercised.

If none of these things happens, "Ouch! That hurts!" You lose up to 5 hit points, abuse dexterity and strength, and possibly end up with a wounded leg.

Quaffing from a sink

You can drink from a sink by using the quaff command while standing over it. Upon doing so you get a message hinting at the resulting consequences. The specific message you receive depends on your status and the condition of dungeon monsters.

Effect No effect Chance 11/20
Condition NetHack Message
  You take a sip of (very) <hot, warm, cold> water.
  You hear clanking from the pipes...
  You hear snatches of song from among the sewers...
You are hallucinating From the murky drain, a hand reaches up... --oops--
Effect You drink burning water and lose 1d6 hit points Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  You take a sip of scalding hot water.
No effect if you are fire resistant It seems quite tasty.
Effect A sewer rat is created Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
You are unblind Eek! There's a sewer rat in the sink!
You are blind Eek! There's something squirmy in the sink!
No effect if sewer rat is genocided or extinct The sink seems quite dirty.
Effect You drink a random uncursed potion (other than water) Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
You are unblind Some <potion appearance> liquid flows from the faucet.
You are blind Some odd liquid flows from the faucet.
Effect A random ring is created and your wisdom exercised Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  You find a ring in the sink!
No effect if you already got a ring from sink Some dirty water backs up in the drain.
Effect The sink becomes a fountain Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  The pipes break! Water spurts out!
Effect A water elemental is created Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  The water moves as though of its own will!
No effect if water elemental is extinct But it quiets down.
Effect You gain one experience point Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  Yuk, this water tastes awful.
Effect Your hunger increases Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  Gagg... this tastes like sewage! You vomit.
Effect You polymorph Chance 1/20
Condition NetHack Message
  You undergo a freakish metamorphosis!
No effect if you have unchanging This water contains toxic wastes!

Identifying rings with a sink

All rings may be identified by dropping them into sinks. The sink will show an effect depending on the type of ring. Ring other than searching and slow digestion will be lost with 95% probability; therefore it is a good idea to do this test only if you have another ring of the same type as the one being tested.

NetHack Message Type of Ring Notes
You thought your [ring] got lost in the sink, but there it is! Searching Ring is not lost
The ring is regurgitated! Slow digestion Ring is not lost
The sink quivers upward for a moment. Levitation  
You smell rotten fruit. Poison resistance  
Several flies buzz angrily around the sink. Aggravate monster  
Static electricity surrounds the sink. Shock resistance  
You hear loud noises coming from the drain. Conflict  
The water flow seems fixed. Sustain ability  
The water flow seems stronger now. Gain strength (at least +0)  
The water flow seems weaker now. Gain strength (-1 or worse)  
The water flow seems greater now. Gain constitution (at least +0)  
The water flow seems lesser now. Gain constitution (-1 or worse)  
The water flow hits the drain. Increase accuracy (at least +0)  
The water flow misses the drain. Increase accuracy (-1 or worse)  
The water's force seems greater now. Increase damage (at least +0)  
The water's force seems smaller now. Increase damage (-1 or worse)  
Suddenly, [object on the floor] vanish[es] from the sink! Hunger No effect if there is no object on the floor; certain objects may resist
Several flies buzz around the sink. Meat ring Not the same as aggravate monster

The effects in the following table only occur if the hero can see:

NetHack Message Type of Ring Notes
The faucets flash brightly for a moment. Adornment Does not distinguish negative enchantment
The sink looks as good as new. Regeneration  
You don't see anything happen to the sink. Invisibility  
You see the ring slide right down the drain! Free action  
You see some air in the sink. See invisible  
The sink seems to blend into the floor for a moment. Stealth  
The hot water faucet flashes brightly for a moment. Fire resistance  
The cold water faucet flashes brightly for a moment. Cold resistance  
The sink looks nothing like a fountain. Protection from shape changers  
The sink glows silver for a moment. Protection (at least +0)  
The sink glows black for a moment. Protection (-1 or worse)  
The sink glows white for a moment. Warning  
The sink momentarily vanishes. Teleportation  
The sink looks like it is being beamed aboard somewhere. Teleport control  
The sink momentarily looks like a fountain. Polymorph  
The sink momentarily looks like a regularly erupting geyser. Polymorph control  

This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:

Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
  2. Any modifications to the spoiler must be acknowledged and credited.