Magic portal
A user has suggested this page be merged with "quest portal"
^ magic portal | |
Generates | Never randomly; special levels and branches only |
Effect | Transports between branches |
A magic portal, ^, is a type of trap that takes you to a different branch of the dungeon.
Portals are never randomly generated. They can be found:
- In a normal dungeon room (with no stairs) on levels 11 to 16, leading to the Quest.
- In a vault between dungeon level 11 and Medusa, leading to Fort Ludios.
- This portal will never be on the same level as the portal to the Quest.
- This is the only portal that is not guaranteed to appear.
- In Gehennom, a portal in one of the fake Wizard's towers leads to a portal in the entrance to the real one
- Somewhere on each of the Elemental Planes leading to the next.
Stepping on a portal will transport you to a corresponding portal on the destination level, with the exception of the portals on the Elemental Planes: those are strictly one-way portals
While a comment in the source code describes the branchporting effect of the Eye of the Aethiopica as "open[ing] a use-once portal"[1], the effect does not actually create a portal - the player is simply sent directly to the target level.[2]
Wizard mode
In wizard mode, magic portals can be wished for. Stepping on them causes you to escape the dungeon, ending the game immediately, with no option to continue the game.
Note that unlike the teleport trap and level teleporter, a portal will transport you even if you have magic resistance.
A magic portal is always activated when you move onto its square. The Fort Ludios, Wizard's Tower and Quest portals transport you onto a corresponding return portal. While standing on the portal, it will be activated if you #sit, provided there are no objects on the ground. [3]
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (NetHack 3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Using a magic portal causes you to be stunned for three turns.Removal
This trap cannot be removed, although the portal to your quest disappears if you are rejected with prejudice.
To find the portals, see Portal detection methods.
The portal to the Quest will be found between levels 15 and 19 inclusive. Furthermore, portals to each of the Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic Quests will be found in the same range of levels; all four quest portals will generate on different levels.
Encyclopedia entry
Portals can be Mirrors, Pictures, Standing Stones, Stone
Circles, Windows, and special gates set up for the purpose.
You will travel through them both to distant parts of the
continent and to and from our own world. The precise manner
of their working is a Management secret.
- ↑ src/artifact.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1558
- ↑ src/artifact.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 1575
- ↑ trap.c, line 1178 (Magic portal on you) and trap.c, line 1989 (On monsters)
This page may need to be updated for the current version of NetHack.
It may contain text specific to NetHack 3.4.3. Information on this page may be out of date.
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