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Nagas are monsters who have the head of a human and the body of a snake.


Female nagas can lay eggs, which may hatch into hatchlings. The hatchlings do not have any devastating attacks and are mostly harmless.

Red naga

Be careful not to fight red nagas over ice.

Black naga

While all naga corpses convey poison resistance when eaten, black naga corpses are also acidic.

Golden naga

Golden nagas are known to be able to destroy armor. Having a source of magic resistance helps.

Guardian naga

Guardian nagas can paralyze you with its bite attack. A ring of free action is handy in this case.

Encyclopedia entry

The naga is a mystical creature with the body of a snake and
the head of a man or woman.  They will fiercely protect the
territory they consider their own.  Some nagas can be forced
to serve as guardians by a spellcaster of great power.