Fortune cookie

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% Fortune cookie.png
Name fortune cookie
Base price 7 zm
Nutrition 40
Turns to eat 1
Weight 1
Conduct vegetarian (literate)

A fortune cookie is a comestible in NetHack that has a scrap of paper inside with a random rumor.


Eating a fortune cookie provides 40 nutrition; unless you are blind ("What a pity you cannot read it!"), the fortune inside will automatically be read. Blessed fortune cookies always contain true rumors, cursed fortune cookies always contain false rumors, and uncursed fortune cookies may contain either. They will never be rotten when eaten, regardless of their beatitude.[1] The fortune cookie can also be read normally, breaking and throwing away the cookie and reading the fortune inside.

Eating a fortune cookie breaks vegan conduct, but not vegetarian (presumably because it was baked with eggs or dairy); reading the fortune breaks illiterate conduct.


Because of their low weight and nutritional value, fortune cookies are useful for taming carnivorous domestic pets.

You can preserve vegan or foodless conduct by reading the cookie instead of eating it, which makes you break and throw away the actual cookie to read its paper. Illiterate conduct can be preserved by using it to tame pets as above; if they cannot be avoided entirely, you can blind yourself before eating the cookie.

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