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A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"Each option should be described."

The game options affect the look and feel of the game. They can be changed permanently in the defaults.nh file (or ~/.nethackrc on unix) or by using the in-game options screen.

To set options in the configuration file, list the boolean option to turn it on, prefix it with 'no' or '!' to turn it off, and for compound options, put the value after the option name, separated by colon:

OPTIONS=boulder:0, color, autodig, !cmdassist, norest_on_space, catname:Mirri

This sets boulder to 0, enables color and autodig, disables cmdassist and rest_on_space, and sets your cat's name to Mirri.

You can also set the options from the command line by setting the NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable.

The options screen is shown by pressing shift-O in the game.



Your starting alignment. Compound option, with possible values of lawful, neutral or chaotic. Cannot be set in-game.


Use the alt keys as meta keys. Boolean option, default is on. Only implemented for Amiga. Cannot be set in-game.


NetHack should display an ascii character map if it can. Boolean option. Can be set in-game.


NetHack should ask for save file disk for saving game. Only available if NetHack was compiled with MFLOPPY. Boolean option, defaults to false. Can be set in-game.


Automatically dig, if you're wielding a digging tool and moving into a place that can be dug. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Automatically pick up things onto which you move. See also pickup_types. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Automatically quiver some suitable weapon if your quiver empties when firing. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Use BIOS calls to update the screen display quickly and to read the keyboard (allowing the use of arrow keys to move) on machines with an IBM PC compatible BIOS ROM. Boolean option, default off. OS/2, PC, and ST NetHack only. Cannot be set in-game.


Set the symbol used to display boulders. For example boulder:0 Can be set in-game.


Set the name of your starting cat. Compound option, and it cannot be set within game. See also dogname and horsename.


Compound option. Sets your character type. Synonym for role. Can also be 'random'.


Save game state after each level change, for possible recovery after program crash. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Check free disk space before writing files to disk. You may have to turn this off if you have more than 2 GB free space on the partition used for your save and level files. A boolean option, defaults to on. Only applies when MFLOPPY was defined during compilation.


NetHack provides some additional command assistance when it detects some anticipated mistakes. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


NetHack should display color if it can for different monsters, objects, and dungeon features. This option matters only for the TTY windowport. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE on Windows and some other systems, FALSE on others. Can be set in-game.


Have user confirm attacks on peaceful creatures. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Use DEC line-drawing characters. Won't work for all terminals. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game. Turning this on sets IBMgraphics to FALSE.


Controls the prompts at the end of the game. Possible values are

  • i - disclose your inventory
  • a - disclose your attributes
  • v - summarize monsters you've killed
  • g - list genocided monsters
  • c - display conduct

Each of those values can be preceded with a value that tells how it behaves. The possible values are

  • y - prompt, defaults to yes
  • n - prompt, defaults to no
  • + - disclose without prompting
  • - - don't disclose, don't prompt

For example

OPTIONS=disclose:yi na +v -g -c


Set the name of your starting dog. Compound option, and it cannot be set within game. See also catname and horsename.


NetHack should pass eight-bit character values straight through to your terminal. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Does extended commands interface pop up a menu? A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Only implemented for the TTY windowport.


An obsolete synonym for gender:female. Cannot be set in-game.


An object's inventory letter sticks to it when it's dropped. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


TODO. A boolean option, defaults to off. Only usable on Amiga. Can be set in-game.


NetHack should try and display on the entire screen rather than in a window. A boolean option, defaults to false. Cannot be set in-game.


If more information is available for an object looked at with the '/' command, ask if you want to see it. A boolean option, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Visually distinguish pets from similar animals. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Set the name of your starting horse. Compound option, and it cannot be set within game. See also catname and dogname.


Main article: IBMgraphics

Use IBM extended characters. Won't work for all terminals. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Only implemented for the TTY windowport. Can be set in-game.


Ignore interrupt signals, including breaks. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Not implemented on Mac. Can be set in-game.


Display an introductory message when starting the game. A boolean option, defaults to on. Cannot be set in-game.


Distinguish visually between lit and unlit corridors. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Use the old a, b and c keyboard shortcuts when looting. A boolean option, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Enable mail delivery during the game. Boolean option, defaults to on. Only meaningful is NetHack was compiled with MAIL. Can be set in-game.


Use tabs to separate menu names from their values. This option is only shown when in wizard-mode, and is only meant for testing purposes.


Use mouse for moving around. A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Is displayed, but cannot be set in-game.


Read the NetHack news file, if present. Boolean option, defaults on.


Send padding NULLs to terminal. A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Only used if you compiled NetHack with TERMCAP and without TIMED_DELAY.


Use the number keys to move instead of [yuhjklbn].

0=use [yuhjklbn] (default)

1=use [79428613]

2=use [79428613] and invokes the old DOS behavior where `5' means `g', meta-`5' means `G', and meta-`0' means `I'

With number_pad:1 or number_pad:2, counts need to be prefixed with 'n' (n50s to search 50 times). Also, some extended commands are available in a short form (l=#loot, u=#untrap, etc).


