Hunting horror
w hunting horror ![]() | |
Difficulty | 28 |
Attacks |
Bite 5d12 physical |
Base level | 25 |
Base experience | 1155 |
Speed | 16 |
Base AC | -6 |
Base MR | 30 |
Alignment | 0 (neutral) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 1 (Very rare) |
Genocidable | Yes |
Weight | 9000 |
Nutritional value | 1500 |
Size | gigantic |
Resistances | none |
Resistances conveyed | none |
A hunting horror:
~ hunting horror tail (No tile) | |
Difficulty | 1 |
Attacks | |
Base level | 0 |
Base experience | 8 |
Speed | 0 |
Base AC | 0 |
Base MR | 0 |
Alignment | 0 (neutral) |
Frequency (by normal means) | 0 (Not randomly generated) |
Genocidable | No |
Weight | 0 |
Nutritional value | 0 |
Size | tiny |
Resistances | none |
Resistances conveyed | none |
The hunting horror tail:
A hunting horror, w~~, is a type of monster that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. The hunting horror is a worm-like creature that has a multi-segmented tail similar to a long worm: unlike the long worm, it will never grow more than two tail segments, cannot divide if its tail segments are attacked and quickly regrows segments if they are lost. Hunting horrors are strong and capable of flight, and have a tendency to wander while moving.
A hunting horror has a powerful bite attack.
Randomly-generated hunting horrors may appear in large groups, and are not randomly generated in Gehennom.
The hunting horror is quite fast at 16 speed and its bite is very dangerous to most heroes, though you can take advantage of its wandering behavior to attack the tail segments without fear of retaliation.
Encyclopedia entry
And in the air about him were great viperine creatures,
which had curiously distorted heads, and grotesquely great
clawed appendages, supporting themselves with ease by the
aid of black rubbery wings of singularly monstrous
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