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In SLASH'EM, robes in general are fairly different from their vanilla cousins. Firstly, they are no longer cloaks, but instead fill the body armor slot. Lighter even than leather armor, they do not interfere with spellcasting (as all other armors do in SLASH'EM, even dragon scale mail) or a monk's melee abilities or AC bonus (but will remove a doppelganger's AC bonus). Secondly, there are now magic robes, and all robes have a randomized appearance. Lastly, no robe provides any magic cancellation.

The randomized appearances for robes are red, orange, green and blue robes.


The most basic robe is simply a piece of armor. It is the only robe that can be distinguished by price, costing 25 zm instead of 50. It is also frequently found being worn by wraiths.

[   robe   Robe.png
Appearance randomized
Slot body armor
AC 1
Special (none)
Base price 25 zm
Weight 40
Material leather

Robe of protection

[   robe of protection  
Appearance randomized
Slot body armor
AC 5
Special (none)
Base price 50 zm
Weight 40
Material leather

A robe of protection has a considerably higher base AC than other robes, but confers no special abilities. Its chief use is that it provides a decent amount of AC and does not interfere with spellcasting or a monk's martial arts abilities. Most characters will prefer a good mithril suit or dragon scale mail, but a monk or an early wizard might find one of these robes desirable.

Robe of weakness

[   robe of weakness  
Appearance randomized
Slot body armor
AC 1
Base price 50 zm
Weight 40
Material leather

A robe of weakness is not a desirable item to wear: it sets your strength to 3. Its effect will cancel if combined with gauntlets of power.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to distinguish these robes from robes of power or protection through price identification. Moreover, these robes are usually generated cursed, so trying on random base-cost 50 robes is not a good idea. In general, one should use an altar to identify cursed robes to avoid these; 3 strength is a major handicap.

Robe of power

[   robe of power  
Appearance randomized
Slot body armor
AC 1
Base price 50 zm
Weight 40
Material leather

Like its vanilla counterpart, a robe of power robe enhances your spellcasting ability. Its enchantment makes no difference. Spellcasting monks will find these to be valuable items.