Show permanent inventory window. A boolean, default to FALSE. Not used on TTY. Can be set in-game.


Prompt for confirmation before picking up items that will push the character's encumbrance past a given level -- Unencumbered, Burdened, Stressed, Strained, or Overtaxed. This will NOT prompt the player if he is about to pick up a loadstone.


NetHack should pop up dialog boxes for input. A boolean option, defaults to false. Can be set in-game.


Prompt for confirmation before praying. A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


NetHack should preload tiles into memory. A boolean option, defaults to true. Cannot be set in-game.


If you wield something when you are already wielding something else, the old weapon is pushed into the alternate weapon slot. A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Space waits for a turn. This is considered by some as a very easy way to get killed.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Prevents you from attacking your pet by moving into it. TRUE is the best setting as attacking a pet, should you wish to, is easily accomplished using the fight command.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


This option turns on debugging output, and is only available in wizard mode.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE.


Displays the exact number of experience points next to your experience level on the status line. Useful for seeing how close you are to the next level, but it may increase the length of the status line a lot, pushing important notifications (like Hungry, Ill, FoodPois, etc.) off the end.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Uses the symbol for your race instead of @. That's h for dwarves, o for orcs and G for gnomes. Elves are still @. This could be useful for reminding you not to genocide h but is not widely used.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Shows your approximate accumulated score on the bottom line. A boolean option, defaults to false. Can be set in-game. Only available if NetHack was compiled with SCORE_ON_BOTL.


Stops your terminal's bell sounding.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Display an on-screen keyboards; handhelds are most likely to support this. Boolean option, defaults to off. Cannot be set in-game.


Groups similar kinds of objects in your inventory. TRUE is highly recommended.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Enables messages about what your character hears. Quite a handicap if set to FALSE.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Display sparkly effect for resisted magical attacks (e.g. a fire attack on a fire-resistant monster). It can be helpful to turn this off on the Plane of Fire, otherwise a dozen or more sparkles will occur per turn.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Uses standout mode (reverse video) for displaying "--More--".

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Displays elapsed game time, in moves, on the status line. Very useful for estimating prayer timeouts, spell lifespan, and more.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


On unix and VMS, use a timer instead of sending extra screen output when attempting to pause for a display effect. On MSDOS without the termcap lib, chooses whether or not to pause for visual effect.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Prints an ASCII tombstone when you die.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Prints the top ten high scores in a window rather than stdout. This isn't very useful unless you are using a GUI version.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE. Can be set in-game.


Enables the travel command.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.


Displays certain things in reverse video.

A boolean, defaults to FALSE on non-Win32 platforms. Can be set in-game.


Chooses whether or not to display certain non-essential messages, such as doors being destroyed.

A boolean, defaults to TRUE. Can be set in-game.

Options screens

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Set what options?

Booleans (selecting will toggle value):
    legacy        [true]
    news          [false]
a - autodig       [true]
b - autopickup    [false]
c - autoquiver    [false]
d - checkpoint    [true]
e - cmdassist     [true]
f - color         [true]
g - confirm       [true]
h - DECgraphics   [false]
i - eight_bit_tty [false]
j - extmenu       [false]
k - fixinv        [true]
l - help          [true]
m - hilite_pet    [true]
n - IBMgraphics   [true]
o - ignintr       [false]
p - lit_corridor  [true]
q - lootabc       [false]
r - menu_tab_sep  [false]
s - mouse_support [true]

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a - null          [true]
b - perm_invent   [false]
c - prayconfirm   [true]
d - pushweapon    [false]
e - rest_on_space [false]
f - safe_pet      [true]
g - sanity_check  [false]
h - showexp       [true]
i - showrace      [false]
j - silent        [true]
k - sortpack      [true]
l - sound         [true]
m - sparkle       [true]
n - standout      [false]
o - time          [true]
p - tombstone     [true]
q - toptenwin     [false]
r - travel        [true]
s - use_inverse   [true]
t - verbose       [true]

Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value):
    name              [wizard]
    role              [Tourist]

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    race              [human]
    gender            [male]
    align             [neutral]
    altkeyhandler     [nhraykey.dll]
    catname           [(none)]
    dogname           [(none)]
    horsename         [(none)]
    msghistory        [20]
    pettype           [random]
    windowtype        [tty]
a - boulder           [÷]
b - disclose          [yi ya yv +g +c]
c - fruit             [pineapple]
d - menustyle         [full]
e - menu_headings     [inverse]
f - msg_window        [single]
g - number_pad        [0=off]
h - packorder         [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]
i - pickup_burden     [stressed]
j - pickup_types      [all]
k - runmode           [run]
l - scores            [3 top/2 around]
m - suppress_alert    [3.3.1]
n - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set)

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Variable playground locations:
    hackdir           [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    leveldir          [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    savedir           [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    bonesdir          [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    datadir           [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    scoredir          [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    lockdir           [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    configdir         [C:\Games\NetHack\]
    troubledir        [C:\Games\NetHack\]