Itlachiayaque (SlashTHEM)

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[   Itlachiayaque   (No tile)
Base item shield of reflection
When carried
When worn
When invoked
Base price 2000 zm
Weight 50

Itlachiayaque is an artifact that appears in SlashTHEM, which adapts the artifact from L's Itlachiayaque Patch against NetHack 3.4.3. It is lawful for generation purposes, and its base item type is a shield of reflection.


A randomly generated shield of reflection has an effective base 140 chance of being made into Itlachiayaque. It is the guaranteed first sacrifice gift for Archeologists.

Itlachiayaque grants fire resistance and half spell damage while carried, and grants reflection as normal while worn. Invoking Itlachiayaque allows the character to create a mass of poison clouds similar to the read scroll of stinking cloud.

Encyclopedia entry

Tezcatlipoca (Fiery Mirror) was undoubtedly the Jupiter of the
Nahua pantheon. He carried a mirror or shield [ Itlachiayaque ],
from which he took his name, and in which he was supposed to see
reflected the actions and deeds of mankind. The evolution of this
god from the status of a spirit of wind or air to that of the
supreme deity of the Aztec people presents many points of deep
interest to students of mythology.

[ The Myths of Mexico and Peru, by Lewis Spence ]
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