Jinja Naginata
) Jinja Naginata (No tile) | |
Base item | naginata (dNetHack) |
Damage vs. small | 1d8 +1d12 +1d12 |
Damage vs. large | 1d10 +1d12 +1d12 |
To-hit bonus | +1 +1d4 +5 |
Bonus versus | (any) |
Weapon skill | polearm |
Size | one-handed |
Affiliation | |
When carried |
(none) |
When wielded |
When invoked |
(none) |
Base price | 1200 zm |
Weight | 75 |
Material | iron |
Jinja Naginata is an artifact that appears in dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack. It is lawful-aligned and favors Samurai, and its base item type is a naginata.
Jinja Naginata is the first sacrifice gift for female Samurai.
Jinja Naginata can be used in melee combat like its base item, and while wielded it grants a bonus to the hero's AC equal to 2 plus the weapon's enchantment, twice the bonus of a standard naginata. The artifact has +1d4 to-hit and +1d12 damage bonuses versus all monsters, and while blessed it gains an extra +5 to-hit and +1d12 damage against holy-hating monsters. Samurai can wield Jinja Naginata in the off-hand when twoweaponing, though in practice this requires them to be in a huge-sized form or larger, since naginata are two-handed for medium-sized users.
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